Freedom….Hell Yeah!!!

  1. EnemyOfTheState says:

    This is why all citizens need to be allowed to carry loaded handguns.

  2. GrowBacks says:

    I can understand the pat-down. A child would be a rather clever, albeit unconscionable, weapons delivery system. The drug test on the other hand…

  3. McCullough says:

    #2. Uh-huh

  4. Benjamin says:

    Why drug test anyone to get on an airplane unless they are going to be flying the plane.

  5. chuck says:

    Would a TSA guard even recognize something during the pat-down? They are trained to “perform” the pat-down. They are told exactly where to put their hands, when to use the back of their hands, etc.

    But it’s exactly like a performance: they know the moves, but don’t understand (or don’t care) why they’re doing it.

  6. LDA says:

    When did people become this servile?

  7. chuck says:

    I don’t understand the drug test part – I heard the parent (or someone) say it on the recording. But how do they drug test a person? Do they take a urine sample, then send it off to the lab? I don’t think they have a forensics lab at the airport.

  8. dewtheone says:

    Get’m used to it early. They’ll be doing it to get inside schools soon enough.

  9. Nobody says:

    You know those “wear a seatbelt” ads where it says that a child being thrown forward at 70mph has the force of a

    A child this size fired at the cockpit door at 200mph could bring down a plane. That’s why all children should be locked in the hold (along with screaming babies)

  10. spsffan says:

    A couple of things. First of all, it happens because we (well, you actually) let it happen. I’d say something like 90% of all air travel is unnecessary in the first place. If you don’t like it, don’t fly. It’s the 21st century. We have video conferencing and other technology that can replace actual in person visits.

    Leisure air travel is 100% unnecessary. If you must get away, go somewhere closer to home. Drive, take the train, take a ship, take a bus. Walk. If none of those appeal to you, submit to the grope and shut up.

    Finally, #9, second paragraph for the win!

  11. McCullough says:

    #11. DUI roadblocks as well as TSA at train stations and cruise ships will teach you slave.

    You will never escape our reach, NEVER!!!!

  12. dusanmal says:

    @#11 Seeds of true Progressive there. Control what other people do so that they do it in a way you like it.
    People are free. They can travel for business or leisure wherever they will and whichever way they want, including air. Obstructing this freedom in any way shape or form is evil. Trying to social engineer conditions so people do less of what you do not like is evil.
    100% of all travel is necessary.

  13. JohnnyBGoode says:

    F*CK the freedom haters that say we can’t travel.

  14. ray says:

    Would it help if all TSA workers were very good looking?

  15. bobbo, the psycho babbling troll says:

    Good critical thinking: ignore the problem and bitch about the solution.

    Heh, heh.

  16. Terrorist PR guy doing an Elvis/Sheen impression says:

    We are winning.

    Thank you.
    Thank you very much.

  17. Jescott418 says:

    Bring back profiling! Search people who look and act like terrorists!

  18. arpie says:

    This security *theater* may be ridiculous and innefective, but there’s no drug test (as pointed out, that doesn’t make any sense). It seems they take the gloves used and then “sniff” them on a machine to check for explosive residues.

    Frankly, we need to accept that there’s an inherent danger in airplane travel, from accidents or whatever. Some people will die. However, it will still be fewer people than the amount that die every day in car accidents, and no one is being required to be groped by the TSA before driving a car. If we spend billions of dollars on this crap, instead of real problems, and curb our freedom because of terrorists, they win.

  19. Terrorist PR guy doing an Elvis/Sheen impression says:

    “If” is over, we won.

  20. spsffan says:

    #14. Progressive? Huh? I was pointing out that people who don’t like the way flying works have the choice to spend their dollars elsewhere. THAT is how the free market works.

    Of course, it they were paying the real costs of travel (all sorts) unsubsidized by governments, there would be far less travel overall.

    I haven’t flown since 1998. I have no desire to go anywhere so badly that I would put up with the mess. But I don’t do it and constantly bitch about it.

    The point is the people who currently fly have the power to tame the air travel system. They can do it by starving the beast.

    Progressive ? How sad that the term has negative, connotations. In my day, progress was considered good. :).

  21. bobbo, the psycho babbling troll says:

    #23–spiffy===wtf you talkin’ bout Willis? Progressive has the same connotations as THOUGHTFUL, HONEST, PATRIOTIC, EDUCATED, INFORMED, WELL READ, CARING and so forth. Find anyone who denigrates the idea/word/label progressive and you will find them denigrating all else that is good and holy.

    How can anyone with shift for brains denigrate anything?

    Always consider the source. Dismal??? Ha, ha.

  22. B. Dog says:

    The end times are near, and not just for dummies.

  23. Dallas says:

    Pretty sick.

    This Cheney/Bush created jobs program has outgrown it’s usefulness. Again, we need Israeli style intense profiling on airport grounds. Not conducted by uneducated teabaggers, but rather trained professionals.

    As a matter of fact, the other jobs program, the Military should take over the role of the TSA – and still cut that bloated pig by 10% per year for the next 5 years.

  24. scandihoovian says:

    Who’s smarter, the human or the robot?

  25. dexton7 says:

    Training them early to be good little slaves I see. How far is too far? Just wait a few more months…

  26. student says:

    #23 “I was pointing out that people who don’t like the way flying works have the choice to spend their dollars elsewhere. THAT is how the free market works. ”

    Spending your money as you choose is an aspect of a free market, but this is not a free market. A free market would allow airports to provide their own security and not be forced by the government to have the TSA. If airports could provide their own security without government force, then I could freely spend my money at an airport that has security measures that I agree with.

    “Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security.”
    -Benjamin Franklin

  27. GF says:

    The Bundesverband der Frauen NSDAP forgot to check her teeth for any gold fillings.

  28. Dallas says:

    #29 You should thInk of something useful to add. You continue to bring down the average intelligence and that’s not fair to the blog.

    Try again. What part of my solution fo you disagree with? You get xtra credit for coming up with one alternative.


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