A court in eastern Pakistan has extended the police custody of two brothers charged with cannibalism, officials say.

Arif Ali and Farman Ali were arrested earlier in the week. Police say they caught them making a meal of a corpse they had recently stolen from a grave.

The brothers’ alleged cannibalism was discovered after the body of a newly deceased woman was found to be missing from her grave in the city of Sargodha. Her family then alerted the police.

“We have charged them under the anti-terrorism act,” Inspector Abdur Rahman of Darya Khan police told the BBC…

After digging to check the body was still there, they found it to be missing. A police complaint was lodged – and the subsequent investigation led to the house of the brothers.

They had cut a part of the corpse and were cooking it when we appeared on the scene,” a police official said.

The other remains of the 24-year-old, who died of cancer, were recovered from the brothers’ residence…

They say the pair appear to be in sound physical and mental condition and were living in seclusion with their sister, whose mental condition is said to be unstable.

Neighbours have expressed shock at the discovery, saying they never suspected that the two men could be involved in such acts.

I had to include that last sentence to remind you of the trite things people say when they discover a friend, neighbor or family member is a ghoul.

  1. ikke says:

    > “We have charged them under the anti-terrorism
    > act,” Inspector Abdur Rahman of Darya Khan
    > police told the BBC…”

    How is this even remotely linked to terrorism?

  2. Dallas says:

    Goes to show that hot sauce will save us from the coming food crisis.

  3. morramm says:

    In what way is this connected to Obama?
    We have a few Pakistanie co-workers and they’ve mentioned that besides goat, their other favorite meat is donkey! Both have said that in Pakistan donkeys are so well loved that some have even gotten married

  4. admfubar says:

    “”They say the pair appear to be in sound physical and mental condition and were living in seclusion with their sister, whose mental condition is said to be unstable.””

    “”Neighbours have expressed shock at the discovery, saying they never suspected that the two men could be involved in such acts.””

    “”I had to include that last sentence to remind you of the trite things people say when they discover a friend, neighbor or family member is a ghoul””

    personally i like the trite part about how they say the brothers are “sound physical & mental health”, makes me wonder what crazy is like over there!

  5. fslockslide says:

    (man starts in the middle of a sentence)

    … a second meat eater has also been arrested.

    durya-ha police has, in union-council on sunday, in a raid on the grave-robbing-cannibals, arrested Arif, his sister and his father, while another suspect escaped. He was arrested today.

    In the previous days, the police have recovered, from the suspects home, a woman’s (named Saira) body removed from her grave. One of her legs was cut, and in the pot, a stew of human remains was found.

    The suspects say they are used to eating dogs and dead human flesh.

    The police have started questioning the suspects.

    (woman on TV comes on)
    In the areas of Karachi, different events of “firing” have resulted in 4 deaths.

  6. fslockslide says:

    B T W
    before people come in with all kinds of weird stuff they have heard of people eating in pakistan… most of that is gonna be bullshit. I have NEVER heard of any 1 eating DONKEY before, and I grew up in pakistan. No one in my house would ever even consider eating dogs, (an animal expressely considered un-clean in pakistani culture and usually you won’t even touch one) donkey’s (the only use for a donkey is to pull things…period) or any of these other weird animals that I am sure the readers are gonna say they know pakistani’s eat. PAKISTANI people are NOT cave dwelling beasts, and I am SURE that this is just some weird thing that is NOT AT ALL COMMON.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    How long before the Democrats start screaming that this is an example of what will happen to our senior citizens during the Govt Shutdown?

    Oh, wait. Schumer and Pelosi already are.

  8. Animby says:

    Dug her up?
    Not embalmed so maybe a bit moldy?

    Soilent green?

    They are simply ahead of the times.

    # 6 fslockslide said, “BTW”
    Thanks for the translation. My Urdu was never very good and is out of use. I agree, I’ve lived in Pakistan and Afghanistan and never heard of anyone eating a donkey. I think #3 may have been working with some Bengalis. Never lived there but I knew a UN battalion of Bengalis in Angola and they ate some weird crap!

  9. Yankinwaoz says:

    I call BS on the whole thing. MIght as well charge them as witches.

    Terrorism? Really? How is this terrorism? Aren’t there laws on the books in Pakistan again cannibalism?

  10. TheSaintMunich says:

    It’s a set-up. I mean, no piece of ass can taste that good.

  11. rabidmonkey says:

    Good gravy! If they charged these guys with racketeering it would make just as much sense as it being under terrorism. I think I’ll go down to the coffee shop today and after receiving my caffè macchiato, I’ll call the police with a charge of Securities Fraud by the barista.

  12. Steve S says:

    Ghoul is such a hurtful term. People should be free to pursue alternate dietary courses.

  13. soundwash says:

    The story stinks of subterfuge BS mainly because of the use of “We have charged them under the anti-terrorism act”

    I dont know what it is, but that statement is setting off all sorts of bells and whistles, “spidy-sense” included.

    The second angle is that someone is trying to paint the Paki’s as monstsers, possibly for future propaganda “enforcement”

    It’s a non-story relative to all that is going on atm.. why is the BBC reporting it?


  14. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    “I had to include that last sentence to remind you of the trite things people say when they discover a friend, neighbor or family member is a ghoul.” /////

    So, which of your friends, neighbors, or family members do you currently suspect of cannibalism, of either the necro or still live kind?

    Calling all wordsmiths: what is eating people while they are still alive called?

  15. John E. Quantum says:

    Reminds me of a poem I learned in my youth-

    There was an old hermit named Dave
    Who drug a dead whore to his cave
    Though she smelled like sh!t
    and was minus one t!t
    Think of the money he saved

  16. Animby says:

    # 14 bobbo, “what is eating people while they are still alive called?”


  17. Rich says:

    “Calling all wordsmiths: what is eating people while they are still alive called?”

    I think anthropophagy covers people eating people regardless of living status.

  18. Somebody says:

    These poor men were led to it through the gateway of Salami Anarchism.

  19. Dee says:

    @fslockslide – Thanks for the insights. Really.

    I think if they really did that they must have been pretty desperate. We need to remember that the people can’t afford Mickey D’s like we can… It’s either that or they are just sick. All the wild speculations and inappropriate comments are really sad.

  20. gigwave says:

    Are there that many cannibals that eat living people that we now call those that cook their people *necro-cannibals*?

  21. bobbo, Republicans are Killing America says:

    17–Rich Vocabulary==sounds right. Thank you.

    I am reminded of the historical fact of a “family” but it might have been a clan of folks living a while back on the border between England and Scotland. Nothing to eat except passerby’s and they did that for food and booty for many years. Never heard or have forgotten how they got found out/stopped. I guess land can be too scrabble hard to even support sheep. What ya gonna do, roll over and die? Or kill.

  22. Rob Leather says:

    Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “Big Mac”.

  23. Somebody says:

    Nobody picks up on No Agenda references in here?

  24. robert tucker says:

    Well there is also cannibalism .there was a well feed white boy in wisconsin eating ” soul food ” the dark meat . Americans eat human flesh


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