As President Obama weighed in on one of the most important issues of the day, outlining his plan to deal with deficit reduction and attack the national debt, at least one audience member did not appear to be fully engaged. Biden, at one point, could be seen apparently nodding off — or at least deep in thought. The bug was catching, too. The woman in glasses directly behind Biden appears to close her eyes too.

If you watch closely, you’ll see a little drool on the corner of his mouth.

  1. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Lyin’ Mike==when you turn an entitlement program into a partially funded voucher program you haven’t done anything except killed it.


    Surely you aren’t this stupid, just a tool? Am I right????????

    I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  2. McCullough says:

    Bobbo- Evidently, your proximity to this clusterf*ck didn’t teach you much?

    I wasn’t even in country when that went down. I relocate quite often. But yeah, clusterfuck is a good description.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    If you think Biden is a little sleepy. How tired and half asleep do you think a Prez McCaine would have been? And while giving his own speeches? Certainly while listening to Sarah Palin struggle on, trying to make sense of what somebody else wrote for her to say. Yeah, Obama was the better choice. At least he only puts Biden to sleep.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Biden may be dozing off. But at least the whole GOP is paying close attention. Checking every word, to see what they can argue against. We’ve never had such a wide awake GOP, in decades. I doubt that even Bill Clinton’s speeches kept them on the edge of their seats. The GOP even has counter arguments ready, for things Obama hasn’t said. Or hasn’t said yet. The GOP is really working hard at being the NO NOO NOOOO party. Well at least you have to be awake to say NOOOOOO!

  5. Glenn E. says:

    I couldn’t find a topical place to mention the rising cost of gasoline. So here goes, here. Seeing how the US is supposed to be the world’s largest consumer of gasoline and oil. Then you’d think the US would have something to say about its pricing. I mean, if the US feels it’s being gouged by the oil producers and refiners. Then threatening not to buy it from the highest priced suppliers, ought to make them think about not jacking the price up so high. Just as taking your business to another bank or credit card, is supposed to get you better service or rates. Does it?

    I think all the US has to really do, it completely stop buying any oil from Al Gore’s oil company, Occidental. And the rest will freeze in their tracks. Then Gore will really have an inconvenient truth on his hands. But I suspect what this recent climb in gas prices is, is the result of last year’s huge oil spill. At least partly the reason. And the rest if from oil commodities speculative investing. To make up for all those default swap insurance investment losses. The world’s billionaires have to make back their losses, somehow. And BP has to make up for all the billions it still hasn’t paid out yet, to the gulf states.

  6. JackTheDripper says:

    “Wake Up Fools. Bobo just wants to keep repeating himself like a fool about Republicans wanting to Kill America.”

    Bobo, for the love of all that’s holy, stop being A) so repetitive, and B) such a all-knowing jackass.

    Your schtick is old, boring, and not entertaining in the least.

  7. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Dripper–I’m gonna keep it up: when relevant until I get a decent response. Why don’t you give it a try?

    Post after post of repetitive Puke Dogmatic Talking points that don’t withstand scrutiny.

    I challenge you as stated. Support what you say, or stfu.

    As with all positions, if you agree with me, you are amused such as I am at the lack of response. If you can’t face your own dishonesty and stupidity, of course you hate it.

    FREEEEEEEE Speech—needs to be repetitive when the attacks are repetitive.

    Easy Peasy

  8. MikeN says:

    When he signed the CR, he issued a signing statement that he would ignore it! Where are the liberals to complain about this unified executive who doesn’t care about the Constitution?


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