As President Obama weighed in on one of the most important issues of the day, outlining his plan to deal with deficit reduction and attack the national debt, at least one audience member did not appear to be fully engaged. Biden, at one point, could be seen apparently nodding off — or at least deep in thought. The bug was catching, too. The woman in glasses directly behind Biden appears to close her eyes too.

If you watch closely, you’ll see a little drool on the corner of his mouth.

  1. MikeN says:

    He’s drooling over taking the top job after Obama decides not to run again, and maybe resign early.

  2. JoeBlow says:

    From Monty Python:

    No no he’s not dead, he’s, he’s restin’! Remarkable … Mr. Praline: ‘E’s not pinin’! ‘E’s passed on!

  3. oldfart says:

    The worthless Biden was NOT sleeping.

    He was checking his eyelids for holes.

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    Poor Obama, even your V.P. isnt interested in your plan. Just as the saying goes – never believe an economist who claims he can predict the future – never believe a politician who gives a 15 year window for his claims of how much he will reduce the deficit.

  5. soundwash says:

    -they all were hypnotized at birth..


  6. Troublemaker says:

    Seems to me the previous VP did this all the time. These guys are just too old to hold these jobs.

  7. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Certainly the weakest kind of post to make after any speech at all. How about a post about the validity of the speech? Will/could Obama’s plan even potentially be able to address/cure the deficit or is it like Ryans “Path to Prosperity” a total lie?

    YOU KNOW, the Pukes are so unreleaved liars about everything its fun to see what they really think of their own programs. Just negate or take the opposite of whatever they name their bills: “Path to Poverty” for instance. Thats what happens when you are bought and paid for.

    I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. Weak post for an even weaker speech.

    Are you saying Obama is not “bought and paid for”?

  9. TooManyPuppies says:

    bobbo, The issue at hand is Biden, asleep while his Master is preaching. Possibly dreaming about the boy-whore he shared with Boehner the other night. Go back to your cave and shadow puppets if you want to jibber jabber about the Democrat/Republican cult and the kool-aid drinkers who make-believe that there is a difference between the two.

  10. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Ha, ha. Actually going to “defend” this post heh? BTW–I did just watch it. Looks to me like he was resting his eyes after being up all night working on it. He was there for the ceremony only.

    But lets go to the merits:

    1. Weak post for an even weaker speech. /// Ok, THAT is a good subject. What was weak about it? Too lazy to find an analysis/article to that effect so you post this drivel. Who is your “target” audience when you post? Do you have one? You should. It should be “express” in your mind==and you should be proud of it.

    2. Are you saying Obama is not “bought and paid for”? /// I agree my word choice was a “false dichotomy” and worse==I knew it as I posted but I couldn’t think of a more defining phrase. But with just a little bit of thought in response to your valid critique, all I had to do was add what I actually was thinking of: “Thats what happens when you are bought and paid for by the SuperRich to Kill America.”

    Obama is only “mostly” bought and paid for. He will be totally bought and paid for when his rhetoric no longer offers false hope? Hah, hah.

    I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  11. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Puppy==any analysis to be VALID must COMPARE AND CONTRAST. Of course any two things have elements in common. The closer they are the same, the more elements they have in common. but they are NOT THE SAME, unless you are only discussing one subject. No, you fail in the basics of critical thinking: what are the CONTRASTS between the Pukes and Dumbos? If you can’t think of any then you are very ignorant, unimaginative, or simply a shill.

    After you have a usable list of similarities and differences, THEN and only THEN you start your analysis. I can see you are not even paper trained yet. Not ready yet to go out in the yard on your own.

    I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  12. McCullough says:

    #10. “Too lazy to find an analysis/article to that effect so you post this drivel.”

    Hit the nail on the head bro. I just got back from a long day in the coal mines, and needed to get rid of Beavis and Butthead. So I swapped them for, well, Beavis and Butthead look-alikes.

    You gotta admit, Joe does a pretty good Beavis, dontcha think?

  13. everyone says:

    Bobbo; this America thing you keep talking about. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  14. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    McCullough–your humor will keep you sane. I only watched once, but I have to add I didn’t see any spittle form on Biden’s lip. Was that really necessary given the time constraints?

    And every shit posting does have its own following–puppy is all for it, but I wonder what the issue really is about Biden falling asleep? Is he not loyal to Obama? Is this foretelling that he will challenge Obama in the primary? Yes, what is the relevant issue catching him with his eyes closed raises?

    Alfie knows its because Biden is a progressive, but what does puppy and other newspaper wetters think?

    We’ll just have to hold our breaths I suppose.
    BTW–there have been some good charts on tv the last few days all addressing the “fair share” of tax cuts, tax revenues, economic effect and what not brought on by this bru-ha-ha. I can even see getting a copy of them early as they will be relevant for the next two years at least.

