Freedom….Hell Yeah!!!

  1. deowll says:

    If nothing else the TSA is a wonderful example of just how effective the government can be at throwing money at a problem to solve it.

    Would it be fair to say we get a pennie’s worth of protection for every $100,000 spent?

  2. Animby says:

    #35 deowll – A penny? Not really. We are spending literally billions on this theater and they cannot point to a single threat to airline safety that has been averted. Not one. Sure Lady Napolitano swears the TSA has stopped numerous nefarious schemes but she refuses to give the specifics of a single case and no one has been prosecuted. So, a penny may be overestimating their value.

    In other news: with god only knows how many people waiting in line, why does it take almost a minute and a half to pat down a six year old?

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    Welcome to BarackObamaLand.

  4. two to the head says:

    What the f@ck is wrong with this country…

    I try to laugh at this kind of insanity but I can’t.

    The Terrorist have won.

    And by terrorists I mean the fascist / corporatist state that is gitmo nation.

  5. What? says:

    I flew today.

    I think I’m too big to fit in the RapidScan machine.

  6. #25 said: The end times are near, and not just for dummies.

    Do I have time for a few beers?

  7. denacron says:

    She was booked to fly Virgin America but alas, after T.S.A. was through she could only get passage on a tramp steamer.

  8. con says:

    I think the “drugtest” doesn’t refer to test for consumption but to traces on clothes that indicate smuggling. If you think about it, it would make sense (for an asshole parent) to put your stuff on the kid.

    A little drugtest anekdote:

    In 2002 I was flying from Jamaica to Germany, with a stopover in London.
    I fell asleep late on the flight to london and woke up shortly before landing. What is usally the first thing you do after waking up? Right, taking a piss. And man did i have to pee! But I wasn’t allowed to, as we were already in the landing phase. So first thing I did when I got off the plane was running for the next toilet. Must have looked suspicious I guess. I then went to the next counter to ask for directions. The Lady took a long (loooong) silent look at me and said:
    “Right through this door Sir.”
    I said thank you and walked throogh the door. As it shut behind me I was looking at a room that looked something like Q’s laboratory on the Bond movies.
    I turned back to the door – No doorknob. That stupid bitch… A small security guy (srsly, Im not a tall guy but I had to look down to look into his face) then entered the room from the other side and started to ask questions. First was
    “Is this all of your luggage?”
    Well my original flight was cancelled due to a hurricane, but my main luggage (1 Traveler Backpack) was send dirctly to Germany with another direct connection. All I was carrying was a book and a bottle of water (Yes in 2002. only 11 months after 911 you could take a whole bottle of water with you, amazing isnt it?)
    So I said yes.
    His second question was:
    “Do you have any illegal drugs on you?”
    I said no.
    He then pulled out a little tiny vacuum cleaner and started to go over all of my clothes, and EVERY page of my book (We’re talking about 800 pages here…).
    He then put the thing in a little machine that looked like something right out of the original StarTrek series.
    It made R2D2 like noises, then a alarm sounded and a little printout, like in a fortune cookie, appeared.
    He: “You have traces of cocaine and canabis on you. Explain.”
    Me: “Duh, I came here from Jamaica. You can’t cross the street there without getting “traces” of that stuff on you.”
    He (starting to get really pissed):
    “I asked you if have any illegal drugs on you!”
    Me: “So?”
    He: “You lied!”
    Me: “No I didn’t.”
    He: “I ask you one more time, have you consumed illegal drugs in Jamaica?”
    Me: “Thats actualy the first time you ask me that.”
    At this point his head looked as it was about to explode and I got a little scared. So I told him that I had a Joint or two a couple of days ago.
    He screamed at me: “That is illegal here!”
    Me: “Well, I didnt do it HERE, and I dont intend to. Anyhow, how much longer will this take? I don’t want to miss my connection.”
    He then called in two other guys. They didnt talk to me at all, they just held a little conference in a corner of the room. They checked EVERY page of my book again.One of them poured a little water out of my bottle, felt it between his fingers, smelled it,tasted it – let the other guy taste it – this went on for another 30 minutes.
    Finally they gave up in frustration and let me go.
    As I walked out I thought:”Funny, they never checked my shoes. I could have had a pound of cocaine in there, they wouldn’t have noticed.”

  9. B. Dog says:

    Good news Sister41,

    The Ouija board said. “yes”.

