Courtesy CNN

Troops? What troops?

The U.S. may consider sending troops into Libya with a possible international ground force that could aid the rebels, the former U.S. commander of the military mission said Thursday, describing the ongoing operation as a stalemate that is more likely to go on now that America has handed control to NATO.

The use of an international ground force is a possible plan to bolster the Libyan rebels, Ham said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

Asked whether the U.S. would provide troops, Ham said, “I suspect there might be some consideration of that. My personal view at this point would be that that’s probably not the ideal circumstance, again for the regional reaction that having American boots on the ground would entail.”

Ham also disclosed that the U.S. is providing some strike aircraft to the NATO operation that do not need to go through the special approval process recently established. The powerful side-firing AC-130 gunship is available to NATO commanders, he said.

The civil war has cut Libyan oil output by 80 percent, a senior government official said on Thursday, as rebels and Gadhafi’s forces traded charges over who had attacked oil fields vital to both sides.

Wed Mar 23, 11:44 am ET
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama Wednesday categorically ruled out a land invasion to oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi as coalition forces launched a fifth day of air strikes against government military targets in the North African nation.

  1. rabidmonkey says:

    LOLZ! Are any of us really surprised at all? I mean who can say here that he/she is honestly surprised at this? We all saw this level of involvement coming miles away. I love how this is all being pushed onto American citizens by calling this action any other circuitous, round-about verbiage other than what it really is: “flat-out war-mongering.” They really do think the people will just go along with the itinerary as mindless blobs, accepting whatever they’re told to think.

    Oh wait, that’s how the people actually are. We’re doomed folks!

  2. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Good. Safe sex combined with the Powell Doctrine: in-out, wear a condom. Drop leaflets in Tripoli telling them to leave because on x date, its going to get wiped off the face of the earth if Kdaffy’s Head is not in the square on a pike.

    Watch focused self interest sweep the middle east.

    The Romans weren’t wrong about everything–until they got fat and lazy.

    History—it ain’t nice, just written by the winners.

  3. MIkeN says:

    What a stupid article. Of course the US has CONSIDERED sending troops into Libya.

  4. nicktherat says:

    wonder what obama that is

  5. sargasso_c says:

    A fledgling democracy in need of patriarchial support. With reserves of natural gas and sweet crude oil to flood Texas. Yes. Let’s feed them to Iran.

  6. nobody says:

    #5 – they would if Libya had vital resources of slaves

  7. chris says:

    It is going to get sillier before it gets sadder.

  8. Benjamin says:

    End Obama’s illegal war in Libya. He should be impeached because only Congress can declare war. Congress did not even authorize military action like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  9. denacron says:

    Getting more “kinetic” eh? Onward bowing Obomba onward.

  10. Dee says:

    I just want one correction.
    Gen Ham is not “the former U.S. commander of the military mission”. He is the former Commander of US Army Europe and now the Commander of AFRICOM, based in Stuttgart, Germany. And the former Commander of AFRICOM was Gen Ward.
    Just sayin’

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Obama said they would never go into Libya. At that moment, we all had the sinking feeling troops were going, right?

    We all felt this because we know Obama is a pathological liar.

  12. Animby says:

    # 2 bobbo, POLITICIANS (fixed) are Killing America said, “Drop leaflets in Tripoli telling them to leave”

    But, Tripoli is actually a pretty nice city! Great coffee. Oh, well. Agreed. Let’s do it and get it over with. Then we can shoot over to Ivory Coast and really do it just for humanitarian purposes. And, when we’re done there, we can zip across the continent and wipe out Somalia. Ain’t nuthin’ worth saving there and, honestly, aren’t we sick of the sanctioned piracy? And if a GPS error means that a sortie overflying Kenya kills the grandmother and wipes out a certain village, well – shit happens!

    Another thing: we are in talks to arrange an exile for Mambo Kadaflehopper … we better never hear that we PAY him to leave. At this point in time, he’s probably got more money than we do!

    Know what I’d like to see? Obama publicly tear up the presidential directive that forbids assassination. If we’re gonna do it, then we might as well do it cheaply. Let’s see how his “Guardian Angel” squad handles a long range Marine sniper.

  13. msbpodcast says:

    In #9 Benjamin said: End Obama’s illegal war in Libya.

    Get your facts straight. Obama did not declare war on Libya.

    Since WWII, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have all been involved in armed conflict.

    What makes Obama any different?

    They, the great unwashed they, have something and we want it, so we shoot at them until we get it.

    That’s the American Way.

    Its the way we’ve dont things since before 1776.

  14. Jescott418 says:

    The political way to fully enter a war. Ease I to it. Provide just enough air support that makes it look like it will not be enough. Then bring out the ground option. Gee, heard that one before.

  15. foobar says:

    The US Army should launch an invasion of the United States followed by nation building.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    In #15 Jescott418 said: The political way to fully enter a war. Ease I to it. Provide just enough air support that makes it look like it will not be enough. Then bring out the ground option.

