Waiting for the Market to open this morning I came across Margaret Carlson’s excellent analysis.

“It isn’t fair!” is a cry we try in kindergarten and never give up. To tamp down this thirst for instant justice, the nuns at my school invoked the sweet hereafter, where all wrongs would be righted, as a reason for us to suck it up at recess.

As an adult, and a lucky one, the last thing I want now is fairness. I could be waiting on tables instead of being served at them, delivering the papers instead of writing for them.

In that, I’m like Wisconsin’s Republican governor, Scott Walker. He didn’t want fairness to kick in after he assumed power in January and used the rubric of “budget repair” to bully the folks who clean his office and guard his prisoners.

The sweet hereafter made an early appearance in Wisconsin on Tuesday. A Democrat, Chris Abele, cruised to victory in the race to fill Walker’s former post, Milwaukee County executive. And state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, part of a 4-3 conservative majority seen as likely to support Walker’s assault on unions, ended up in a too-close-to-call election that may result in a recount. Just six weeks ago, Prosser was expected to coast to victory over JoAnne Kloppenburg, an assistant attorney general. Only five incumbent Supreme Court judges have been defeated since 1852.

Ordinarily it takes four years to right an electoral wrong. Not this time. Liberal and conservative groups descended on Wisconsin to turn what would normally be a ho-hum election into a referendum on Walker…

Regardless of the eventual outcome, Kloppenburg’s out-of- nowhere showing is a cautionary tale for those governors following in Walker’s path by curtailing workers’ bargaining rights, and for the Tea Party, which you’d think would be fighting for the little guy, not the big bully…

On April 5, voters in South Central Wisconsin approved two historic referenda by overwhelming margins. These referenda asked whether voters support amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations are not people and money is not speech. The City of Madison referendum passed with 84% of the vote, and the similar Dane County referendum passed with 78%.

These referenda are the first anywhere in the country to call for a constitutional amendment in response to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United vs. FEC decision. Members of South Central Wisconsin Move to Amend (SCWMTA), the local group that pushed for the referenda, believe they will not be the last. “Amending the Constitution will not be easy, and to succeed people across the country will need to stand up and demand it,” says Kaja Rebane, SCWMTA Co-Chair. “We hope our success will inspire others to organize their own efforts.”

The 2010 Citizens United case declared that limiting the amount corporations can spend to influence elections would violate the “free speech rights” of corporate “people” under the First Amendment. National polls have shown broad opposition to the Citizens United decision (85% of Democrats, 81% of Independents, 76% of Republicans), and widespread support for a constitutional amendment to undo it (87% of Democrats, 82% of Independents, 68% of Republicans).

This really is common sense. Even a small child can tell the difference between a corporation and a living, breathing human being. How can this be so hard for the Supreme Court to understand?” asks Madison resident Kevin Gundlach.

Anyone else remember “We the People” being more important than “Them the Corporations”?

Thanks, Cinaedh

  1. Hmeyers says:

    Oops …


    This fatty-cakes didn’t realize his 12 whopper-eating keyster didn’t actually win the Wisconsin Supreme Court election.

    Now what is the rallying cry of overpaid union bosses that suck on public teat at the expense of the taxpayer that lives in some sort financial disconnect?

    All the States are in budget crisises and this fat-ass blubber butt wants “more” … well fuck him and fuck anyone ignorant enough about grave financial reality this country is facing.

    Fucking idiot selfish fucks. It is time to care about this country and not your own selfish benefits.

  2. Badda bing says:

    @67 Rumor has it, so does alfie

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Finally the Diebold machines do something good. Its about time!

  4. MIkeN says:

    >All the Supremes had to do was affirm the currently existing laws.

    You have a weak concept of what the court does. The argument was that the currently existing law violates the 1st Amendment. The government argued that the law did not violate the 1st Amendment, and when questioned, said they could ban books. In other words, this would not be a violation of the 1st Amendment if the government banned books. So if the Supreme Court had done what you suggested, they would be affirming that banning books is valid under the 1st Amendment.

