Someone explain this to me. This picture is supposed to be racist.

Obama Chimp Photo

This picture is not?

I Don’t understand.

  1. the haunted sheep says:

    because liberals are by far more racist and so very whiney. Its easy to use stuff like racism to just shut down any criticism or conversation. they did the same thing with the civil war. claimed it was about slavery, it had nothing to do with that and everything to do with states rights and foreign powers getting involved in american concerns. but its easier to shut it down by just saying confederates and any non federalist are racist. gotta love a liberal.

  2. mustardtits says:

    Black, white, who cares. Just stop fucking us over and maybe we’ll stop making gay little jokes to try and make ourselves feel better about getting monkey raped.By the way: is it rapped or raped? that’s the real question you should be asking yourself.

  3. Duh says:

    Because the picture of Obama insinuates he was born from monkeys. Bush insinuates he has the mentality of a monkey. Come on people, how about some critical thinking for a change!

  4. Hugo says:

    The difference is that Obama is black, and historically the argument that blacks were inferior humans, or even soul-less chimps, was used in order to justify slavery, and even after the end of slavery, to justify prejudices. Then you are offending a lot of people.

    Nowadays you can still hear, unfortunately, (here in Brazil, and I´m sure in several places around the world) people make comments of this fashion, like, “they barely lost their tale” (in the US it is too politically incorrect to say it, even if you are racist).

    In the other hand when you make Bush a chimp you are only offending the person, not a group of people.

    It´s all about context and history.

  5. Metalgeek says:

    So the fact that black people have been called “monkeys” for centuries doesn’t come into consideration?
    Or the fact that “Obama is a monkey” started before he was even the nominee for president, while Bush earned the comparison based of his poo-flinging policy doesn’t either?

    This post is just trying to equate 2 things completely non-related to justify being a fucking shithead racist.

  6. Haunted, you idgit says:

    Historically, whites (especially christians) tried to justify slavery by claiming blacks were animals, using black’s skin color and origin (Africa) as “proof”. Part of that “proof” was equating their skin color to that of monkeys. Haven’t you ever heard the phrases “jungle bunny” and “porch monkey”?

    Even though monkeys have also been used to make people look silly (such as the Bush monkey pics), when you put a black person as a monkey, it is viewed as racist. And given the source of that picture, it is racist.

  7. nicktherat says:

    they are both racist and give monkeys bad names. 🙁 id like these images takin down now for all the offended monkeys out there

  8. If you know history you will know why calling Obama a monkey is racism. Playing dumb does not get you off the hook.

  9. denacron says:

    Racists trying to reform probably find it objectionable as it fuels their hopelessly racist imagination.

    Any presiding primate is fair game for satire. In my lifetime I can see none that were not worth lampooning as an ape.

  10. dcphill says:

    Both pictures are an insult to chimpanzees.

  11. dusanmal says:

    @#8 History is irrelevant. In USA we now all have equal rights and are equals. Treatment of one individual as a monkey is same as treating any other individual as a monkey. No discrimination over gender, color, creed, sexual orientation, age,… you name it. As soon as law protects us all identically as it does, historical distinctions are racist themselves. Absolutely no right to invoke history in this situation.
    It was mockery of Bush, it is mockery of Obama. Left just can’t deal with mockery, only mock others. That is all.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Dusanmal nailed it.

    Good job!!

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    At least we finally have discovered who is really running the country.

    The daddy chimp is Harry Reid, and the mom chimp is Nanci Pelosi!

    (Am I now a racist by calling white people chimps??)

  14. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Perkel–too many white boys think just like dusanmal yet have enough of an inkling that history is relevant for certain topics to certain people and not at other times enough to admit “I don’t understand.” Now, given your history, I don’t think this is your case. I think you are shamelessly trolling. For someone who loves squirrels, I’d think you would be a more sensitive new age guy.

    For my $–several above nailed it. Same issue and a few variants have been posted regularly here. Last one I think was the noose from a tree branch, or maybe two other chimp charges against Obama.

    It is a toughie though: when is history relevant or not and why?

    Prove me wrong and tell us what you have learned/think/need to know so far?

  15. BigBoyBC says:

    Obama is not a monkey. He’s more of a puppet, just can’t quite figure who’s pulling his strings. At least with Bush, you knew Cheney was running the show.

