Just when you thought things in Washington couldn’t get any stupider… Do other countries treat their heroes this way? You can’t make crap like this up!

The tens of thousands of cops, firefighters, construction workers and others who survived the worst terrorist assault in U.S. history and risked their lives in its wake will soon be informed that their names must be run through the FBI’s terrorism watch list. Any of the responders who are not compared to the database of suspected terrorists would be barred from getting treatment for the numerous, worsening ailments that the James Zadroga 9/11 Health And Compensation Law was passed to address. It’s a requirement that was tacked onto the law during the bitter debates over it last year.
“This is absurd,” said Glen Kline, a former NYPD emergency services officer. “It’s silly. It’s stupid. It’s asinine.”

“It’s comical at best, and I think it’s an insult to everyone who worked on The Pile and is sick and suffering from 9/11,” said John Feal, a former construction worker who lost half a foot at Ground Zero and runs the advocacy group Fealgood Foundation.

The provision was added in an amendment by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) during the heated debate over the bill in the House Energy and Commerce Committee last May. Sept. 11 responders in the committee room at the time mostly shook their heads at the move, which Democrats accepted on a voice vote after battling to bar other amendments on abortion and immigration that might have killed the bill.

“I think Congressman Stearns is stabbing at pettiness. He’s a buffoon,” Feal said. “We get sicker and die, and they’re going to disseminate a letter wondering whether we’re terrorists or not. … I think everybody needs to start showing a little more compassion.”

Here’s an article from last year about this inanity.

  1. Edwin Hubble says:

    Please stop using phrases like “Just when you thought things in Washington couldn’t get any stupider…”. It should have become obvious to everyone LONG before now that there IS no limit to Washington’s stupidity.

    This assertion is provable by simple mathematical induction:

    Monday: Washington does something stupid.
    Tuesday: Washington does something even stupider.
    Wednesday: Washington does something stupider still.

    Thus, if Monday is the nth day of the world’s existence, and Tuesday is the n+1th day…..

    If you think this causes you distress now, think about the level of stupidity they’ll reach in, say, another five years.

    Pray for the giant asteroid!


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