It was just like in a summer blockbuster movie. Down to the last second before the nuclear budget bomb was set to go off, would the bomb makers/defusers be able to stop fighting amongst themselves long enough to cut the right red wire and save us all? It sure had the main stream media on the edge of their seats what with every network running stories on the horrors that would descend upon us if it did explode at midnight.

On one side, you had the Republicans trying to blackmail their moralistic social agenda into this. On the other side, you had the Democrats pissing and moaning about… well, everything… as Obama stayed on the sidelines, doing nothing useful. And neither side not touching real spending cuts that would hurt their biggest contribu… er, um, constituents.

What did you think of the result? Was it worth the price of admission to see the popcorn chomping, fingernail biting, down to the wire battle to save Earth (the American taxpayer) from the space aliens (politicians) who wanted our woman (tax money) before they wiped us out?

What Do You Think of the Budget Deal

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  1. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Well, I was gonna let this thread go, but I want to find out if I’m lying to myself or just fooling myself. BUT FIRST: Animby–which is worse and why?

    Ha, ha.

    I thought the next fight was fairly soon about increasing the debt limit? or was this it? am I lying to myself, fooling myself, or just confused and ignorant?

    Speaking of confused and ignorant, I think HMyers phrased is position quite excellently. animby–why do you refuse to enjoy the flexibility of CONTEXT and how it should frame a discussion?

    Pretty middle of the road analysis going on so far. Standard lies taken as dogma by various positions.

    Uncle Dave==quite right about the pukes but: “On the other side, you had the Democrats pissing and moaning about… well, everything…” /// huh? I didn’t see any of that. They pissed and moaned about the Pukes moving the goal posts=entirely correct and they pissed and moaned about the Pukes trying to KILLS WOMENS ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE=entirely correct. What else makes up “everything?”

    I think the Pukes had a Pyrrhic Victory here. They won the money but showed themselves to be the American Taliban in service to the Super Rich alienating most women in the process.

    Ha, ha. Silly Pukes and their voter base. finding personal freedom in cutting off health care services to themselves. Silly Hoomans.

    Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote. Oh, and Animby it IS Pukes killing american not Politicians. Dumbocraps are more like a drunk randomly shooting into a crowd of people. It hurts and is destructive but the crowd will survive. The Pukes on the other hand are aiming at the very support structures of that crowd and hiding/lying about their purposes. Very different.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    So we have Bobbo reciting excerpts from the Financial Expert Rick Steves.

    Yes Norway is doing well, but not due to their welfare state.

    “Norway’s overall strong record of economic freedom is marred by high levels of government spending. The government has focused on containing expensive welfare programs in recent years”

    Why is Norway doing well? Not due to cliches that are uttered by Bobbo, but due to smart capitalism and freedom.

    “The modern and competitive Norwegian economy has long benefited from its relatively high levels of economic freedom. Entrepreneurial activity is well supported by prudent and transparent regulations governing investment and the financial sector.”

    “Together with openness to global commerce, strong protection of property rights also supports economic dynamism. Norway’s high level of business freedom has produced a commercial environment that is both innovative and resilient.”

  3. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Brain Dead Talking Points TEAdud: define bathtub. By your line of “reasoning” funding to Hospitals and Doctors should also be cut off. The argue is bogus to begin with as abortions are a legal procedure and should be funded like any other healthcare procedure without submission to the American Taliban. As it is, we have the Hyde Amendment that outlaws Federal spending on abortions. How far do the Pukes want to punish anyone close to the abortion issue? Evidently, anyone who has ever taken a bath.

    Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.

  4. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    #46–Pedro==you are quick with the never ending allegation and call out but rarely do you ever follow up with any argument/analysis/link. You call everyone you disagree with a troll but we never know why. Pure personality posting like a little girl. What is your Facebook Account: “I like Paper Dolls?”

    Grow up.

    You posted one time with depth on some German issue. Before that several times on Columbia.

    Surely you have the ability to contribute, but instead, you post like a Puke. Stop polluting the bath water or Alfie will have to gag you with porkulus tax cuts.

    Ha, ha. Poor PedoBear.

    Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.

  5. Rick says:

    Someone is missing a great opportunity for a “24” parody.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Next, you’ll want to take Afred E. Newman’s spot as “most likely poster to ignore”

    What? He and Dallas are already there!!

  7. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Good Call Ah Yea–ha, ha. Yes, the little Pedobear continuously posts about everyone here is a troll or a sheeple.

    I am quite the opposite: I call everyone a lying hypocrite or a failure to live up to their greatest potential. But then I give the analysis, the examples and the solutions. Just look: its true.

    Yes Pedobear–you have potential you choose not to live up to. Rather than encourage you to stfu and go away, I encourage you to post more substantively.

    do – be – do – bee – dooooooo!

