And you thought the Internet was only good for pr0n.

The web has made it easier than ever before to access information on Devil-worshiping and the occult, experts said.

Exorcism is the subject of a six-day conference being held this week at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome, which is under the Vatican’s authority.

“The internet makes it much easier than in the past to find information about Satanism,” said Carlo Climati, a member of the university who specialises in the dangers posed to young people by Satanism.

“In just a few minutes you can contact Satanist groups and research occultism.”
Organisers say the rise of Satanism has been dangerously underestimated in recent years.

“There’s been a revival,” said Gabriele Nanni, a former exorcist and another speaker at the course.

  1. wtfbbq says:

    Satan, Jesus, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy. All the same. No harm in researching any of them.

  2. Dallas says:

    I’m pretty sure one of my Facebook friends is Satan or a close relative. It’s just none of my business he seems nice.

  3. akallio9000 says:

    And you can download the Bible in a few seconds as well, with the further advantage of searching at electronic speeds.

  4. nobody says:

    So presumably they must believe in satan and that it’s both possible to worship him/her and that worshipping him/her has some effect.

    Otherwise their whole business model is a bit shaky

  5. It is unbelievable that no matter what the era or technologies that human nature always keeps coming back to the same things whether its love sex and romance , social interaction or in this case simplified and easier access to devil worship
    Guess its niche marketing at its finest
    Reminds me of the success of the $ 100 laptop project – which also resulted in the invention or creation of netbook computers
    Turns out the success story Nigeria also had an explosion of supply of bad movies and videos in the bush remote areas
    Now we have facebook and twitter and now facebook groups for devil worship

  6. two to the head says:

    The boogie man…

    Hoomans are so gullible and superstitious. If you can’t explain it with your 8th grade education then it must be the devil or jebus.

  7. soundwash says:

    ewww, it’s soooo ebil! if there is any difference between satanism and the organized religions..


  8. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Yea, I don’t get the devil. Number One Angel in the Army of God, gets to be with him all the time, knows “he” ((the other guy!)) is all powerful, merciful, loves the devil==yet he revolts. So, while GOD knew billions of eon’s before he created space and time that the Devil would revolt, and lose, the Devil himself as powerful in all ways as God except for some second rate warfare skills, does not evidently know the future? But he still has free will? And there is the Devil fighting god forever while poor hoomans who never knew god get banned to Hell for eternity for not believing==while the Devil gets to carry on, just as god knew he would, in fact was made to be that way?

    You know, sumthin just doesn’t add up. Gary?

    Not being a thumper myself, it was the movies staring Christopher Walken as another fallen angel that more recently informed me on what a fairy tale the bibble is. angels fighting and mating with humans blah, blah, blah.

    Really? I mean, really?

  9. nobody says:

    #7 – that’s a ridiculous attitude. Unless of course you have evidence of 1000s of children raped by satanists?

    And although a few idiots have murdered someone because the devil told them to – only God seems to have persuaded people to wipeout entire races/countries

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Exorcism?! Does anyone still believe in that crap? Frankly, I think it’s a leftover from the Spanish Inquisition. An excuse to torture someone, for whatever reason can be invented. The Church’s way of “treating” misunderstood ailments, like Autism and Tourette syndrome, and then take the credit for channeling God’s power to cure. But it’s just dressed up fakery or delusional arrogance.

    As far as the Devil goes. I do believe there is evil in the world. The evil of collectively shared ignorance. Which can be far worse than whatever some mythical demon can inflict on us. An evil that goes by many names, such as “survival of the fittest”, “political expedience”, “God’s Will”, “New World Order”, “Natural Selection”, etc.. To name only a few things men dream up to justify and defend their own self-righteous and ignorant actions.

    Calling it the Devil, is just a way of passing the buck, for the blame. “The Devil made us do it” excuse. So men don’t have to ever own up to what’s in their hearts and minds. And of course “Exorcism” is just another one of those dodges. As if the Devil can be magically removed from someone, with a splash of holy water and a some special prayers. Sounds more like what tribal Witch Doctors might perform. I’m not buying it.

  11. chris says:

    I have to make an unpaid plug for a book, Daemon by Daniel Suarez. Read about it first on this blog, so I’d like to refresh the theme.