    Obama’s speech was excellent in that he drew a line in the sand slamming Ryan’s piece of shit budget. Looks to me like we are going to go into stalemate with who knows what coming down sooner rather than later.

    Reality can be a harsh bitch when dogma is her only adversary==unfortunately, she takes her wrath out on ALL parties. More hurt and pain than is ever needed if dogma was not in play.

    Silly Hoomans====Wake Up. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  15. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    #13–everyone==how many fingers do you have?

    America: where one is not trapped by the circumstances of their birth and with hard work and some luck they get a legitimate chance to make a life for themselves. THATS what the Pukes are trying to Kill.

    I agree, we don’t have the America I grew up in. My public High School went from basically a school wide college prep institution to what looks like a work camp today. Sad. I feel sorry for kiddies today, what they are up against ==== and its the PUKES that want to make it even worse.

    Yea verily I say unto thee: Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  16. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    typo on #14 above to be added for accuracy and clarity: “Obama’s speech was excellent in that he drew a line in the sand slamming Ryan’s LYING piece of shit budget.”

  17. deowll says:

    We don’t have ten or fifteen years to fix this. Even the troll claimed three.

    I may not know when we forfeit our AAA credit rating but when that happens the hoe handle of ballooning interest and wild runaway inflation gets rammed up America’s backside until it exits the roof of America’s skull. Not a pretty predicament to be in.

    While we most likely do need to remove a good many special tax deals bought by lobbyist the sad truth is we’ve about reached the point where the most likely result of a tax increase is jobs lost and an even sicker economy with little if any increase in tax revenues.

    Small example of the Fed Gov fixing the economy. The fed has been giving out money to banks more or less free. The result is my earned interest was cut in half in the 2010 tax year as compared to the last year which meant I paid the Fed less money on it. Meanwhile the Fed Gov is borrowing the money they loan out for more than they are getting.

    We are no doubt loaning people money to gamble on oil prices going up which is driving the cost of fuel up. When/if some of these people tank who gets stuck with the bill? Last time it was we the people.

  18. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Big Puke Lie No 1: The Rich provide jobs.

    This is stated outright or with slight variation or just as often is the unstated assumption or it can be directly referenced in slime shit such as offered by dismal at #17: “…the sad truth is we’ve about reached the point where the most likely result of a tax increase is jobs lost…” /// Just a lie. An intentional fabrication to lead the sheep off the cliff.

    Even the anecdotal evidence supporting this claim is usually a transparent lie. Sad it has enough credence that it gets uttered at all.

    Insert here the chart showing income tax revenues hovering around 30 to 35% of Federal Revenue regardless of the nominal rates. Think “the highest corporate taxes in the Western World” but Standard Oil and CitiBank paying zero income tax year after year. Yes, corporate bastards create and employ the fine print to minimize taxes===why shouldn’t they since they are encouraged to?

    So, tax policy must balance/assess multiple issues. They can’t use mindless worthless pieces of shit dogma like dismal utilizes to make bumper stickers. Reality is more complex, more interactive.

    A progressive tax schedule is required because thats where the money is. Its moral because thats where the benefits received resides.

    Dismal–face your hypocrisy, take up the challenge: set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts.

    Let’s see it in black and white.

    Evil, repugnant hoomans. Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  19. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Pedro–since you addressed me, I will take pity as English is your second language. I am NOT apologizing for Obama. True, he could have been tougher, true I’m afraid he will compromise too much before the real nego’s even start, but unlike the Healthcare debacle which actually sets the stage for much of this current BS, I am afraid Obama will sell out in the name of ….. name of….. well, he’s just weak. Well intentioned, but weak.

    I don’t recall apologizing for any public figure on this blog. I have apologized for excess verbiage against other bloggers, but not public figures.

    I hope Google Translator will make the difference between “apologize” and “support” clear to you. Or do you know its available? Certainly couldn’t be worse than whatever translator you are using now.

    And I wouldn’t ask but your newest meme is “rample” which to my knowledge isn’t even a word in the English language. Care to define it for us?

    CORRECTION–I see I posted my challenge to dismal but it was actually do-ill that posted. Very close those two, but separate turds.

  20. GregAllen says:

    Oh, please, this blog entry is a desperate attempt to deflect from the fact that Obama’s economic plan is a thousand times smarter than the Republicans.

  21. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Greg–I never thought of that. Truly evil rather than just harried or inept eh? Well, I’ll let McCullough respond to that if he chooses.

    Gee McCullough, if you do choose to respond, why would a mine worker be supporting the party that wants to take away their healthcare? That doesn’t make any sense.

    A real puzzler for sure.

  22. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Grandpa–two excellent links. Thanks.

    I recall about the time NAFTA got passed the “idea” that exporting jobs to foreign shores was good foreign policy because it would give America someone to trade with. This would also reduce the need for foreign charity/support. Yes, these things were actually said, and still echoe’d today.

