Just when you thought things in Washington couldn’t get any stupider… Do other countries treat their heroes this way? You can’t make crap like this up!
The tens of thousands of cops, firefighters, construction workers and others who survived the worst terrorist assault in U.S. history and risked their lives in its wake will soon be informed that their names must be run through the FBI’s terrorism watch list. Any of the responders who are not compared to the database of suspected terrorists would be barred from getting treatment for the numerous, worsening ailments that the James Zadroga 9/11 Health And Compensation Law was passed to address. It’s a requirement that was tacked onto the law during the bitter debates over it last year.
“This is absurd,” said Glen Kline, a former NYPD emergency services officer. “It’s silly. It’s stupid. It’s asinine.”“It’s comical at best, and I think it’s an insult to everyone who worked on The Pile and is sick and suffering from 9/11,” said John Feal, a former construction worker who lost half a foot at Ground Zero and runs the advocacy group Fealgood Foundation.
The provision was added in an amendment by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) during the heated debate over the bill in the House Energy and Commerce Committee last May. Sept. 11 responders in the committee room at the time mostly shook their heads at the move, which Democrats accepted on a voice vote after battling to bar other amendments on abortion and immigration that might have killed the bill.
“I think Congressman Stearns is stabbing at pettiness. He’s a buffoon,” Feal said. “We get sicker and die, and they’re going to disseminate a letter wondering whether we’re terrorists or not. … I think everybody needs to start showing a little more compassion.”
Here’s an article from last year about this inanity.
#1: Of all the nutty things you’ve said here before, this is the lowest. You truly are a despicable, money grubbing, compassionless, pseudo-human being.
If you really believe what you say, you’d go to NY, volunteer (so none of your precious tax money is used) to go to each firefighter, police officer and others who helped out — with their families present — and do the check in front of them. Tell them that despite their bravery that destroyed their health they can’t get help until they pass your little check.
It’s probably irrelevant to you that a real terrorist would be kind of unlikely to be involved in rescuing those he put there. That would require some thought beyond your precious wallet.
#1 wants to have some Washington bureaucrat between the hero and the doctor. He’s for big government.
I agree with Alfie the Turd Dropping Spam Bot:
Now, I think it is a waste of money to run these checks, and I suppose a few good folks will get screwed because a typo put their names on the list, but the “purpose” is not to pay funds to terrorists. Thats the goal. Who disagrees with that? Now–how do you implement the goal? got a better way?
I’d think a more direct more rational concern would be to prevent medical care being given to non 911 responders–you know, sick people who want free healthcare, the freeloaders of America. All good Republicans know people who are sick should work 3-4 jobs until they can pay for the care they get. Freeloaders–what ya gonna do?
Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.
Shit–I call for a do-over.
Wake Up Fools. Republicans are trying to save America by stopping sick people from getting care they don’t deserve. We can’t stop this freeloading without your help. Please vote, and stop a Dumbo from voting at the same time if you can.
Alfie–your crazy train is on the wrong track. This train is going to useless procedures in support of Security Theater. Birther Folleys is on track No 9 but I think the train derailed about 12 hours ago when the word went out from RNC: Onay oremay onway Obama’sway Irthbay Ertificatecay.
Bachman got the message. How where you missed?
They are American public employees, therefore they are hated by the right. They will do the same thing to when push comes to shove on the medical bills for the 50,000 gulf veterans who will need long term support.
@ Taxed Enough Already Dude said,
Please explain to me how money could theoretically get into the hands of terrorists from these medical pay outs?? I agree that checks should be made to verify that the system is not cheated by those claiming to be at ground zero when they were not. But Stopping terrorism—-Please!
Screw ’em as long as I get/got mine is the new order of things today. The rich are getting richer while the poor are dumb enough to believe the rich are taking our money for our own good. So much for balance.
I just hope the myan doomsday prophecy is right. The fate of the world is pretty bleak as it is going now.
