Executive Producer: Sir Mark True Sign up for No Agenda Show Talking Points signup here. Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Talking Points Newsletter signup here. |
Executive Producer: Sir Mark True Sign up for No Agenda Show Talking Points signup here. Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Talking Points Newsletter signup here. |
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It’s good to know that the second most powerful man in America is on the job!
Teddy R. said being vice president is like being a brides maid. Unless the President croaks you don’t have that much power unless a tie vote happens.
I had flash crash while listening to the program. Flash bleeps.
The guy confused the Ivory Coast with Libya.
It is as it should be.
Unless you want a Dick C. VP again.
If more of the bastards would sleep more maybe I wouldn’t be getting my Social Security taken away.
Sleep away asshole….
They gave me the depression to me after they took my home.
Gramps, you’re under the mistaken impression that the Social Security you paid is due you.
Wake up, the money went to your parents, if they lived long enough.
The 11th Mersenne prime is
162 259 276 829 213 363 391 578 010 288 127.
That is 2 to the 107th power minus 1.
Hey — I just noticed that there are eleven sets of three digits — that’s thirty-three. The number B. Dogg gave us is the eleventh Mercenne prime. I’m subliminally seeing thirty-three. Three plus three is six — and three sixes is six-six-six (666). OMG!!!