President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle have not been invited to Prince William and Kate Middleton’s royal wedding. The Queen personally invited 40 heads of state, who received the gold-embossed invitations over the weekend to the April 29 wedding of the future king. The Obamas, however, were not among them.
But they can take solace in the knowledge that they will be the guests of their very own state visit to the UK in May. There have been suggestions that the state visit – the first for a US President since 2003 – was set up in return for Obama not coming to the wedding because of the added security costs involved with protecting the President.
French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni will also miss out and Prince Andrew’s former wife, Sarah Ferguson – the Duchess of York – has also been snubbed. Leaders from Commonwealth counties, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand have been invited along with Kings and Queens across Europe, including Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Greece.
The couple will hope the meet-and-greet will help prepare them for their first official overseas visit as a married couple to Canada in June. Other guests include the King of Jordan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, the Sultan of Oman, the King of Bahrain, the Sultan of Brunei and the King of Saudi Arabia, the Emperor of Japan, the King of Malaysia, the King of Tonga and the King of Thailand. Around 1,900 guests will attend the Westminster Abbey ceremony, which will be beamed around the world, and the bride and groom have been allowed to invite more than, 1,000 of their friends.
The invitations, which were posted last week, are on thick white card, bevelled, gilded and stamped with EIIR in gold which has then been burnished.
Har! Apparently this is old news. Still humorous however. The Obama’s will be attending the space shuttle launch instead.
Cripes..I hope I can sleep tonight..I been so worried about this
Kadaffi said he’s going…
“..oh sure, we had no clue we had moved the date of the launch to that of the wedding, mr pres..” *wink wink*
they should time the launch to the moment the vows are to be exchanged. -that should make a few Network pukes blow a fuse..
With any luck, one SRB will land on the wedding and the other will stab the city of london in-between the eyes.
-be one way to slow down the infestation of elites..
More importantly, I fear Prince William is starting to look more and more like his father. Ugh.
That prince Charles ugly gene will take a few generations to overcome but Harry appears to be doing pretty good. A total hottie.
Gee, President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan were invited it Prince Charles’ and Lady Diana’s wedding. I waiting for the Obama-bots to start playing the race card…
Revenge for the Region code 1 DVD set of movies Obama gave the visiting PM a while back.
I suspect the Royal Family
1) was afraid he’d bring Biden to the wedding,
2) was unwilling to accommodate Obama’s teleprompter.
It would be so cool if Obama didn’t want to go. Tricky politics either way. Probably more based on USA not giving UK some massive under the table TARP funding or support for Libya. Marriages are like that.
I don’t respect either of the couple. He may have been born and raised to be what he is facing but she wasn’t. Welfare does have a great appeal, the higher the benefits the more tempting I suppose but where is your life? But WTF do I know? Opening a Castle and other duties totaling 15 hours a week might be tolerable on balance? Ha, ha. Thats why I’m a commoner.
#6 Dallas,
Um, Prince Harry doesn’t have the Prince Charles ugly gene. Or any other DNA from Prince Charles. Duh!
Oh, damn right about him being a hottie though!
Okay, now that I’ve stated the bleeding obvious, I do think that it would have been a reasonable gesture to invite the Obamas. I fully expect that they would have declined to go, but as head of state of the United States of America, who saved Britain’s ass twice last century, the invitation should have been made simply as a gesture of respect for the United States. It does not matter who the president is at the moment.
Here’s the thing…………who f**king cares?
Honestly. This is why our country really sucks sometimes. Who gives a damn about some foreign princes wedding? So many people are fixated about Jersey shore dumbasses and Paris Hilton and other insignificant bastards who could really care less about the people who follow their every move.
If I was Obama I would be relieved.
Snookie…..I’m impressed. I didnt know you even had the acuity to access a computer…let alone write. Nice try dumbass.
I love the Kenyan rathole comment. I’ve never seen anyone so obsessed with a public figure in my life. Kind of like that creepy reporter who stalks Palin.
wow it is a fricken wedding not a stae function, it is for family and close friends.. this was hashed of several weeks ago.. 😛
They’ll send him the video on IPod.
Bigger question is why should Americans care about a British royal wedding? Someone should ask Obama if he supports the monarchy.
Royal Wedding, didn’t watch Diana’s could care less about this one. These things are made for People Mag. and Entertainment Tonight. Being (not invited) was probably set up in advance so as to not have to make an excuse to skip it.
Good. Remember all the bullshit the republicans made up about the cost of the India trip? They’d be foaming at the mouth if he went overseas for a wedding.
“French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni will also miss out..”
The Queen was probably worried Sarkozy would try to feel up the bride.
I notice the heads of all the oil countries got their invitations.
And the King of Thailand. Only monarch to have been on the throne longer than Lizzie. But I’d be shocked if he actually goes. He’s very old and his health is frail.
I’m sure he asked NOT to be invited. The political price he would have to pay would not be worth it. And really, who gives a rats ass? This price won’t in be charge of anything while Obama is in office, even if Obama is in until 2016.
And Tax Dude, stop fixating on the “Churchill Bust” tempest in a teapot.
From a Newsweek article:
“Churchill expert Steven Hayward of the American Enterprise Institute thinks the average Briton will be unfazed by the bust’s return, saying that folks across the pond have always been puzzled by American fondness for Churchill.”
An expert from the AEI (as right wing an organization as there can be) thinks the Brits could care less about this. It was drummed up as a controversy by the British rags, hoping to sell papers/online clicks, and was then fanned by “The Usual Suspects” on this side of the Atlantic.
Obama: “Not invited to the royal wedding? … yawn ….”
Seriously, I don’t give a rats ass. But you have to admit…it is intriguing. I would be happy if it was a snub by Obama. That would earn my respect.
It’s not that important, missing the wedding. Still, it looks rather pathetic:
Not being a part of an historical social function.
Overseeing the last effort, hence the demise, of one of the most important government sponsored programs in history.
This presidency will probably be remembered pretty much this way, I’m afraid.
#29 Tax Dude “This is another “Obama first,” first US president since the Revolution, dissed by the Brits!”
Tax Dude, did your education leave out American History or were you to busy writing love letters to Joe McCarthy to pay attention in class. Does the War of 1812 ring a bell? The whole burning the White House business?
John, he was not invited because he was not the head of state of a commonwealth country, there were zero invites to any head of state outside the commonwealth, aside from other royal families – It’s not so much singling Obummer out as it is being consistent.
I still haven’t replied to my invitation, but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it — the plumber’s coming that day. Anyway, I can’t think what to buy them for a wedding present. They probably have all the cutlery sets they need.
Hey great idea! For a wedding gift, he can send them a Region 1 DVD player.
Personally, I think it was not a snub but a courtesy since the Brits obviously know we can’t afford an overseas visit right now.
Hmmmm. Tea Bagger really is a commoner.
Nah. If they wanted to snub him, they would have invited Palin.
Obama is an incompetent, self-serving jerk! (And Dvorak isn’t much metter!)
It’s a friking wedding. Not a G12 conference!