    There is no explanation for America’s failure to fight back in this new Economic World War 1 except that failure to do so advantages the excessively large so called international corporations. They should be all “trust busted” to a size that makes them American centric. Probably too late, but why not save what is left?

  23. steve says:

    America fell asleep a long time ago.

  24. hmeyers says:

    Thanks Bobbo for being possibly the first person to get the idea I’ve said for years that NAFTA is killing us.

    And unlike your prior signature, both parties are killing us.

    Democrats won’t cut entitlements, Republicans won’t cut defense or corporate welfare.

    As a result, so far they compromise resulting in neither being touched. In a mythical world where my thoughts mattered to politicians, I would end involvement in Afghanistan/Germany/South Korean/Japan/Philippines/phase out of Iraq and turn over to the EU, raise the Social Security age incrementally, phase out the Bush tax cuts, turn Medicare/Medicare over to the states, eliminate unions in the public sector, end tax loopholes, kill NAFTA, enforce the border, order new nuclear power plants, legalize all drugs (which brings the revenue stream and distribution under the domain of US courts and puts criminals out of business), mandate 50 MPG as the standard, ban the import of oil, eliminate the patent and copyright system, require health and life insurance to use body weight as a factor, eliminate the State Department [isolationism does not need this].

    And this country would recover in a few years.

    And, of course, this will ALL happen anyway. Just that it occurs over the next couple of hundred years.

    Just not in a timely manner.

  25. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    HMyers—I’ve agreed about NAFTA from the start and assume many other posters here do as well. It would take a post on issue I suppose to draw that out.

    but let me quibble on a few of your points. When intelligent/informed people disagree, one has to wonder: why? ((Perhaps an issue for Dr Phil?))

    In a mythical world where my thoughts mattered to politicians, I would end involvement in Afghanistan/Germany/South Korean/Japan/Philippines/phase out of Iraq and turn over to the EU, raise the Social Security age incrementally, phase out the Bush tax cuts, //// yea verily

    turn Medicare/Medicare over to the states, /// Making the program federal makes it portable. Usually this is code language for privatising or vouchering this safety net service. On its own, it means nothing without more details.

    eliminate unions in the public sector, end tax loopholes, kill NAFTA, enforce the border, /// yea, verily

    order new nuclear power plants, /// If you don’t “get it” with Fuckashima, you never will. Nuke = poison.

    legalize all drugs (which brings the revenue stream and distribution under the domain of US courts and puts criminals out of business), /// perhaps solving our budget crise within months of passage when adding in the savings in criminal justice area

    mandate 50 MPG as the standard, /// more like 200 mpg

    ban the import of oil, /// don’t be so authoritarian

    eliminate the patent and copyright system, /// greatly modify==again, don’t be so authoritarian

    require health and life insurance to use body weight as a factor, /// why? well—ok, I don’t want to be authoritarian but “group statistics” don’t control individual merit–except statistically which is what insurance is all about. But with Single Payer, there won’t be any health insurance.

    eliminate the State Department [isolationism does not need this]. /// Silly, but assume you are joking?

    And this country would recover in a few years. /// or months, but I’m kidding.

    And, of course, this will ALL happen anyway. Just that it occurs over the next couple of hundred years. /// Sadly, ….. or not.

  26. MikeN says:

    >How about a post about the validity of the speech?

    Not much in the speech worth analyzing. Biden had the right idea. I thought the President was going to present an updated budget request, instead he doesn’t even deliver what his own debt commission came up with, and instead calls for another commission.

  27. McCullough says:

    #22. “Truly evil rather than just harried or inept eh? Well, I’ll let McCullough respond to that if he chooses.”

    Truly evil, for certain.

    “Gee McCullough, if you do choose to respond, why would a mine worker be supporting the party that wants to take away their healthcare?”

    Actually, it’s an coal-fired power plant that serves So. Calif. (your digs)?. And as a contractor, I carry me own health insurance.

  28. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    McCullough–no, I’m in North California, and I thought you were being totally allegorical. Amusing. I think the prime question still applies though.

    I’d love to share a few beers with you and get your inside views on Enron. Fascinating story, very revealing on a wide range of subjects. Evidently, your proximity to this clusterf*ck didn’t teach you much?

    Oh well, perhaps with a little massaging? Wouldn’t you “personally” be better off with Universal Health care? One of the “corruptions” of American Society I have always spied is the way UNIONS used the fulcrum of healthcare benefits to the harm of the rest of America.

    USA Business would be advantaged if healthcare was nationalized. Just shows how stupid they are that they fight it.

  29. MikeN says:

    >address/cure the deficit or is it like Ryans “Path to Prosperity” a total lie?

    I don’t know if it cures, but it certainly addresses it. Glad to see he is approaching health care along the lines of Medicare Part D. For all of Bush’s big government spending ‘compassionate conservatism,’ he managed to produce an entitlement program that came in under budget.


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