Someone explain this to me. This picture is supposed to be racist.

Obama Chimp Photo

This picture is not?

I Don’t understand.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    (House of Lords, I know, but still like Congress nonetheless)

  2. Thomas says:

    You need to put the crack pipe down. Numerous States stated in their statements to withdraw from the Union that they were doing so specifically to protect the institution of slavery.

    RE: Porch Monkey

    I hear someone’s trying to reclaim that one… ;->

    As far as I can see, the last three years isn’t much different than the previous eight years except we’re respected less, in another war, unemployment is twice as high and we’ve got twice as much debt.

    When will enough time have passed to make a chimp satire of a black person acceptable? It’s been about 150 years since the Civil War and 40 years since the civil rights movement. That’s not enough time? Whomever said it above was right, the comparison to a chimp is an insult to chimps in both the case of Bush and Obama.

  3. Scott M. says:

    If you don’t know, there is no reason to waste my time explaining it to you.

    Goodbye DU

  4. tigerjuju says:

    I believe the difference is the general perception of what is the intended message behind the picture.

    Bush’s monkey picture is intended to make fun of Bush for being “not very intelligent”.

    Obama’s monkey picture appears to imply black people look like monkey, which is more like a racist remark than humor.

    I can understand the original maker of the Obama monkey picture may have mean humor, not racism. But that person would be an idiot if he/she really does not see that many American would see the picture as racism.

  5. Joe says:

    The fact that bush was an ape and Obama is not should figure in here

  6. Pharaoh90 says:

    Hmm, let see if I got this right. The long standing canard about black people being monkeys, apes and gorillas but not people. Has nothing you think to do with this being a racist joke at a black mans expense. Because why look here, a picture where someone is saying Bush is dumb as a monkey. So there. It’s all just liberal whining.

    I hope you commentators are just clueless little kids who don’t know better.

    Go see Whoopi Goldberg’s play.

  7. MikeN says:

    Because the second picture looks more natural. The first one has Obama frowning which is not a natural look for a chimp, the father chimp is as bad as it gets. So having a frowning Obama suggests blacks are too serious.

  8. LDA says:

    Calling Obama black is racist.

    Having him as the son of monkeys seems more targeted at perceived race. THere are other instances of just Obama as chimp. Whether or not it is racist depends entirely upon the intension of whoever created or repurposed the picture.

    It is unlikely the Bush ones are a comment on race. He did make monkey faces and walked like a gorilla. There is an historical precedence for depicting Germans as ape like neanderthals (the ‘Huns’) but I doubt that is the intension with Bush.

    P.S. Darwin depicted as a chimp wasn’t racist either. It’s all about context.

  9. Marc Perkel says:

    But Obama is 1/2 white. I think more than half white. We all come from Africa and we all evolved from monkeys. So to treat Obama differently than Bush is racist.

    Besides – the next Republican that gets elected – I want to chimpify him – regardless of race. It’s a free speech issue.

  10. LDA says:

    # 42 Marc Perkel

    “But Obama is 1/2 white…”

    That’s what I meant by ‘calling Obama black is racist’.

    “…I want to chimpify him – regardless of race…”

    I support you’re right to do so. However you asked why one may be racist and the other not.

  11. The_Tick says:

    Marc, i don’t believe anyone has said it shouldn’t be allowed so bringing the first amendment into it doesn’t make much sense. As for treating Obama differrently, it is not racist as opposed to racial. one deals with acceptance of age old derogations as opposed to the other which can best be described as a bunch of empty headed fucktards wishing it was the good old days when you could just hang a nigger.

  12. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    I think you’ve all missed the obvious:

    Chimps are native to Kenya but not to Texas.

  13. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #42 Marc Perkel said “..we all evolved from monkeys.”

    My education taught me that humans did not evolve FROM apes (monkeys, chimps, gorillas, etc), but that we all evolved from the same branch. In other words, we all share a common distant ancestor.

  14. The_Tick says:

    How so pedro?

  15. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    #45–Animby==good one. I’ll quibble just to point out BushtheRetard is not native to Texas either.

    Also, everyone understands that enough people think Bush is as dumb as a monkey, or dumb enough to be represented as such regardless of the actual truth. Everyone knows it.

    No one thinks Obama is dumb though so what else could the image be referring to? I can think of several black leaders where showing them as chimps would be a much closer argument that his one.

    Perkel–I do believe you aren’t spamming. Anyone dumb enough to say we evolved from monkeys is dumb enough not to know why the image is fairly called racist. But now you do know, so are we going to see the same post a year from now? Are we?????? I will lay odds on it.

  16. Somebody says:

    This is specieist and deeply offensive.

    I just hope no chimpanzees see it.