  10. bobbo, the psycho babbling troll says:

    #44–con==Here’s my Jamaica Story: North East shore, not really the better tourist place, but quiet and cheap, some good reggae nightclubs off the dirt roads. Out driving around, coming back from the Island Errol Flynn used to molest all the local kiddies, and stopped for a beer. Band was soundtesting and it was better than Bob Marley so I stuck around. Bought the regulars there a round of beer. Everyone happy. A few hours later, a guy I had been talking to asked me if I had a watch. I said Yes, its about 800PM. He said: “Yea Mon, time you be going.” I took the hint, thanked him, bought him another beer and left the place. I said OK tomorrow afternoon? He said Yea Mon.

    So the gated hotel that night had a Hawaian Luau themed dinner and entertainment I caught the tail end of.

    I doubt anything would have happened if I had stayed in that shanty club==but here I am able to wonder about it. Later there was drugs, R&R, beach sex, scuba diving, parachute sailing, and lots of alcohol.

    but this thread is about molesting little kiddies which I don’t know nothing about, other than reading a few books. Naked Lunch, Beautiful Losers, not too many more. The theme is actually kinda rare in good literature/advante guarde. Heh, heh.

  11. The Aberrant says:

    The drug test they refer to is a chemical sniffer, yes. They rub something (usually a cotton swab) over a surface, put it in the sniffer, and it filters for certain chemicals – nitrates and the like. I’m not sure it’s actually looking for drugs, although theoretically it could.

    I really don’t understand what the pat down would be able to find that simply looking at the 6 year old’s clothing for odd bumps wouldn’t tell. Not exactly bulky clothing.

  12. msbpodcast says:

    I suspect that no kids should be allowed to board a long aluminium or carbon composite tube where they’ll be confined for several hours without prior ingestion of a lot of drugs to shut them the Hell up.

    And that kid looks like she’s wearing a diaper under her pants, which is a smart move on the parents part.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    The terrorists have won and pedro still defends them.

  14. Always Right says:

    #50 moron

    I could forgive your abject stupidity, if you weren’t so fucking BORING!

  15. Cowboy says:

    I don’t think there is a drug test… rather a chemical test for explosive residue. And, from the video, I don’t see anything wrong with the pat down. Sure, it is an inconvenience to us all, but what are the other options? Everyone complains, but nobody has an answer. What, profiling like they do in Israel? That probably won’t work in our country as we have simply too many airports and travelers. Plus, people would then begin to bitch about being profiled. Only other option is to go back to the way things were pre 9-11… but are we really willing to take that risk?

  16. Always Right says:


    Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama…

    Did it ever occur to you, people get sick of reading about your insane obsession with Obama? Nobody fucking cares about your sick sexual fantasies. Get a life!

  17. Dallas says:

    #55 When Obama took over, the Pukes had driven the country off a cliff after inheriting a surplus and time of peace.

    Sheeple cronies like you elected the dumbass, TWICE and did the following:
    > Two wars
    > “Paid” for them with a trillion dollar tax cut. Yep, the dumbass asked the country to sacrifice by cutting taxes and borrowing from China. The sheeple just heard ‘tax cuts’ and went to the mall to buy shit made in China by Chinese child labor.
    > Economic collapse by ignoring basic stewardship responsibilities or the Executive Office.
    > Sucked Saudi dick for 8 years – driving record exports of US Dollars for energy.
    > Killed the only counter balance that Iran had in the region to avenge daddy Bush.
    > Installed Supreme Court goons like that sex addicted black guy that has said 9 sentences in his entire term thus far. Look it up.

    Obama has stopped the slide, country on recovery but it will take a while to get out of the stink hole you voted for. In the mean time, you shitholes weigh in with a Christine O’Donnel and Sara I-can-see-Russia Palin as a ‘fix’.
    Where’s my gun

  18. Animby says:

    # 53 Cowboy said, “Only other option is to go back to the way things were pre 9-11… but are we really willing to take that risk?”

    Hey, Cowboy. Come here often? You know what? I AM willing to go back to that level of security – except for the hardened cockpits and armed pilots. We always had the opportunity to be blown out of the sky and the TSA’s own tests show that we still have that chance. So, the only thing we need to worry about is hijacking the plane, maybe using it as a missile again. Hardened doors into the cockpit should give the pilot sufficient time to avert any takeover either by an emergency landing or maybe depressurizing the plane for a couple of minutes.

