1. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:


    From the description, I’ve read enough. Ha, ha. I do like to think I’m well read, but do synopses count? Serious themes are not developed with main characters having the emotional complexity of teenagers. But where is the complexity in happy endings?

    A conundrum for sure, and a wilted flower in the vase of ideas?

  2. Uncle Patso says:


    “Well what do we have here?? A scene of colorful trailers stacked one on top of each other like a scene out of some sort of redneck theater?? Why yes! That’s exactly what we have…a really cool set design for an outdoor theater in Amsterdam. It was designed by Catherina Scholten and was done for a performance of Anton Chekov’s Ivanov.”


  3. Jeff M says:

    “A Super-Conducting-Tornado Magnet”

  4. revdjenk says:

    #10 for the win…

  5. deowll says:

    This was pretty good the first time it was posted.

  6. Stevn says:

    Nobody here can bring themselves to acknowledge the infinite creativity of the redneck. Shameful really, when you haters will starve because you cannot hunt, fish, or brew your own adult beverage. Suck on jewish federal reserve notes yuppie.

  7. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Modern modular habitable multi-family sculpture

  8. Big Steve says:

    Redneck Condo

  9. dadeo says:

    For Sale: 7 br,4 5/8 bath branch-style home. Pond, large wooded lot. Must sell to save marriage.

  10. footmonger says:

    How do I get in touch with the landlord? May I build a deck on?

  11. Dannythedog says:

    I love the penthouse at the top. That must be the highest rent.

  12. The Dude says:

    Pedro’s Datacenter

  13. JoeA says:

    Sacrificial alter to the Tornado Gods

  14. Rob Leather says:

    Brutalism – on a budget.


  15. loki122 says:

    My Old Kentucky Home

  16. great work, love your look, suits the blog well 🙂

  17. Stella Lopez says:

    I was just trying to think of a caption and then there was one question that was haunting me. Hell, how did they even build something like that?


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