    Slippery slope arguments are weak for a legislature context, but for courts, it is real, because to throw out a law or refuse to throw out a law, there are some principles involved.

  5. Animby says:

    Unions good.
    Corps bad.
    Bullshit. Get ’em both out of politics.

  6. mainecat says:

    #70 jbenson2

    Michael Moore? Gloating? I think Mr. Moore may have a problem with Bloating.

    We all gloat once in a while.

    I once read one of Moore’s books. I was agreeing with most of it when I found a part that that was factually incorrect. I then had to question the rest of it. Never did make a final decision. Wish I had the money back I paid. And the time. Too late.

  7. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    #60–Lotsa==simple, direct. Made me laugh.

    #62–tiger==yes, both parties corrupt. Thats the first analysis. The second question is with said corruption, who is better served and who is worse served? The rich and the corporations are served by both parties. The Pukes serve the rich exclusively and all the time, the Dumbocraps only slightly less so finding an occasional purpose to serve the great majority who are not Super Rich.

    It wasn’t the Unions that brought on the economic collapse of 2008 and it wasn’t the Unions that started foreign wars.

    Like every other human institution, organized labor needs a shake up/change every once and again. The time for Trust Busting, Bank, and Political reform is decades late in coming.

    #63–tiger for your twofer==you ask:

    “You keep repeating the line: “The Republicans want to Kill America”
    Do you really believe that? /// Yes. Just look and you should to.

    If you do, how would it benefit Republicans if America is no more? /// American will still “be.” Just not the land of the free where Horatio Alger can make his way.

    I think you are just a liberal version of Rush: blindly biased party loyalist. /// Its exactly not being blind that is my battle cry. Look! Just look. By calling the Republicans for what they are, that does leave the Dumbos as the default in our two party system. Dumbo’s are simply the lesser of two evils, but evil still. My loyalty is to the people, the maximum good to the maximum number, in a pragmatic realistic way. That makes one very anti-Republican with the Dems in second place.

    If you disagree, please share us your insight why Republicans would wake up every morning thinking: “hm… how can I kill America today?”. /// Oh they don’t. They wake up thinking: “How can I increase my fortune today, not by free and fair competition, but by getting an advantage thru legistlation.”

    How would killing America benefit any Republicans? //// Top 1% has 50% of Americans wealth. They are quite happy to live behind gated walls and armed guards. That kills the America we think we have a fair share of.

    #74–MikeN==again, just too stupid. Current law did not then, nor does it now, permit the banning of books except for the very narrow exception that has developed over time. The notion that the law means what one person argues before the SC is beyond retarded. The law means what the SC says it means. Cite me the book banning provision.

    What is the appropriate personal and corporate tax burden in our society? If the top 1% of the society owning 50% of its assets is not enough, how much is? Do you really want to live in a country where the bottom percentiles have no real opportunity to better themselves? How much wealth is justified when others suffer? Don’t confuse your own fight for the remaining scraps as a fight for your liberty–its called a fight to the bottom for a reason.

    Wake Up Republican Voters. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.

  8. MIkeN says:

    Bobbo, there doesn’t have to a provision in law already enacted. There has to be a way for the Supreme Court to not throw out the law by using a principle that cannot be extended to allowing the government to ban books. If they let the government ban speech by corporations in the form of TV ads, or in this case an anti-Hillary movie, then they must let the government do the same for books.

  9. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Mike–ok, I see your point—-but not really. Each set of facts stands on its own. The issue at bar was not the banning of books but the unlimited contribution of money to political campaigns/issues by corporations. It wouldn’t bother me at all to have a rule that corps can’t publish political campaign books or movies. corps aren’t people and they have no rights except those authorized by law.

    corps aren’t people. Ban every form of communication except internal memos. Zero effect on freedom of speech because===CORPS AREN’T PEOPLE.