  19. spsffan says:

    I realize I’m a bit late back to the party, but #31, guess who owns and runs the airports? The government!

    For that matter, guess who owns and runs the highways? The government. Ditto ports and nearly all passenger trains world wide.

    I’d love to have more choices, but there IS NO NON-GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED TRANSPORTATION. Hasn’t been any in decades. Used to be at least railroads owned and operated all their own facilities. But the government instituted policies that forced them out of the passenger business.

    But, as a pragmatist, my advice is still stay home or use the best available option.

    Atlas Shrugged opens in limited release April 15, for those who are interested. Should be amusing.

  20. McCullough says:

    #58. And WHO is the government anyway…look in the mirror.

    Just sayin’.

  21. Dallas says:

    My role is to report the facts and enlighten you with logical conclusions. As usual, you simply cannot dispute the facts and that leaves you contradicted as to accept the facts, or admit you’re responsible for voting in for two terms, the most damaging regime in our nations history! Ouch.

    Be a man and ask your family and the American people for forgiveness.

  22. Ruger LCR says:

    This little girl could have had a weapon hidden in her vagina……

    Look, the only thing to do, and nobody will do it, is to STOP FUCKING TRAVELING BY AIRPLANE.

    And make it clear why.

    TSA will stop this bullshit in three months.

  23. bobbo, the Rebuplicans want to Kill America says:

    Everybody could simply not fly on the 11th day of each month until TSA is disbanded. That would get the airlines yelling loudly at congress. And if that doesn’t work fast enough, then 11 & 12. and so forth.

    Too bad “activism” is labeled “progressive” which has a bad rep these days. but with a corrupt congress, what ya gonna do?

    Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  24. Mr, Ed - the Original (accept no counterfeits) says:

    Anybody else get the impression that Dallas and Pedro are the same person just playing both sides of Devils Advocate?

  25. KD Martin says:

    #58, spsffan, “I’d love to have more choices, but there IS NO NON-GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED TRANSPORTATION.”

    Huh? Sure there is. Learn to fly, there are thousands of private airports all over the country. You don’t even have to file a flight plan (but I always do) unless it’s IFR. No TSA. Go where you want, leave when you want, return when you want. Screw the TSA.

  26. two to the head says:

    #53 Shill.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    Now that would be planning, wouldn’t it? Two terrorists decide to get married, then DO IT, in order to raise a child, so that six or more years later, they can use hum or her to smuggle a whole bunch of sharp plastic knives aboard some plane. Taped to their body, with a bit of padding over them, to pass a pat-down test. BUT… those very well trained TSA people discover the deception. And the terrorists’ six years of planning and waiting, was foiled. What theater.It wouldn’t even make for a lousy “Die Hard” movie. Bruce Willis would have tossed the script. But federally paid “security experts” believe that it’s a reasonable paranoid delusion, to check for.

    I think it’s really part of a scheme to subjugate us all to the police state tactics of regular, bodily search and seizure. One more violation of the US Bill of Rights. Getting us use to it for the supposed sake of air travel safety. But soon, it will also be applied to train and bus travel. All it takes is one supposed terrorist attempt. And we’ll be body searched, everywhere we go. Entering the shopping malls, the grocery stores, the movie theaters. And all paid for by tax dollars.

    One bright point to all this. Eventually everyone will be employed, to pat down everyone else. Unless they start employing the a foreign labor force, in order to avoid paying the high price of employing minimum wage Americans.

  28. Animby says:

    Sorry to use Fox as my source but they report this incident (and others?) has caused TSA to back down and “re-evaluate” their pat down procedures. Kids will get a less intrusive search. But any budding 13 year-olds and above will get felt up. Nothing like a teenage tit to get a fat old lesbo excited! No – not the TSA agents. Napolitano!

  29. Pat Matookus says:

    Face it. The enemy has won and is laughing at us.

  30. libertyGirl says:

    Instead of the TSA criminals doing pat downs and frying us in radiation, each airline should have the freedom to choose its own method of security procedures. That would be a true free market, the least preferred would be inevitably boycotted, and the people will begin to rule again. Oh and for all of those who have yet to notice…YOU are the terrorist, that’s why you and your daughters are being groped, and it will only continue as long as you continue to believe the lies you are smothered with. Abolish the private Fed, who loans to these criminals without your knowing, but “for your benefit.” We like to analyze the chaos rather than the order being created before our eyes.


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