    Thats my song.

    Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.

  8. What? says:

    If cutting off Planned P. means that unplanned babies eventually will out breed, and force out of the gene pool, the likes of Taxed, then I’m all for it!

    Taxed is on the path to win his own Darwin Award! Oh, the irony!

  9. chris says:


    One of the cited reasons for doing away with the home mortgage interest tax deduction was it would screw Democrats. Higher home values on the coasts lead to larger deductions which would be more likely to go to a godless progressive (TEAdude helped me with that last bit).

    That is a screwy way to look at the world. You’d need a team of people to work out the likely effects of that, and they would likely be wrong.

    Somebody who is talking about a change of that magnitude can’t start from an electoral premise. The timescales are so far off.

    Time for a mortgage: 30yrs.
    Time until next election: Less than 2 years.

    When they are all corrupt and seek advantage for the various paymasters in a semi-cooperative way it works. This has worked forever. Everybody gets something.

    Now it is that an enemy group must be denied, as a goal in itself. This is not the way a continuing operation should be run.

  10. KD Martin says:

    A Gallup poll in March found declining numbers of people who thought Obama was a strong and decisive leader: a little more than half of those polled, compared with 60 percent one year ago and 73 percent two years ago.

    The White House believed that a better result would come if Obama didn’t try to overheat the issue. Officials believed that people were worried about gas prices, not a spending squabble and that voters didn’t hire Obama to be a legislator.

    Politicians are like diapers. They should be changed often and for the same reason.

    -Mark Twain

  11. TooManyPuppies says:

    When the roundups begin and we start executing or deporting the left/right cult members, we need to toss bob right in the front of the line for propagating the brainwashing and indoctrination into these cults.

    The budget is a simple matter to solve with 1 law. Spending more than the country has in the bank will result in immediate execution on the front steps of the capitol building. A big bonus would be to make it a pay-per-view event.

  12. Animby says:

    Bobbo – fooling yourself is being so enamored of the subject you simply will not see the downside

    lying to yourself shows you know the truth but simply refuse to believe it is possible

    Take your latest tagline: “Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.” Are you lying to or fooling yourself?

    Hey! I’ve never known a politician I trusted. The Dems seem to be trying to transform our nation into Britain – which is pretty ironic. The Reps are trying to turn our country into a christian refuge for the rich. Me? I just want to see the gubbmint downsized – a lot. They threatened to furlough over 800,000 fed employees as non-essential. Now I know that doesn’t mean unimportant. Still, it makes you wonder when 1/3 of the government are not-essential.

  13. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Well Animby–I agree with your definitions but you didn’t say which one was worse. I see a bifurcation there. Being enamored makes changing one’s mind very difficult as the thought process has become dogma, and “knowing” the truth is always a good thing but why lie if perhaps the truth isn’t your guiding principle so there is nothing to learn? That process also being an emotional choice based on one’s life experiences?

    You don’t “quite” say it, but you almost are saying that I am wrong to think that Pukes are killing our country because the Dumbo’s are corrupt as well, but I have often posted both parties are corrupt etc but that the Dumbo’s just give the masses a better break every once in a while, while the Puke never do. In a two party system, that makes the Pukes more reviled than the Dumbo’s.

    All I’m doing is reviewing the facts and where my self interest lies–along with the other 99% of Americans. So, on what new, additional, or contrary facts should I put my intellect and value system to?

    I also want a downsized government but your rhetoric about 1/3 of the gov being non-essentional is purely definitional and all in the context of a temporary state of affairs. I think that is YOU being caught out being dishonest.

    I think the record for the past 20 years substantially supports my conclusion that the Republican Party is out to Kill America. Its not the Republican Party you and I grew up with voting for half the time.

    I challenge anyone to set forth the argument that the Super Rich need more tax cuts while the poor, working, and middle classes need service cuts. Go ahead: make that argument.

    If not, then Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote. Don’t vote for them if you support the idea of America.

  14. hmeyers says:

    Bobbo has more free time than most people do.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    I knew I should have put money down on them playing it out to the last hour, and then “saving” the government from a shutdown. No surprise to me at all. But I think a better movie comparison would have been “Die Hard”. This one would have been Die Hard 5. Only nobody get killed, and nothing gets blown up (accept all the political rhetoric). And the House GOP leader isn’t reduced to tears (as usual). Some how this show played out far worse the Charlie Sheen’s “Violent Torpedo of Truth”. And probably cost the taxpayers more, to witness it. To bad The Congressional Review Act, doesn’t actually mean a review of what the US Congress does, in the form of a movie or stage ACT. I think it would get panned quite a lot. But some ACTs, a lot more than others.