The “list” of responders to NYC on 911 is well documented. You didn’t just arrive, you were dispatched by your agency. You were part of a massive, coordinated mass-casuality-incident team. The question isn’t WHO WAS THERE, that is known. This isn’t about sneaking new names onto the list. This is, suddenly, needing to background check these people. It isn’t asking for a drivers liscence and social security number to prove you’re the correct John Smith, 35 years of service to the NYFD. It’s whether or not John was part of some protest group when he was 19. It’s ludicrous.
The Birther debate is over.
We have more than enough evidence to show Obama is a natural born citizen.
The ONLY ones left to foam at the mouth over it are bigots.
Plain and simple there is no other excuse.
As for the OP. Without questions it is wrong.
A firefighter needs to dress up in a sooty suit and stand outside Congressman Stearns’ house, his office and anywhere he appears for a news conference with a sign that says “I AM NOT A TERRORIST”.
How is this “wrong?” Its a stupid waste of money–but too much of what government does is, why is this unique?
The OP says the medical care bill was “controversial” but I infer from this the actual bill itself was generally acceptable which is why other political opportunists could grandstand and pander by attaching unpopular riders to it?
IE–the popularity of the medical care could be leveraged by others. Seems to me there is no story here of note other than how worthless the rider advocates are which (hopefully?) says more about their constituency than themselves?
It was asked above and not answered: looks like most of the care needed would definitely be covered by Workers Comp. If I were otherwise qualified under this or any other bill I would have no problem at all with the gubment running my name against whatever data file they wanted to. Deny me for an invalid reason? Then the issue becomes real.
So, isn’t there really no story at all here until we see who gets denied?
What am I missing?
Just as I suspected (from the article link) – REPUBLICAN EFF YOU TO THE RESPONDERS – PRETTY MUCH LIKE THE CUTS IN VETERANS BENEFITS AND AID THE REPUKES ARE ALWAYS TRYING TO PUSH !!! (Until the “Liberal Media” show the RATS AND ROACHES in Veterans Facilities) and then the Repukes “rush” to correct the problem !!!
Lets face it, the Repukes are GREEDY, “ALL FOR ME, AND NONE FOR YOU” A-HOLES !!!
I can’t help think that all this birther crap is misdirection from the real issues.
Our economy is in danger of undergoing some fundamental changes because the cost of borrowing is going to go up since we are not doing the right things and trying to retire the debt, the money owed to the rich (yup, that 1% of the population who already own 80% of everything) is about to put the final squeeze on the United States and move to China.)
We citizens of one country don’t matter.
We’re going to get a massive parting present from the 1% in the form of crushing debt payments.
Look for intrest rates to become the leading factor of inflation.
Think it can’t happen?
Just look North. It happened to Canada.
Read up on the history of Fiscal Policy and you’ll be astonished at how bad it got for a while.
Think you can just move? Go ahead and try, without any money, (that’s got to say right here.)
@TeaDude, you’re so far the deep end that I’m not even sure if you’re for real or just trolling. Entertaining, though.
Heck, if there was a time machine and you saw Obama being born in Hawaii with your own eyes, you still would deny it. So any proof, counterpoint, etc. is just immaterial.
Thing is, you obviously wouldn’t vote for Obama, ever… Probably not for *any* Democratic candidate, ever. So your crazy opinions really don’t matter much.
In #21, I forgot to give a link to what I was referring to as far as canadian Fiscal History.
If I wanted to scare the shit out of people, I would give links to the history of hyper-inflation and its use as a weapon.
Remember the Zimbabwean Dollar?
Remember the German Mark?
Remember the Hungarian pengő?
If somebody walks into the valley of the shadow of death to help others then I’m for helping mitigate their suffering caused by doing so because I believe it is the right thing to do.
As far as I’m concerned anyone who wants to bring partisan party politics into this is a sick puke with tunnel vision who has a great difficulty telling right from wrong.
“If Obama is proved to be a fraud, THEN everything Progressive is de-legitimatized”
/implying that Obama is the modern day symbol of the Progressive movement.
//implying that if Obama is indeed to be a fraud, then every Progressive “thing”, including everything before Obama’s own birth year, is de-legitimatized.
-Just an amused bystander commenting.
