Executive Producer: Nathan Marshall
Executive Producer: David Hornbeck III
Executive Producer: Francine Hardaway
Executive Producer and 293 Club Member: Baron Steven Pelsmaekers
Co-Executive Producers and 300 Club members: Hello Canvas, Anonymous
Associate Executive Producers: Benjamin Salin, Harold Fudge: http://infostripe.com/

Art By: Jesse Anderson

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  1. TThor says:

    An enjoyable listening! Easy flow, lots of laughs and no grumpiness and personal attacks and complaints. And John was even allowed to talk full sentences, even rant! Great. Keep it this way, and I will wear my ring with pride.

  2. R.O.P. says:

    Seriously TThor? No grumpiness? John C. Dvorak talking in complete sentences? I don’t believe you.

  3. R.O.P. says:

    Seriously, the nap girl is getting as creepy as altar boy after mass time.

  4. R.O.P. says:

    Just to make sure you all understand how serious I am, I want to say “seriously” again. Seriously.

  5. TThor says:

    ” 2 & 4: R.O.P – why I sense I know you from earlier…? as Obamaforever, Bobo you operate under very many names; the troll that always is ready to spew his or her vitriol. Maybe we! are wrong but we don’t think so. Your fingerprint is all over.

    That aside, I genuinely felt what I said. Why don’t you tell everybody what you felt rather than attacking my praise. That would be sort of…. manly? You know, stand up for your opinions and take it as a man (or girl).

    Not interested to waste time on you. A troll don’t deserve it.

  6. What? says:

    Adam needs more memes.

    The current memes are filtering into the mainstream media.

    Push the envelope man! Turn and burn!!

  7. ECA says:

    aiding and abetting…

    Assisting a criminal to avoid prosecution..

    WHO WE GOING TO PUT IN GITMO, for terrorism..

  8. The_Tick says:

    @ #6, Are you serious? Adam’s retarded jingles are the worst part of the show, especially when he flubs them trying to step on what JCD is trying to say. He is like the insecure little annoying kid who always interupts because he is afraid someone may get more attention. AC is better to listen to when he’s alone because he has yet to figure out that the straight man is just as much a part of the act as the funny man and tries to cover it up with distracting sounds and catch phrases.

  9. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    TThor==just because I see you posting fairly often, I only post under my real name: bobbo. To be followed by my theme of the moment. This did in fact grow out of a spate of people adopting other people’s names on the blog disconcerting regular members who had come to love and loath their favorites.

    troll and vitrol huh?

    Yes, a very good filter to get rid of the chaff. Its shallow denial of any real analysis like yours that keeps America on the path to ruin. Wake Up Fools. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.


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