  16. jay says:

    You really have to be stupid to not understand the difference. Or missed 8 years of bush in office to understand

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    BigBoyBC, see #14. Don’t forget Goldman Sachs.

    If you really want to know who is running the show, check these links.

    It’s an amazing and disgusting eye-opener.

    These articles prove without a doubt that Obama is the most corrupt President in American history, and anyone who defends him is a true, huge idiot.

  18. Criminal Mind says:

    I Don’t understand.

    You obviously think we’re all morons, instead of just some of us.

    You claim you don’t understand but we really do understand.

    Perkel, you’re nothing but a racist asshole like JCD and you wanted to post a racist depiction of Obama – for your own amusement or to earn some brownie points by sucking on JCD’s asshole more than usual.

    You did this thing, then rather than honestly face the consequences like a man, you hid behind that question up above, pretending.

    Happy, Perkel? Remember, what goes around comes around. That’s not imaginary, that’s Reality, Church of.

  19. Piku says:

    White guy with features that may resemble a monkey: people will call him “monkey”. No race issue intended. See, let’s say, from my country, soccer player Fernando Hierro:

    Then, go to a soccer game, have a black player, any, have the ball, listen to some hooligans make monkey sounds. Are you stupid to doubt their motivation?

    This really tells a lot about the right wing and what are they willing to defend.

  20. chris says:

    Bush actually did look like a monkey. It was in everything he did.

    Obama is a different sort of stereotype: the style-perfect black dude that aces the interview, but ends up being totally useless.

    Extra cool, but extra light on substance.

  21. d says:

    #6 Historically, nobody felt any need to justify slavery until the 19th century. It simply was a part of almost every culture on earth. The whites of one group cheerfully enslaved whites of other groups for most of recorded history.

    Originally, the first slaves to be brought to America were whites, but slave owners found that escaped white slaves blended into the population too easily. At the same time, the Slavs’ population was no longer easily raided for slaves (“slave” comes from “slav” as in Slovakia because so many slaves came from there for so long), so the slave trade switched to Africa for its source since they couldn’t easily fight back. Which white slave owners liked because it was harder for escaped slaves to blend in to the surrounding population.

    It was only after northern christians started campaigning against slavery as a christian religious goal that slave owners in the South bothered to create any excuses to justify slavery. Until then, slavery had simply been a fact of life since before recorded history in almost every culture on earth.

    Read “Black Rednecks, White Liberals” by Thomas Sowell for more info. Incredibly enlightening.

  22. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Net worth

  23. Paul Benjamin says:

    I agree with Hugo, Haunted, nicktherat, Deprogrammer9, pedro, and chris.

    That said I loved the when Bush was running things because I am neck deep in Bob Dole country ans was sick of the comments from everywhere around me and the TV.

    A monkey face Obama makes me cringe. The problem is that a non-monkey face Obama makes me cringe too. All I can do is hold on to my job until the whole scheme of empire America collapses then play it by ear. The sad part is it doesn’t have to be this way but the pols have sold their soles for the TV commercials to get elected.

  24. honeyman says:

    It’s the intent that’s possibly racist, not the actual picture. This is open to interpretation. However, casting a Negro as a monkey has traditionally been done to insinuate that the race is inferior. Use common sense people! Does anyone seriously think that if the Obama pic is racist, so is the Bush one?

  25. foobar says:

    It’s history. It takes generations for those associations to disappear.

  26. spsffan says:

    Actually, the Daddy chimp in the Obama picture looks to be the smartest of the four.

    But that aside, and while I tend to agree that a joke is a joke and nearly anything is ripe for satire, I am not deaf or blind or stupid. You would have to be at least one of the above to think that the Obama picture would not be immediately labeled racist in today’s world.

    A private joke among friends, even a professional comic or satirist is one thing.
    That it was distributed by an official of the Republican Party is quite another matter.

    And, while we’re at it, the left deals with mockery just about as well as the right. I DO wish you left/right ideologues would get over it.

  27. Rich says:

    Here’s what “I” don’t understand. Some kind of retard/retards did those hack Photshop jobs. I could do better than that and I have zero artistic ability.

  28. Ruger LCR says:

    The Sock Monkey looks like a monkey, Bush does not.

  29. raster says:

    this is the shot you were all looking for:

  30. Ah_Yea says:

    Raster, Great picture of Congress!


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