    Any military historian will tell you that what Machiavelli wrote in The Prince about having to move you seat of government into the newly conquered territory was essentially correct.

    You don’t conquer by attacking any opposition, you conquer by smothering a population with a long term application of occupation.

    Other than that, you’re just pissing people off and opening yourself for retaliation.

    Look at the Gipsies, aka the Romanish, now there is a proper job of conquest.

    They barely have tatters of a culture without a homeland, rather much like the Jews until the foundation of Israel, courtesy of Roman conquerors.

    Julius Caesar invaded Germany, France and England himself, he didn’t send a bunch of flunkies.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.

    Senator Barack Obama, 2007

    I guess Obama is taking Bush II’s adivice — “It’s just a goddam piece of paper!”

  18. Dallas says:

    Happy to see decisions made that based on conditions on the ground. I’ve always supported the cleaning out the Libya cesspool once Obama achieved wide international support, including the Arab League.

    What is worrisome is just how pathetic the French and Italian military are in cleaning up after the US leveled the place. They are effectively across the street.

    This bold decision by Obama puts the Teabaggers and Puke’s in a dilemma. Bold action in Libya is what they wanted in the first place but conflicted now in their urge to be assholes and negative.

    GOP and Teabagger leaders Palin, O’Donnell and Beck need to reconcile this major political posture for their sheeple.

  19. Hmeyers says:

    How about Obama produce a federal budget and get us out of Afghanistan first?

    I will say he did the right thing in Libya so far, bomb their planes and tanks and then bail and hand it over to NATO.

    By destroying Libya’s heavy weapons, Libya won’t be doing airstrikes on their citizens. That was a great decision and far better than waiting for their to be “mass graves”.

    Still, at the same time … we have no business having troops on the ground over there and I’m not convinced that the rebels are any more pro-Democracy than Gadhafi.

    And after the US pummeled Libyan military targets, they are soft enough for the Europe to take leadership of this issue … it is their backyard … not ours.

  20. nobody says:

    18 – but there was an imminent attack- Libya has the same WMD as Iraq and can be launched in 45mins.

    An inteligence officer heard it from a taxi driver whose cousin knew somebody who met someone in a bar who had read about it on the internet – that’s solid, credible intelligence.

  21. derspankster says:

    Isn’t there some way we can get this black guy out of office? Hell, he isn’t even a citizen (according to the Boss) and somehow he got to be President!

    Now this Libya deal. On top of that Beck is going off the air. Oh, the humanity!!!!

  22. ya right
    what for two minutes
    what an indecisive strategy and set of strategies
    full of open indecision and arguing among advisers
    Turf wars
    Really a way to scare anyone about your long term prospects and efforts
    A new world order or disorder from morons and low lives

  23. jbenson2 says:

    It was on March 18, three weeks ago, that Obama lied to Congress and said the action versus Libya would last days, not weeks.

  24. nobody says:

    323 – well he is doing his best to fit in.

    Bail out the banks, bomb some rag-heads with oil and do nothing to improve the lives of american people. What else is a brother supposed to do if he lives in a white neighborhood ?

  25. Edward R. Murrow says:

    Washington, UPI — In an utter shock to the entire American public, it was announced today that all US politicians are lying, retarded scumbags paid off by giant corporations. The public, meanwhile, continued their Big-Ender/Little-Ender arguments by texting while driving their Amazon Yukon Everest ThunderWagon X-99 Adventure Vehicles to the grocery stores to make their fat asses even more lardy.

    “Quaaaaaack-quack-quack,” said a Somethingorother Department spokesman, on condition of anonymity. “Homina mumble-buzz yada-yada-yada.”

  26. Bobbo is killing this blog says:

    ” may consider”.
    WTF does that even MEAN?
    Let’s put it this way,
    the Sock Monkey is a disaster.

  27. Ruger LCR says:

    “may consider”?
    What does the even mean?
    You can take that to the bank.
    A two thousand page health care disaster, passed by bribing legislators who wouldn’t vote yes, and having “special” exemptions for unions.
    Let’s face it, this guy is a fucking DISASTER!

  28. LibertyLover says:

    #27, ROTFLMAO

    BTW . . . where do I get a Amazon Yukon Everest ThunderWagon X-99 Adventure Vehicle? Does it have at least four cup holders in the front?

  29. t0llyb0ng says:

    Managed to wander into a third quagmire, didn’t we. Can’t help ourselves. It is lunacy. The dollar is in deep doodoo & our own infrastructure is crumbling. Gonna print up some more fiat paper & untraceable e-currency to “finance” the whole mess. We get to watch it happen in real time but can do nothing to stop it. Go USA! Too big to fail.

  30. Special Ed says:

    In case anyone saw this headline today, it wasn’t one of my students:

    Teacher is caught on video pepper spraying a special ed student.


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