The face of Jesus has been spotted – in a three cheese pizza. Restaurant staff at the Posh Pizza shop in Brisbane, Australia, noticed the manifestation after taking the pizza from the oven. Maree Phelan says: “Some people are already calling it the Cheesus Pizza…

After attracting 26 bids on eBay, the pizza sold for a tasty £98.


  1. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    Lets count them up: three cheeses, then Jebus, then selling it for more money, then someone buying it. That looks like “6” to me.

    I tried to make myself see Charlie Manson but couldn’t do it. Truly inspired by the devine, not the metal cut out put on top.

  2. McCoy Pauley says:

    FINALLY! Real PROOF that 9-11 was a plot by Hitler’s Secret UFO’s to use the Bermuda Triangle to cause the earthquake that took down Fukushima!! Now I KNOW that Barack Obama was secretly born in Yemen!!!

    THANK YOU, INTERNET!!! I just KNEW that Reason would finally prevail!!!!!

  3. Animby says:

    Phantom of the Opera or any zombie.
    Definitely not Bejeezus.

  4. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    McCoy–that comes close to what I saw for a second while channel surfing last night. Looked like an advert for vampires that were fighting the Nazis. For some reason, I did assume they had traveled back in time to do this–its only right now as I type that I recognize I was just assuming that as the vamps had a “modern” look to them. And I thought, gee, make them teenagers, throw in some werewolves and this might be a hit? I assume it is more crap from SYFY. I’m losing my affection for Sci Fi with the dreg they put on.

    Have they “ever” made a good movie?


  5. God, Allah, and other deities says:

    Eat me!

  6. Dallas says:

    It’s a fake.

  7. Special Ed says:

    I hate my pizza with jesus on it.

  8. Randy Ayn says:

    Personally, I dont see it. But then again I don’t “get” religion. Religion seems to be for idiots and sheeple (No wonder it is so popular here in the US)

  9. B. Dog says:

    They shoulda served it hot and let the customers have a bonus communion.

  10. Nobody says:

    Looks more like the face of Jim Morrison.

    Why does everyone always assume it’s the face of Jesus? Still, good job it wasn’t the face of Mohammed!

  11. 1873 Colt says:

    Why is any brain-generated “face” always called “Jesus”?

    This looks like some kid.

  12. nurbles says:

    Jim Morrison? Perhaps. My first thought was that the pizza is proof that Bob Marley was Jesus!

  13. gator says:

    looks like Mohammed to me….uh oh, some pizza boys will have to die, I guess.

  14. MacBros says:

    Looks like Darth Vader without the face mask. LOL

    LOL@ comment.

  15. chuck says:

    Looks like Jesus needs some Proactiv.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    I see a plain cheese pizza and detect stupidity.

  17. a. nal bleaching says:

    looks like marilyn manson to me…

  18. spsffan says:

    Looks like Tommy Chong to me, man.

  19. scandihoovian says:

    My diarrhea was a mirror image of that once. Where’s that pizza place located?

  20. whatsit says:

    WOW! That looks just like the pizza I ate last evening….

    after it was violently ejected.

  21. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    #13–gator==on a closely related story, thematically anyway as to images of religious personages, that Koran Burning Pastor now wants to put Islam on trial.

    I caught that Senator the other day on the news saying that the Pastor’s actions put our troops at risk. Free speech? Not a bit of it.

    Who is most responsible for that murder of the 20 UN workers in Afghan the other day?
    1. The Pastor
    2. Karzai
    3. The Mob
    4. Who ever first ginned up the mob.
    5. The individuals in the mob who did the killing.
    6. The UN workers for being there in the first place.

    Why don’t we use this as the actual real reason for pulling out of Afghan? Should the UN pull out for the same reason?

    Why are we there? Really.

  22. D'ough says:

    I know I’m a bit weird, but the first image I saw was Homer Simpson’s profile (facing left) with the JC figure forminghis left cauliflower ear)… ?

  23. poindexter says:

    Doesn’t DU have a banner for Jesus sightings?

    [We do, and it’s now flying proudly! –UD]

  24. They fucking left off the pepperoni!

  25. So what says:

    Its a unicorn eating butterflies and shitting rainbows.

  26. Lou says:

    Big day for the Jesus sheeple.

  27. dadeo says:

    Looks fake..but worse – it looks inedible. If Down Under Pizza sent this to my table I’d send it back and have them resurrect me up a veggie special, hold the sheep-cheese..

  28. capslock says:

    Pizza place should’a nailed it to the wall.

  29. Who Knows says:

    All of these have stories
    Ebay sold online for a gigantic prize of cash a piece of toast with the likeness of the host of the show
    As I recall the seller / discoverer announced “I put some toast on …. went to the washroom and when I came back the image of … was clearly on the toast”
    The bidding went through the roof
    The seller announced that he would donate a percentage to charity
    The final sale price on eBay was astronomical
    Yet when I went back to the auction a period of time after closing it appeared the major bidders had backed out – claiming that they did not bid on the sacred image / toast with an agreement of money going to charities ( which they ethically and morally may of objected to on various grounds)
    The toast went for a song
    A friend who was a cook by employment pointed out the chicanery could easily of been accomplished with the use of brown sugar.
    Get a job !

  30. deowll says:



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