It was just like in a summer blockbuster movie. Down to the last second before the nuclear budget bomb was set to go off, would the bomb makers/defusers be able to stop fighting amongst themselves long enough to cut the right red wire and save us all? It sure had the main stream media on the edge of their seats what with every network running stories on the horrors that would descend upon us if it did explode at midnight.

On one side, you had the Republicans trying to blackmail their moralistic social agenda into this. On the other side, you had the Democrats pissing and moaning about… well, everything… as Obama stayed on the sidelines, doing nothing useful. And neither side not touching real spending cuts that would hurt their biggest contribu… er, um, constituents.

What did you think of the result? Was it worth the price of admission to see the popcorn chomping, fingernail biting, down to the wire battle to save Earth (the American taxpayer) from the space aliens (politicians) who wanted our woman (tax money) before they wiped us out?

What Do You Think of the Budget Deal

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  1. What? says:

    BHO may have a big member, but he has microballs.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Democrats spent the last four months arguing that Republicans wanted to destroy government.

    But, Republicans built a deal on their own terms and passed a budget deal — something Democrats couldn’t or wouldn’t do when they had all the power in DC.

    This gives the GOP a lot of credibility on leadership and governance, and all of it at the expense of Harry Reid and Barack Obama.

  3. derspankster says:

    Same jackbooted losers are always the first to spout off. Like clockwork!

    We get what corporate America SAYS were going to get, nothing more!

  4. What? says:

    Herr Spankster:

    Und your position is to roll over and accept the situation, whatever it may be?

  5. JohnnyBGoode says:

    One poll option was missing: “Do you give a damn about what goes on in Washington?”

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Round #1 over. Get ready for real action on the 2012 budget.

  7. So what says:

    So its business as usual.

  8. Texharjim says:

    I was just watching the “Daily show” w Jon Stewart and on tues the 5th he made mention of the number “33” in that the democrats had to yield to cutting of 33 billion form the budget!

  9. HMeyers says:

    I’m glad to see that the government didn’t shutdown.

  10. anon says:

    Huh. Right at the eleventh hour, both sides suddenly realized that if the (“nonessential” parts of the) government shut down, people might realize just how nonessential they really are. And so, they scrambled to avoid such a catastrophe. Imagine that.

  11. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Cub Scouts Have Den Mothers
    Americans Have Dumb Mothers

  12. So what says:

    Careful what you wish for alf, it works both ways. It means every pork barrel project or program on both sides. Republicans have their own wants as well. Including all those deep dark defense projects, and corporate welfare.

  13. Animby says:

    “Republicans trying to blackmail their moralistic social agenda”

    As opposed to the Democrat “Spend-Like-A Drunken-Sailor” amoral agenda?

  14. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    I’m glad it’s over. Now our tired President can take his much deserved vacation. It’s good he got back from his south America holiday (where he spent a couple billion of our dollars on the new comminist Brazilian government) in time to see this thing through.

    Way to go BArry. We needed someone like Barry.

    Someone like Barry AuH20…
    [dadgumit I’m getting old]

  15. Special Ed says:

    Did you notice one asshole in the survey said it was perfect?

  16. HMeyers says:

    Perfect now has 5 votes. Mine is one of them. I think it was about the best result possible in the current environment and the government didn’t shut down.

  17. soundwash says:

    Oh yes.. The Bluebird of Happiness is singing the praises now that they “struck a deal”

    wtf.. so i guess everyone is OK that we now have trillion+ dollar “budgets?”

    we should have shut down this gov for good and thrown them all to the wolves.



  18. So what says:

    Alf as delusional as usual. The public does know, they just don’t give a damn as long as they get theirs.

  19. TooManyPuppies says:

    Failure to pass a budget on time and doing nothing but using temporary extensions since last year = guillotine in my book.

    Doesn’t matter which cult those jackasses claim allegiance too, they need to be removed.

  20. RSweeney says:


    When Democrats support using taxpayer funds to abort babies, it’s not a social agenda.

    But when Republicans support NOT using taxpayer funds to abort babies, it’s a social agenda.

    Providing or not providing support for abortions are BOTH active social agendas.

  21. eca says:

    IF’ they wish to run the GOV, like a CORP…

    THEn DO SO..

    Gather all the money, pay off all the services/taxes/retirement/… And what EVER IS LEFT…is THEIR salary…

    GET IT?
    GOT IT??

  22. chris says:

    2 parts,

    First, I think this band-aid deal was influenced by local DC happenings. This upcoming week is the Cherry Blossom Parade. Shitloads of people coming from all over the world.

    Most of Smithsonian Museums are located around “The Mall” where people gather to hang, and sometimes to protest.

    A government shutdown would close the Smithsonian. So hundreds of thousands of pissed off tourists would be on site and ready to start some trouble.

    Boehner knows the tea-party is insane and Obama/Reid know they will ultimately capitulate to any GOP demands.

    This deal is just enough to kick the can until after the tourist peak. I think they will shut down eventually.

    Second bit is for #15

    When it comes to cuts the GOP has no intention of getting anywhere near the pointy end of the process. They are now specifically looking to disadvantage DEM voters by measuring who uses what services and tax breaks.

    I have heard GOP reps say publicly that they are against a thing because it disproportionally benefits DEM voters. Obama and Reid are too nutless to even call them out on it.

    A secondary motive appears to be to push more of the public into very bad circumstances. It will create instability that feeds the apocalyptic visions of the TEA party and creates fear to justify a stronger security apparatus.

  23. What? says:

    Chris for the win.

    Call “Alf”, and his ilk, what they are: NeoPuritans.

  24. sargasso_c says:

    The biggest lesson learned today is that when everyone has something to loose, they get along.

  25. MIkeN says:

    First Harry Reid said was an unconscionable level, 32.5 billion, and now have Reid praising budget of 38 billion in cuts..

    I was enjoying the continuing resolutions with 5-10 billion in cuts in each one. But Republicans were so scared of being blamed for a government shutdown they folded.

    Obama can just threaten a shutdown again and again until Republicans give him his spending.

  26. The_Tick says:

    It is amazing how hard the US government fights to avoid solving problems.

  27. Animby says:

    # 20 HMeyers said, “Perfect now has 5 votes. Mine is one of them. I think it was about the best result possible in the current environment…”

    So, what you’re saying is, it wasn’t perfect but the best possible. In other words, you meant to vote COULD BE BETTER. You know, Mr Meyers, there IS a difference between lying to yourself and fooling yourself. I wonder which one you’re guilty of?

    # 29 chris said, “…they are against a thing because it disproportionally benefits DEM voters.” Is that a bad thing, Chris? You favor legislation or programs that disproportionately favor one group of people? You know, Chris, there IS a difference between lying to yourself and fooling yourself. I wonder which one you’re guilty of?

  28. HMeyers says:

    Animby … perfect is always a relative thing.

    Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

  29. Steve S says:

    I think it is so revolting how both sides were patting themselves on the back for doing such a good job of compromise to avoid the total armageddon that would have occurred if the non-essential parts of the government were shut down for a few days. What a joke we have for a miserable excuse for a government. In any other industry if you did your job even half as poorly as they did you would be fired. Here they are congratulating themselves for a job well done. There are no words strong enough to express the disgust I feel for our representatives.

  30. jbenson2 says:

    As shown in the pie chart, this compromise is just the tip of the iceberg.


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