  17. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 49 bobbo,”I’ll quibble just to point out BushtheRetard is not native to Texas either.”

    That occurred to me just about a millisecond after I hit submit. But, what the hell? I figure most humor is only partially true, anyway.

    As for the part of your comment that suggests GWB was dumb as an armadillo and BHO is some kind of genius, well, GW graduated from Yale and then Harvard. BH split his undergrad between Occidental and Columbia then graduated from Harvard.

    Neither one is dumb. The only real difference is Bush’s grades are public knowledge (not a stellar performance) and Obama’s are a State secret.

  18. Obama not black says:

    One moment here
    Obama is not black
    He is 1/2 white

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    dusanmal, Alfred, Perkel:

    “books that reference our evolution from apes”

    Shame on you. No such thing exists.

  20. Marc Perkel says:

    Yes – we shared an ancestor with monkeys. Actually since all humans come from Africa we are all descendent from black people. White people didn’t evolve till humans migrated north to Europe.

    Obama is more white than black in my opinion. Besides having a white mother, the father was missing in his life for the most part so he was raised in a white society. He might call himself black but I’m not buying that.

  21. dbquick says:

    Here I thought you were a good guy, but you are probably a closet racist if you don’t see the difference. Racists have compared blacks to monkeys for years. They have not compared whites that way. If Bush is compared as a monkey it is not because of his race but because of his lack of intelligence. Not every white is compared to a monkey but blacks as a race have been by the racists. Now do you get it or are you still in denial that you are a racist. I am done with your column. I thought you were smart.

  22. So what says:

    Top photo obviously photo shopped. The bottom one, not so much.

  23. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Perkel==while I recognize and give humor a wide path, you appear to be entirely sincere with your ignorant post at #58. You need to listen to the comedy stylings of some of our great black standups when they were younger and angry.

    Think a mulatto defines himself or does society do it for him? Maybe it was Dick Gregory talking about “making it” out of the ghetto thru hard work, luck, and help by family and friends: “when you think you have made it, don’t worry, some white people will still remind you that you are black.”

    Then there is the well known reality of black self hatred:

    if you are white, your are all right,
    if you are brown, stick around,
    if you are black, get back.

    I don’t know how you can live in america and not know these things, so its not “exactly” ignorance. Maybe a variant in not having to face what you actually know?

    Here’s a nice little experiment: imagine you, YOU MARK PERKEL, wake up brown skinned like Obaman tommorrow. Now you are given a choice–stay as you are and go forth, or how much of your body would you be willing to give up to regain your white skin? Now don’t be too fast: start with a close haircut. Would you do that to get your white skin back? Toe nails? Eye lashes. Foreskin? I would think “everyone” would give up such small things to return to “normal.” But what of an arm or a leg? Rather be dead?

    Never read Black Like Me, or the Invisible Man? Still reality.

  24. GF says:

    Some people don’t have a very thick skin. And exactly what do I mean by “some people.” Exactly that, some people. Paranoia will destroy ya and f*ck up your mind.

    As far as racism is concerned I find it amazing so many think that there are masses of some people waiting to don white pointy robes and round up minorities for the greater good. Really? I don’t see that where I’m from. I do see a lot of criminals trying to obfuscate their crimes by trying to tie their incarceration to a racial issue when it is not.

  25. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 58 Marc Perkel said, “He might call himself black but I’m not buying that.”

    Hmmm. Interesting. Would you say Obama is more or less black than, say, Bill Clinton?

    Oh, and by the way Mr Marc – we share an ancestor with ALL mammals. I’ll leave it to DullAss to find a photo of GWB’s face on an elephant seal.

    And, just because we came from Africa doesn’t mean we started out black. I’m pretty sure I read that current theory is we all started out rather paler and, as some moved north and became whitish, others moved further south and became more melaninized.

    I still think you’re just trolling.

  26. Benjamin says:

    If blacks and whites are equal, calling Bush a monkey is no more or less insulting than calling Obama a monkey. By the way, blacks and whites are equal.

  27. KMFIX says:

    Common sense tells me, context is everything.

  28. Lou Minatti says:

    These lousy Photoshops are the products of ‘tards. These particular ‘tards have previously honed their skills drawing little Hitler mustaches on Bush and Obama.

    Funny thing is I don’t know of a single person who was swayed into changing their political opinions based on one of these lousy Photoshops.

  29. Alphanumeric says:

    The simple fact that John allowed this to be posted on his “Blog” Has just now convinced me to never visit this site again.

    Perhaps if enough people join me than maybe they will learn that actions have consequences…

  30. Rich says:

    I think America is starting to throw off the retarded guilt placed on us by leftists and Democrats. “Racist” is a term conjured from nowhere by people trying to confuse, lay on false guilt and render us powerless.


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