1. hhopper says:

    That’s a damn tough thing to teach a dog to do.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    Come on. Two video clips about dogs, in one day. Left out the “pony show” clips, half. Must have been a very slow news day, eh?

    [It’s the weekend. – ed.]

  3. KD Martin says:

    Slow? I guess. Everything seems to be about Libya or the budget.

    Next on the Agenda for Washington: Fight Over Debt
    Japanese Workers Braved Radiation for a Temp Job
    Libyan rebels face military surge on key outpost
    Minorities get worse health care, but government aims for change
    Bing’s iPad app takes aim at Safari
    New Porn Star Bares All (Oops, how did that get there?)

    — and 1,000 more really interesting news stories

  4. msbpodcast says:

    I also get news from Japan and the rest of the PacRim.

    Its earthquake this, earthquake that, tsunami this, tsunami that, nuclear this nuclear that.

    What’s a matter? Ain’t tough enough?

    The ‘States shook Katrina off, just like that and got back to watching Two and a-Half Men within days, and we liked it that way.

    Next up on Flash Point: Is Glen Beck really going or is this some sinister left wing plot to fool us into commie atheism?


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