Executive Producer: Sir Mark True
Executive Producers and 300 Club members: Cloudsigma AG, Josiah Thomas, Hans-Jorg Schultz, Anonymous, Simon Elisha
Associate Executive Producers: Robert Hulsy, Kevin McNulty
Art By: Jesse Anderson

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  1. Lou Minatti says:

    It’s good to know that the second most powerful man in America is on the job!

  2. deowll says:

    Teddy R. said being vice president is like being a brides maid. Unless the President croaks you don’t have that much power unless a tie vote happens.

    I had flash crash while listening to the program. Flash bleeps.

    The guy confused the Ivory Coast with Libya.

  3. What? says:

    It is as it should be.

    Unless you want a Dick C. VP again.

  4. Grandpa says:

    If more of the bastards would sleep more maybe I wouldn’t be getting my Social Security taken away.

    Sleep away asshole….

  5. EnemyOfTheState says:

    They gave me the depression to me after they took my home.

  6. What? says:

    Gramps, you’re under the mistaken impression that the Social Security you paid is due you.

    Wake up, the money went to your parents, if they lived long enough.

  7. B. Dog says:

    The 11th Mersenne prime is

    162 259 276 829 213 363 391 578 010 288 127.

    That is 2 to the 107th power minus 1.

  8. LuLu says:

    Hey — I just noticed that there are eleven sets of three digits — that’s thirty-three. The number B. Dogg gave us is the eleventh Mercenne prime. I’m subliminally seeing thirty-three. Three plus three is six — and three sixes is six-six-six (666). OMG!!!


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