    Let people write books and put on movies. What??? You say people write books but only corps can produce a movie? Tough titty. CORPOS AREN’T PEOPLE. Their political speech can be restricted as desired. As it is a secret slush fund, I see no reason why corps should have any political speech rights at all. Unions? Ok in my book as employers still have their voice and a balance is appropriate. Want to deny unions free speech because they are a type of corp??? Ok. On balance, a better system because CORPS AREN’T PEOPLE.

    Wake Up Republican Voters. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.

  10. mike says:

    Dear Dinosaur Democrats… that pain in your rear is your demise, dopes. Lower your head into the trough for one last delicious drop of taxpayer gravy… the GOP are busy ripping you a new one…drill baby drill indeed… hahahaha…snoopydance!

  11. Badda bing says:

    Alf you do daisy chains? how progressive of you. What would your fellow conservatives and god think of your wicked ways? I thought you folks only diddled little boys.

  12. tcc3 says:

    #83 TeaDud

    Cry about it some more.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Once you [begin] restricting or forbidding free speech, all free speech is in jeopardy.

    Bullshit. Some speech is already restricted. And all free speech is not in jeopardy. This is not a binary equation except in Dogmaville.

  14. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Alfie–you amuse me. Pray tell, what is the conservative argument showing pornography is not free speech?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    Lyin’ Mike

    … you are so upset about Citizens United decision, you have to come up with a way to limit corporate power, that doesn’t give the government power to ban books, which are generally published by corporations. This was THE deciding factor in court arguments, when the government lawyer said they could ban books.

    Again, you display your ignorance of everything. Citizen United was a challenge of non-persons; corporations, non-profit corporations, and unions, to influence an election without restriction. There was nothing about banning books, which the Government still has the authority to do, and still does. (Go ahead, publish a book advocating the violent overthrow of the government if you think they can’t ban books)

    The case dealt with a group that wanted to show a negative movie they made on television about Hillary Clinton and why she made such an unsavory candidate. The law stated the movie could not be shown within 60 days of an election. The group sued so they could show the movie before the Democrat Primaries.

  16. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    Alfie==thats the weakest reply I have ever seen you give, a gaff, the truth: “I don’t know, I made it up just so I could gargle anti-progressive dribble.”

    Thank you. More than I ever would have thought.

    Why didn’t you just quote the bible?

  17. JohnnyBGoode says:

    This is a political cause I can get behind. Considering the gang rape corporations, in conjunction with our politicians, have inflicted on this country, it’s time for “we the people” to say f**ck you back.

    F**ck the “Tea Party” if they don’t get behind this. I never trusted the Republican version of the tea party anyway.

  18. MIkeN says:

    Bobbo, Mr Fusion wrote what I was going to say; my dumbening is started. Citizen’s United was about a movie, that’s why banning books is on the table.

  19. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    I wouldn’t say “Fuck the tea party”. some of them old broads look a little crusty and jesus, you sure the hell don’t know what else has been up Alphie’s butt.

  20. MIkeN says:

    #90, Mr ConFusion, it is right there in the oral arguments for the case. The connection is obvious. Bobbo is willing to accept the banning of political books. Why you are OK with banning a movie about a politician, I don’t know. I’m wondering how Fahrenheit 9/11 managed to get away with it.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:


    It appears you are celebrating a little early. The results will not be accepted until the Government Accountability Board has received an adequate explanation for the missing votes that suddenly gave Prosser the lead.

    It seems they aren’t happy that the county refused the county to investigate and certify the machines before and after the election.

    It must really suck to be caught being a fraud.

  22. MIkeN says:

    Yes I am sure they want to get the election procedures as good as they can get, and want to investigate all such irregularities, and try to avoid mistakes. Even worse this lady had her choice of machinery questioned before the election. Don’t think she’ll be arguing much from now on. The explanation is pretty simple; she forgot to hit save on her computer. The original count showed 0 votes for a city; actual result was on election night some people voted in that city. Even you should be able to see the discrepancy.

