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Obama’s Clutch Car
By John C Dvorak Thursday April 21, 2011
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I didn’t buy the propaganda when Bush invaded Iraq and I don’t buy the propaganda coming out of the western governments pushing our involvement in Libya.
Iraq was at least in part being sold a bill of goods by people that wanted us to take out Saddam for them combined with us looking for a reason good enough to justify killing this truly vile man. I think the oil was a lesser issue but still an issue. The US of A is much the worse for that choice.
Libya is all about the oil and I think the guys at the top are all delusional because they are creating a very high priced mess. They aren’t going to end up with a clean deal that will allow them to make a profit. They should have read The Art of War. There are rules to War if you expect to make War pay and these ignoramuses are breaking all of them.
Our government is one of the most corrupt and worst run on Earth. Such governments fail. Eat, drink, and make merry while you still can.
The drug cartels are moving into the states. If this is a war we aren’t winning. Way to much money being spent on stuffed shirts who are useless. All they do is waste time passing brain farts with each other. Not enough on boots on the ground.
MSNBC=disgusting. He’s far it. Goody they are going to make us safe by giving us numbers like the Nazi gave the Jews. Oh yeah they want to keep up with all the people very similar to the system the Chinese have been using a for a few thousand years to control the under people. You will need a permit to travel/move.
I can evaluate the TSA program at least in part. Extremely costly while being mostly a farce meant to reassure the brain dead run by people who are absolutely incompetent. Politically well connected mind you but incompetent at protecting fliers or the nation.
The corn sweetener people are the kinds of people that worked for the tobacco lobby. Pretty soon they are going to say hydrogenated corn oil is good for you!
We went into Iraq because Sadam launched missiles into Israel, IMHO.
Israel wanted better security, so …
They didn’t send enough troops to get the job done in Iraq for a reason. The invasion was designed to cripple the US.
With the world superpower out of the way, other interests can do as they please.
What really sucks is the only way for the US will have to pay off it’s debt is to supply weapons to its “enemies”.
Messed up.
Adam smoking again??? Come on….!
#5 They are both smoking again.
#2 I don’t think that carried any weight as a motive and certainly wasn’t used to justify jack. Please recall Bush embarrassed himself by saying live on national TV that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and they spent a lot of time and money trying to find them.
They found a truck that was set up to make chlorine gas (easy to do using Chlorine bleach and ammonia)but no gas. They found some ancient shells that were inert that had been buried years previously and degraded by nature but nothing that could be used.
“Waking the Dead” BBC TV series had an episode that had a terrorist cell comprising three women. One of the women was going to use her newborn child to smuggle a bomb on a airplane and the other woman killed her before she got on the plain. “Missing Persons” episode 63 and 64 from 2008
so they stole it from TV
HFC vs sugar??
Ok, then why not use SUGAR??
HFC, is cheaper?? NO IT ISNT.
Sugar is CHEAP around the world, EXCEPT in the USA..because SUGAR is a regulated market in the USA.
They are all types of sugars. Glucose is a sugar, fructose is a sugar, dextrose is a sugar, lactose is a sugar. Complaining about calling HFCS “sugar” is pointlessly dumb, and the claim that it is nutritionally equivalent to sucrose is completely correct regardless of how it can be used in baking. The Dr. Lustig you two boneheads are bitching about is anti-fructose, since it is apparently quite damaging to use in high quantities because of how it is metabolized in our livers, and has been on his campaign for several years.
deowll: Perhaps the WMD argument was made ex post facto the decision to invade. I have no reason to believe my theory.
Sea Lawyer: isn’t that what they always do, pull thing from thin air? I thought that’s what the show was!