LONDON – In life, Pall Arason sought attention. In death, he is getting it: The 95-year-old Icelander’s pickled penis will be the main attraction in one of his country’s most bizarre museums. Sigurdur Hjartarson, who runs the Phallological Museum in the tiny Icelandic fishing town of Husavik, said Arason’s organ will help round out the unusual institution’s extensive collection of phalluses from whales, seals, bears and other mammals.
Several people had pledged their penises over the years — including an American, a Briton, and a German — but Arason’s was the first to be successfully donated, Hjartarson said. “I have just been waiting for this guy for 15 years,” he told The Associated Press in a brief telephone interview.
Highlights of the museum’s collection include a 170-centimeter (67-inch) sperm whale penis preserved in formaldehyde, lampshades made from bull testicles and what the museum described as an “unusually big” penis bone from a Canadian walrus.
Hjartarson, 69, said his interest in what he calls “phallology” began when, as a youngster in rural Iceland, he was given a whip made from a bull’s penis to help him herd cattle. Later, when he worked at a school near a whaling station, colleagues brought him whale penises as gifts. Photos posted to the museum’s website show small army of ghostly, whitish penises stuffed into jars, tall glass cylinders and large aquariums. There are sculptures, molds and other penis-related craft items. Outside, the museum has a large tree trunk carved into the shape of an erect phallus.
Most items are donations from friends and well-wishers, people listed on the museum’s website as “honorary members.”
In other news, it appears that Iceland has a penis museum.
YOU KNOW, Raygun said it best: “You see one tree, you’ve seen them all.”
Maybe “one” is not enough, but how many churches before stained glass in longer interesting?
How many paintings before art museums are only worth their snack bar?
As for Penis Museums, I’ve already been to the Oscar Meyer’s Plant. One ten pack, and I’ve seen enough, National Hebrew just to be sure.
One would think that in a place called Iceland, shrinkage would be of primary concern.
The vagina specimens are fake and merely jarred peaches.
This just in..
Not to be outdone, Japan opened their own penis museum, a sprawling 25cm petri dish showing off Japan Finest.
No word yet if viewing microscopes are complimentary or not..
-Back to you McCullough..
Its SouthPark that does the small Japanese penis jokes. Kinda like Hormel’s Sausage Bits.
At university in Edinburgh there was an anatomy museum full of 18-19 century specimens in jars. Among all the two headed embryos and deformed organs there was a fairly impressive human penis. Under the ancient latin label some long lost medical student had added “Scottish (small)”
I would be worried if my “friends” brought me whale dongs. That is all.
In Canada we call our collection of dicks “Parliment”.
Youtube videos of pets. A penis museum in Iceland. I liked it more when dvorak blog had polarizing argumentative blog posts of substance on a daily basis.
Yeah, maybe I am being a bit of whining dick, but hey that is the topic of the news article so I’d like to think I’m keeping it relevant. 😉
Where is Angel Wong with the zinger?
95? Willie Nelson turned 75 last year and said, “I have finally outlived my dick.”
Here is Penis Size by country:
YOU KNOW, those pickle jars some bars have? Think I’ll look a little closer next time.
Just last week a friend came up to me to say he had lost his job at the pickle factory.
“Why” I asked.
“Because I stuck my dick in the pickle slicer” he replied.
“Ouch !!! So what did they do with the pickle slicer?”
“Oh, she got fired too.”
I say we should all chip in and buy a ticket for Alphie. I’m sure that 67″ whale dick will have him delightfully clinching his butt cheeks.
Whaddya know, A picture of Bill Gates and Pedro!
#17 – Alfie – this is a novelty thread. Can’t you just grow a sense of humor for a day or two? Come on. Tell us your best penis story.
#12 – Bobbo – your link seems to be dead. Oddly, I get a 404 error in Spanish! (404: archivo o directorio no encontrado.) In any case, I had intended to respond to your #5 comment by mentioning that, statistically, Asians DO have the smallest. IIRC Asians tend to have about 4 to 5 inch erections while the rest of us 5 to 6 inchers. Need I add that the Asians tend to be smaller and some Burmese woman at 4’10” and 35 kg probably would not welcome a man with a tent pole in his pants. Anything over 7″ is a budding porn star!
Me? I measure my in centimeters. Makes me feel like King Kong.
McCullough: a penis museum – in Iceland! Do you suppose it makes enough money to support itself? The doctor in me wonders at what point the penis is sliced off. Is it a Bobbitt bob or a careful dissection that would pretty much double the length – though it wouldn’t be pretty.
Yup. Alphie got an erection thinking of whale penis.
#18 Faux Ed – Shhhh – when Alfie departs from the oily bible, he surfs porn. He thinks it’s spelled eRection.
#18–Animby==right you are. I would try to find the reference again for another try but “in general” its a racist map. All the long dongs are in Africa with a delining peter meter as you go west thru Europe – America – Asia.
You are right though that smaller people have smaller everything else. I recall my small white prof in college claiming that it was a myth that Blacks had long schlongs==more racist crap put on them by the white man. His position was that “the truth” was we are all the same so when the average black looked at his average mini-me, he would feel embarrassment at being small and hence not worth a job. I wondered at the time how he knew that all dicks averaged the same length but like everything my profs told me, I kept it on the hard drive. Now it turns out he is wrong according to that chart. I wonder if there is a second chart about intelligence???
Ha, ha. You would like the Chart Animby–it is in centimeters. Reminds me of the wifey who told her husband if he really wanted some strange pussy, he should grow another inch or push harder?
Maybe this will work—more the raw data the map was drawn from. Of interest: the long schlong African data was from “self reports” while the Japanese sushi was “measured.” Ha, ha.
Actually, that original link in #12 does work if you copy/paste and add the www back in:
Too bad this website doesn’t seem to have a “consistent” way to add links? Small urls often don’t work either. You’d think a simple thing like linking would be figured out by now?
Ha! The USA is teeming with buildings dedicated to penises, vaginas and anuses.
They’re called Apple stores.
#24 Angel – Vaginas and anuses, maybe. But I think all the dicks work for BestBuy.
#21-23 Bobbo – Didn’t mean to cause you so much trouble. Interesting chart, though. Especially that “self-reported” note. Seems all the very biggest are self-reported.
When I worked for the UN in Angola, we were quartering almost 6,000 UNITA rebel soldiers and their families. One of my jobs was to give a general physical to each and every soldier! Well, I trained the Army medics to do the job but, in the course of time, I must have done three or four hundred myself. I can confirm that THOSE black men, in the flaccid state, were not particularly impressive. But there was one guy, a little guy, who … well, let’s just say if an elephant is ever looking for a transplant…
Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection where did you gif come from?
Thank you, Taxi. I hadn’t checked out the good Sister’s image for a while.
Hey, Sis. You’ve got a new one! Tell me, which order do you belong to? I want to live next door. Is your Mother Superior … well … superior?