  23. MIkeN says:

    I hope the unions didn’t add a special assessment to their worker’s paychecks to pay for their election drive. Pretty neat, they can take money from workers to pay off politicians who will vote to have the workers’ money given to union leaders.

  24. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    MikeN==it is only a rough equation but meant to equal the like of Walker taking money from the Koch Brothers to then ram thru legislation taking away employee rights to collectively bargain/have unions thereby destroying Democratic Party ability to counter Republicans Killing America. so the question really becomes: who do you associate more with, or more to the point, where do your actual self interests lie?===with the Super Rich top 1% of the economic pyramid, or somewhere below that with other wage slaves?

    Wake Up Fools and you too Mickey. The Republicans want to Kill America and they can’t do it without your vote.

  25. So what says:

    What I find most amusing is that the most conservative states are also those whose residents search the web for the most intrinsically kinky porn. While liberals get caught sleeping with some ones wife, conservatives especially ministers and the most homophobic get caught sleeping with some ones husband.

  26. So what says:

    Hey Alf as some one so opposed to internet anonymity one, why did you change your moniker and two, why don’t you just post using your real name?

  27. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    I searched the internets for Alfred Persons and found one hit for a pedophile but the file was password protected. I tried Alfie and TEAdud but neither worked.

    Speaking of which, I came across:

    Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

    The explanation is that God and Jesus still loves us, is straight, and everything in the bible is the absolute truth and should be taken literally but in ancient times “hate” meant anything less than total devotion up to and including hate. They had no continuum of adjectives back then, the Greeks were too simple a culture to make gradations of human appreciation.

    Yea, verily.

  28. So what says:

    Gee H, that’s like saying a hooker is lucky to have the clap.

  29. HMeyers says:

    Not true. The problem is most of the people that post at this blog are partisan mudslingers that have some party talking points built into their heads.

    Look at Detroit, they had to close half their public schools because they neglected city planning for years.

    What are any of the public sector employees including the teachers really losing in Wisconsin?

    A bit more for healthcare, more of their own pension … it has been blown totally out-of-proportion.

    Pretty mild stuff.

  30. So what says:

    H way back in my freshman year my poli sci prof made the comment “the whole point of getting elected is to get re-elected”. Any politician would sell his mother for a triscuit if it will get him or her elected. No politician and I mean NO politician has the interest of the public at heart. I have worked both private and public sector including local, state, and federal government, and without fail every politician has an agenda from the small town council man to the president, and they don’t include the voters welfare. The argument against public sector employees always forgets to include the biggest leeches. Take a look at the pending shutdown. The military will not get paid, potentially thousands of government employees will not be paid, but hey the senate and president keep on keeping on, it won’t affect their paycheck. The constitution should be amended to state that any person who actually wants the job of representative, senator, or president should be immediately excluded from holding office. Walker doesn’t give a damn about Wisconsin, he just wants the office, it means he won’t actually have to work for a living. The older I get the more I believe that prostitute is an ancient word that actually means politician, and prostitution is the worlds oldest profession.

    Your argument on Detroit is invalid, the city did not neglect planning. The politicians failed to plan. They refused to make the hard decisions or face reality. They refused to maintain the infrastructures water, sewer, street, schools, Those are the bedrock without which the city fails. You cant attract industry if you can supply it’s needs. Things like water, sewer, power, roads, and an educated populous that can be trained to perform the work the company needs. Instead politicians make pretty speeches with talking points to draws the populous away from the reality that the structures around them are crumbling and they have no knowledge of how to fix them. If they actually take the time to learn what needs to be done from those other public sector employees, the one who get dirt on their hands. They find out just how fucked up the situation is. Take a look at the water and sewer infrastructure in this country, it is literally into the trillions, not to replace but just to maintain what we have. The American Society of Civil Engineers give water and sewer a D-. But a politician knows if they tell the public the truth. That rates need to be increased to maintain what we have, they will be voted out, replaced by someone who will tell the public its ok nothing to worry about. So the talking heads continue to lie to us, and we know they are lying to us but we continue to elect them any way.


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