Earlier this month, Gary and Heather Clark were notified by officials at Tallwood Elementary School in Virginia Beach that their son Bronson had been suspended from school for allegedly crying in class and disrupting the educational process, according to the Rutherford Institute, a Virginia-based civil liberties organization.
“While crying in class may indeed be inconvenient for the teacher, surely there are other, less draconian means of addressing this type of disruption than an out-of-school suspension.”

The zero-tolerance policies adopted by many schools have seen kids “tossed out for the craziest things,” Mr. Whitehead said in a telephone interview. He cited a greatest hits of seemingly head-scratching insanity: A case where a Grade 4 student who gargled Scope mouthwash after lunch was suspended because it violated the school’s drugs and alcohol policy; a high-school student suspended because the nail clippers he had at school were considered a weapon; even one instance of a youngster bringing a drawing of an uncle, who was then serving in Iraq, carrying his gun, which the school said violated its weapons policy.

As for the boy suspended for crying, Mr. Whitehead points out that crying is something six-year-olds just happen to do sometimes. Dealing with the problem like this should start with consulting mom and dad instead of going straight to a suspension.

  1. Dallas says:

    These kids are outta control. This is an effective application for tasers.

  2. What? says:



  3. Madtownmoxie says:

    OF Course he’s Crying they named him frickin’ BRONSON!!

  4. Dallas says:

    He’s a good candidate for GOP speaker of the house.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    The kid has a big future ahead of him on Fox.

  6. dusanmal says:

    Consequence of legal gutting of teacher authority. Many of these “0 tolerance” cases and this one in particular are result of teachers being denied right to take proper disciplinary actions. Than, if you are legally banned from actions that would resolve situation normally – you end up with messed up cases like this.
    As usual liberal utopian thinking and legislating resulting in real life nonsense.

  7. dittmv says:

    …and we wonder why the United States is such a litigious country…
    …and we wonder why people would want to homeschool…
    …and we wonder why some kids have a bad attitude toward authority…

    We have seen this play before. Grab some popcorn. We have just finished act one…

    Idiots making idiotic decisions and then when confronted about their stupidity. They do the predictably most irrational thing possible and insist that they were right.

    Now for the following acts that have yet to occur. Hopefully administrator Ahab will not disappoint.

    act two…
    The parents will predictably disagree and sue.

    The administrators unable to tolerate decent will use one of the countless statist precedents on the books as a justification and try to create new more draconian precedents.

    The courts decide the case.

    act three…
    The logical thing would be to apologize before act two even started, but now come the appeals. The administrators will continue the insistence that this event represents an existential threat that must be destroyed, the insistence that the administrators did every thing they could do to stop this from happening, the insentience that the victim should be grateful that they were only suspended.

    Even if the parents do prevail in this case stooge administrators will keep the stupidity rolling like this “setback” never even happened and then we are back to act one…

  8. msbpodcast says:

    The thing to do is to claim that, while their child was heard crying with malice of forethought, in his defense, he was weeping and bemoaning the loss of his first amendment rights as guaranteed by the constitution of the United States.

    He will take up his second amendment rights instead, just like his predecessors did at Columbine.

  9. Richard says:

    Probably crying about the prison food he has to eat.

  10. TypicalSchoolSystem says:

    Typical of liberal run educational system, suspend rather than deal with what was making the “KINDERGARTENER” cry.

  11. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    When I was in school, a crybaby would get detention with a beating for the first offense, and a repeat offender got the firing squad. We only lost one kid that way, and that was all it took to send a powerful message to respect authority.

    Kids today don’t know just how easy they’ve got it.

  12. deowll says:

    I don’t know jack about this case but I do know something about the source of the story.

    It sounds like something unreasonable occurred but I have learned not to trust posts claiming to show various kinds of abuse. As often as not somebody is wanting more readers.

  13. GregAllen says:

    This story has the smell of all those fake scandal stories the bloggers love.

    If a child is crying constantly, they clearly aren’t ready for kindergarten.

    As for the Scope story — don’t blame us liberals. Blame the stupid conservatives for their obsession on “zero tolerance.”

  14. Publius says:

    Dear Parent:


  15. Alphie's confused donkey says:


    But, but, …, the Progressives would want to send the kid to a re-education camp, complete with Councillors. The Regressives want that there zero tolerance policy. It is part of their “get tough on crime” policy.

    Don’t ya remember that zero tolerance policy boss? Remember how we laughed because the zero was so close to your intelligence?


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