  16. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    #62–HMyers==you say: “Bobbo has more free time than most people do.” //// And that is true–by choice. A few decades ago I got fired from a high level position and I evaluated my position and decided I had enough money I didn’t need to work and what I had was the opportunity to “not work” and spend my time reading, thinking, reviewing my life. I didn’t know if that would be good or bad but I thought it would be unique===so thats what I went for.

    At the time, I did not perceive blogging, which I do on several sites, as an appreciable activity, but such it has turned out to be. I should be more thoughtful, less reactive and put this all into a book, but I falter in contemplation of that.

    I forget who said it, but I think it is true: we all have one great novel within us: the story of our lives. Too pedantic I think, while thinking that pedantic is not the right word. too plebeian? too average? too dull? found the girl, lost the girl, found the girl? Except I found the girl, lost the girl, found the girl, then lost the girl. My own tragedy, who else cares? Ha, ha. Yes, we all have our own stories. Bits and pieces of greatness in each and every one of us.

    So HMyers, in your world, I should be ex-communicated. Ha. ha. Yes, like those two cute kiddie twins==we have a genetic compulsion to blah blah at each other. I do try purposefully to crack the egg==to get thru, to make the omelet. No guarantee it will work, just option number 3-C. Amuses me people “take offense” at such a light thing. A stand-in for something else.

    HMyers–you fail to address any of the issues I challenged you with. Man or devo? Can you be the best person you know you should be?

    Wake Up HMyers. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  17. Animby says:

    Hard to say which is worse. Especially since the two mindsets are so closely related. All in all, I’d say lying to yourself is worse than fooling yourself. Sort of like the king’s fool is worse than the village idiot. They both take all the crap their given but one knows what it is.

    I do not think I was being dishonest with my comments about 1/3 of Federal employees being labeled as non-essential. I specifically added that did not mean they were unimportant. I think the rangers at Jellystone are very important. I just wonder if there are too many of them. (Is Yogi really THAT big a problem?) I think the curator of the Smithsonian is a very important position. But do there need to be so many assistants? In truth, I think we could have set the non-essential label on a bunch more staff. I’ve worked for bureaucracies and I know how the payroll gets padded. I’ve seen executive assistants who have their own assistants who have their own secretaries! And I wouldn’t stop with the rank and file. I’d say the Dept of Education is a bloated, non-essential entity and ought to be downsized or even dissolved. The EPA is a money waster that far exceeds it’s mandate and ought to be brought into line which would probably mean to about a third of it’s current size. (Think of all the lawyers who would end up back on the street!) Why are Education and EPA cabinet level posts? EPA I can almost understand but education? The States are responsible for education not the Feds, though they stick their nose in intrusively. Well, I could suggest more but those two ought to get me into enough trouble with all the liberals and progressives on this blog.

    Now, Bobbo. We’ve had this discussion before: this is how I feel. I will not defend myself. So just stop formulating your attack right now. Power corrupts. Our government is about as corrupt as they come. They ignore the Constitution. They ignore the courts. They get rich off our backs.

    The Rs & Ds may have slightly different social agendas but both want to consolidate power, promote their ideology and bank as much gelt as they possibly can. Preferably off-shore.

  18. foobar says:

    TEA, Sabellius? The theologian?

  19. Dallas says:

    The “Budget Deal” was merely the annual show for the sheeple.

    They were masturbating over $30B in cuts which is a tiny fraction of the budget. They (both) leave the sacred cow Entitlements and Military alone like spineless teabaggers.

    Better yet, addressing the revenue part (increased taxes to the 5% that own 95% of the wealth) is not even mentioned.

    INSTEAD, they talk about Planned Parenthood as if abortion was a big factor in a closed budget. Why? Because the fucking Christian Taliban has infiltrated our government.

  20. jbenson2 says:

    #67 Dallas – you got it all wrong. Take a look at this interesting article in the Huffington Post on: Why the Fucking Progressives Keep On Losing and the Right Keeps On Winning

    Heh, heh.

  21. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    #65–Animby==you revealingly say: “Now, Bobbo. We’ve had this discussion before: this is how I feel. I will not defend myself.” /// Our limited exchanges may be about “feelings” for you but they are all about facts, logic, rhetoric, argument, linguistics, and epistemology for me.

    We mostly agree with each other, so hat do you want? I can only offer you two things: my honesty, or my silence.

    How did you get so smart being so antagonistic to disagreement? What is disagreement except the most likely/easiest way to hone your own position, to gain a new idea? It is dishonest to speak out of both sides of your mouth, twice to the right, once to the left and then claim some kind of neutrality.

    Yea, verily. Now to see if JB’s article is worth reading past the first paragraph. I hope I disagree with it and hope to be shown I’m wrong.

    But, what are the odds?

    Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  22. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    #70–JB==from the link: “Say what you will about Rep. Ryan’s budget proposal, it’s a vision. By proposing to dismantle Medicare for people retiring in 2021 and afterwards, he’s laid out a radical alternative to today’s policies. By slashing taxes for the wealthy and proposing deregulation for all industries, the Ryan plan envisions a future America: one where the environment is despoiled, the poor go unfed, and the middle class faces a lifetime of financial insecurity following by an old age of sickness and penury.

    It may not be a good vision, but it’s a vision.”


    Yea, verily. One wonders why there has to be any formal opposition party, progressive or not, lead or not, for voters to understand what is clearly presented to them by the PUKES and vote their own self interest. It should be 99 to one, not 50/50.

    Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  23. jbenson2 says:

    #74 – Of course, Bobo’s unasked question is why, if this is really so bad, do the liberals keep losing?

    The answer is that liberals lie. According to their “spin machine”, Republicans want their elderly parents to eat dog food and die off quickly before the medical bills ramp up.

    A more realistic view can be seen in this cartoon.

    Liposuction vs. sucking at America’s teat

  24. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    #75–JB==why do you lie? The “liberal spin” is clearly quoted at #74. You can’t win an argument on the merits, on the facts and the truth, so you mischaracterize the liberal complaints to make it sound like the liberal concerns are invalid when they are what they are.

    I see no dog food and early death argued in the quoted material which is the only spin at issue except for your made up crap. Why don’t you deal with reality? Because you would lose if you did. So why are supporting the program as quoted which is against your own economic self interest?

    Wake Up JBenson. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  25. hmeyers says:

    Bobbo …

    “HMyers–you fail to address any of the issues I challenged you with. Man or devo? Can you be the best person you know you should be?”

    Err? What challenges? Last time you just started calling me names when I voiced the support for the need of financial responsibility and said only the Tea Party is doing anything about this.

    I don’t give a crap about political parties, but we need to save this country to prevent a financial meltdown.

    And anyone willing to take the hit deserves to be applauded.

    The Tea Party deserves the “put up or shut up” award.

    Obama just throws lavish parties and runs off to Brazil or plays golf every weekend — maybe his role as Rockstar president is to moderate and cave to the Tea Party’s demands.

    Weak and distracted leaders can have a place in the history books.

    I won’t support any party (the Democrats) who are not offering the idea of a future for this country. And yes, I am a hardcore atheist who groans when tards in Tennessee want to teach evolution in schools.

    But what I have always understood about evolution is THAT **you are NOT the fittest if you don’t survive**. And fuckall if the USA doesn’t survive. It **must survive.

  26. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    HMyers–probably not worth looking up but I don’t think I called you any names. I did characterize the nature of your arguments or conclusions. Together with Animby, this blog sure is developing thin skin, so thin, it could well be a stalking horse for something else entirely.

    You say: “The Tea Party deserves the “put up or shut up” award.” /// I agree and my vote would be for “Shut Up.” I think the summary quoted at Post #76 fairly characterizes Ryan’s proposal. Its a very sad state of affairs when something that parthetic and destructive of America can be given in praise at all for being “serious” or as the quote says “having vision.” It is SO bad, one has to wonder what is worse: the continued destruction of America by traditional two party corrupt Parties as we have experienced it, or that proposed by Ryan which is simply an all out assault on the poor and middle class achieving the same results?

    Wake Up hmyers. The Republicans want to Kill America but they can’t do it without your vote.

  27. chris says:


    Liberals lose in the US because they are part of the Democratic party, which is run by a bunch of losers.

    The ossified DEM party lions actively squash anyone with a backbone. They did it to Hillary and to Howard Dean. Tried to fend of Bill, but he could fight. They produced an epic list loser nominees: Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, and John Kerry.

    Liberal populism became a dirty idea during the same period when the richest few percent were siphoning off all the economic gains.

    Compare this to the golden age of America, as we see it now. WWII until 1960, with an enjoyable after-party in the early sixties.

    Lots of things changed, but right now I’m thinking about the public’s idea of the power of cooperative action.

    Go to Germany and Japan. Win. Rock the neo-puritan sensibilities of the time with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Win. Protest the unpopular Vietnam War. Win.

    That goes much later than my early 1960’s cutoff.

    The why: Nixon’s blueprint “Southern Strategy”
    of selling wedge issues worked so damn well. It has driven the hard right into really insane places.

    By convincing somebody they are under attack from a Communist, Black, Liberal, Latino or (Heavens! Oh no!!) a true Progressive works really well. Fear sells even better than sex. Everyone can get scared, but not everyone can get laid.

    So it is a mix of the spinelessness of the Dems and the calculated evil of the GOP: that is why liberals lose.

  28. jman says:

    Cool we cut 38 billion while we went 54 billion more in the hole on the same week

  29. foobar says:

    TEA, ah not the theologian. It’s difficult for non-Americans to figure out what you’re talking about when you rarely use people’s actual names.


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