OK first rule of a spy, have an ironclad back story. So if obama was an agent of another government it would follow that as part of his cover he would have a birth certificate. If asked he would produce the birth certificate to show that he is actually a citizen of the us. The supposition that he has not produced a birth certificate makes him suspicious. If he did produce a bc this would prove that he actually is a spy. At least in alfie little world.
And just what the hell is an astringent background check? These places check for acne now?
Any “Responder” that was on the list would now have grounds for demanding the government open up the list. Currently the list is used to deny people flying. OK, so flying optional. Being compensated for medical injuries caused by 9/11 isn’t.
The Federal government assumed all the costs for 9/11 from the city and state. There is no other way for an injured responder to receive treatment.
Christ on a pogo stick without his undies on, man you are screwed up. every month after the 20th you start showing how weird you can be. You are a walking advertizement for universal mental health care in this country.
You are exhibiting the effects of final stage syphilis. The damage is most likely too far advanced to correct. It is not too late to prevent even more damage. See your health provider; all it takes is a simple blood test and a couple of bucks worth of antibiotic.
All those little wee spirochetes eating their way through your brain. Making little tunnels and leaving enough room for the wind to blow through. Soon, after another while, there won’t be enough brain to retain conscious. Death soon follows when the brain can’t tell the lungs to breathe.
Oh, and BTW, the bible endorses abortion, genocide, infanticide, slavery, and paying taxes.
#32 Tdud doesn’t know what his talking points mean.
“Anti-imperialism includes opposition to wars of conquest, particularly of non-contiguous territory or people with a different language or culture; it also includes people opposing the expansion of a country beyond earlier borders.”
Basically everyone is anti-colonial/anti imperial at this point. You use the word as a slur, yet please point out to me where imperial/colonial behavior is tolerated/encouraged on the world stage by anyone.
I may not agree with some of the crazy shit you post, but its pathetic when you don’t even understand *your own* argument.
“Its only irrelevant if Obama isn’t a foreign agent intent on destroying America by giving Progressives everything they want, no restraint.”
Your words alf so do you believe he is a spy or not?
I consider this one of the worst insults those brave men could ever receive. If anything similar happens in future I doubt there will be many people willing to step up and help.
Yes of course he is a spy, the best ever, because whomever placed him there had two officials in Hawaii lie that they saw the long form certificate, two newspapers conspired to announce his birth in 1961 and every election official in every state of the US allowed him on the ballot.
It is all one big conspiracy to get a black Muslim man into the white house so he can feed the corporate interests as much as all the other ones did before him and distract the nation with wars and beer summits. Which beer is something Muslims are not allowed to drink.
Even lunatics in an asylum are shaking their heads in disbelief over this one.
@TeaDude: Even though the sign says “Do not feed the Trolls”, here’s a photo of Obama drinking beer:
And a whole article about Obama in a Deli, eating among other things pork.
Does that prove he’s not a Muslim? In your head, I’m sure it won’t.
Fascinating how reality really cannot get through sometimes.
You may have legitimate issues to discuss, but when you focus on silliness, there’s no getting past that.
But shhh, don’t tell your boy Trump. Too much fun to watch the regressives running around when that buffoon is the number one contender for GOP presidential candidate, by pandering to the birthers/ teabaggers.
arpie, don’t be silly and use your brain. You’re thinking, and that will soon be outlawed by congress.
And its a swing and a miss for alfie once again. As usual you can’t even stand by your own statements. Its a very simple question. You either believe he’s a foreign agent with a false BC out to ruin america or he’s an american national out to ruin the country. Come on you’ve obviously put a great deal of thought into this just answer the question.
“He don’t have it.”
“He don’t want to get carded.”
Wow that’s all I can say just wow.
I notice you never fly. The Terrorism Watch List will do that to you.
Just think. In the time it took you to suck your last dick there were three bible endorsed abortions. And the women didn’t even have to drink some poison administered by a priest or have their bellies cut open. I’m sure you admire how much abortion has progressed since biblical days.
talk about our good people getting slapped in the face. THIS is one time i totally disagree with whats going on some goverment officials are total buffons maybe they need a better back ground check they sure do a good job at bringing this country down terriost acts?????