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Flying saucer sightings? Reports of three-foot-tall aliens? Secret memos about suspicious objects recovered near Roswell, N.M.?

They’re all included in the thousands of declassified government documents posted to the FBI’s new online “Vault.”

Among the so-called “X-files” are once-classified reports dating back to the 1940s and 1950s detailing Air Force investigations into “flying discs” and the “bodies of human shape” discovered inside them.

In one report from March 1950, Guy Hottel, a special agent with the FBI, said he received information from an Air Force investigator about flying saucers found in New Mexico. “They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50-feet in diameter,” he wrote. “Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner very similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.”

“The disc is hexagonal in shape and was suspended from a balloon by cable,” the document said. “The object found resembles a high-altitude weather balloon with a radar reflector.”

Maybe Barney and Betty Hill are in there somewhere.

  1. I searched for Nikola Tesla & nothing came up. If you search for just his first or last name a few PDFs are hit but very little is mentioned of him. So I can only conclude this FBI “vault” is bullshit information & a massive waste of your time.

  2. Brian says:

    here’s the link to the document in question, courtesy of /.

  3. WhichIsIt says:

    Okay, this is a bit contradictory.

    We have one document with specific numbers of bodies found inside craft and describes what clothing was on the bodies.

    The other document describes a craft suspended by a balloon by a cable. The second description does not seem to be the same object.

    This might still be two entirely different incidents, or one is real and the other is the cover up story.

    It seems incredulous to “cover up” a story about a weather balloon with a wild story about alien bodies with metallic cloth uniforms. Why would you do that?

  4. whama says:

    “The disc is hexagonal”

    Sounds like a box of rocks wrote the report.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    I for one welcome our flat closed polygon or ovoid shaped flying object pilot overlords.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Some people, like the Regressives, will believe anything. Others, like the Tea Baggers, will invent anything. And the ignorant believe it all.

  7. John Mc says:

    Maybe I’m being a little paranoid but seems to me a great way of creating lots of traffic to there site. I’m willing to bet that a high percentage of that traffic has an interest in alternative news and commentary. Seems to me a great way to mine for cookies, IP address and god knows what else. Unfortunately government agency don’t usually release information unless there is some tangible benefit to them. What are they getting out of this? Nothing is free.

  8. Animby says:

    # 5 sargasso_c said, “I for one welcome our … pilot overlords.”

    Thank you. Your cooperation will be noted. Are you French?

    We love French cuisine…

  9. /T. says:

    @ #11

    Seems brain is “Taxed Enough Already” … of oxygen, that is.

    What exactly is “Biblical Data” anyway?

    Do you mean the words in the (written by and fought over by men) bible?

    Sheesh …


  10. Glenn E. says:

    The so-called “bodies” may have been test animals, such as monkeys. Sent up to see what effects high altitude radiation exposure would have on tissue, similar to humans. Doing it by balloon, would be a hell of a lot cheaper than doing it by costly rockets. Besides, the rockets that were supposed to be carrying animal specimens up there, were actually be used for spy cameras. See Project Corona.

    So by keeping these possible balloon tests classified, the public wouldn’t be asking why they were sending monkeys up that way, instead of inside the rockets? And they might be a bit upset by the killing of the animals. Because they probably didn’t live long above 12,000 feet. Whereas the space agency always showed recovery of live animals from rocket tests. Which we now know to mostly be fakes.

    Your tax dollars at work, only doing something other than what they say it’s for.

  11. soundwash says:

    -sounds like another obfuscation / disinfo campaign.

    At least half if not upwards of 70% of UFO’s in say, the past 45yrs or so are our black op projects.

    We’ve had working elecrogravitic tech since around 1959. -and the best design shape to utilize electro-gravitics is either a disc or a relatively flat triangle shaped craft. -allows them to link up easily.

    as a bonus, an EG propulsion unit also doubles as a power unit. -bolt one down and power your house.. 😮

    Those hovering pyramid shaped craft, similar to the ones over Moscow last year, -if real, more likely utilize a variant of resonant vortex energy for propulsion and energy production. which i would imagine are
    operated by some characters that are not necessarily from this planet..

    Since the data came from the fbi and not the pentagon, i’d gather it’s use as a obfuscation tool was more the intent if only because i bet more Americans would “believe” or trust the fbi far more than the pentagon.. making the ruse more “iron clad”

    in either case, “Caveat Emptor”



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