    It is about a nearly plausible aggressive competitor to the current system.

  12. chris says:

    The reason religion is so much crap is that devotion leads to protected status. Think, what fraction of people are horribly messed up. I’d say at least 5-10%. Religion is going to express the darker impulses of people simply because it is made up of people. There is also a feedback loop from the baser instincts that validates hints of those impulses in the wider population.

    I like Buddhism, which is the Wikipedia of religions. Doubt us, think about it, observe and learn.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Interesting thing about cultism. It’s likely the sort of thing people resort to who are “disenfranchised” (as they say) from wealthier society. Those who perceive that they’ve been denied the power and luxuries that others have obtained by various means, unavailable to them. Sometimes take an interest in ways that might tip the balance of power back in their favor. Call it what you want to, Satanism, Voo Doo, Clanism, Atheism, Wicca, Dianetology. Whatever. Those adopting such practices, probably feel left out of the great scheme of things. And also feel that they deserve to be on top again, by any means possible. Their egos won’t stand for having second best. And sadly, even some “religious” types are like that. And take to a faith in order to wield whatever power that position creates for them. And many times it’s abused.

    So if there is a renewed fear of cultism. It’s more likely a power struggle, between the Haves and Have-nots. Who seek external gratifications of power and influence. And what they can’t achieve by technological means (weapons and armies). They get by subverting the meaning of words and common perceptions. Leading us to fear, and then follow some cult leader, for “the promised land”.

  14. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Glenn–you are slicing the baloney for your own sandwich.

    A cult is no different than any other human institution with the label imposed by mainstream organizations no different except in the ability to have the label fit.

    You need a whole passel of additional adjectives to make the distinctions you want. so much so, you sound like a cult member yourself jockeying for position.

    If you were really in power, you would fake ignorance whether you were or not as in: “What?”

  15. sargasso_c says:

    There are priests who build stone walls around faith. And others who open windows to divine understanding. Where the Hell did I get that from?!

  16. pwuk says:

    I got a friend called Stan.

  17. msbpodcast says:

    In #13, Glenn E. said: …people resort to who are “disenfranchised” (as they say) from wealthier society…

    Since the wealthier society is a much smaller segment, I maintain that the number of cultists often surpass the number of the wealthier segments of society.

    How many Mormons are there? (13 million of them at last census.)

    How many Bildebergers? (They don’t have any self-identified census numbers but I’d bet that there is definitely way less than 13 million of them.)

    I’d say the wealthy are happy being far more disenfranchised from the masses of the great unwashed.

    I’d bet that there are far more Satanists in this country than Bildebergers (Though the two are not mutually exclusive. Satanist Bildebergers? … Could be…)

  18. msbpodcast says:

    In #15 sargasso_c said: Where the Hell did I get that from?!

    And did he have his hand up your kilt, laddie?

    Gotta watch these priests. They’ll make you into Hoover hand-puppets* before you can recite three Hail Maries.

    * They’ll get something to plug up both ends of your alimentary canal. (I’m an ex-Catholic Québecois. We went through all that mea culpa from the priesthood crap decades ago.

  19. msbpodcast says:

    In #12, chris said: …the reason religion is so much crap…

    No chris all religions are crap because they start with demanding that you suspend disbelief.

    Once you’ve suspended disbelief, they’ll be able to say anything, do anything, cost you anything, because you’ll take it.

  20. soundwash says:

    #9 nobody said,

    #7 – that’s a ridiculous attitude..

    ..And although a few idiots have murdered someone because the devil told them to – only God seems to have persuaded people to wipeout entire races/countries

    -lets not get bogged down in the gory details, shall we?

    The simple goal of both “institutions” is to wholly corrupt the soul or spirit. -and perhaps, make it subservient as well..

    In this, both sides appear to be very good at it.

    How they go about it makes no difference. -that they do, is the problem.

    If i were to play along in the religion game, my own understanding, -my The Mirror Image Rule.. ..indicates that god is the “devil” and the devil is actually god..

    -maybe that clears things up?

    In any case, I am just an outside observer.

    fwiw: after mulling over an awful lot of different interpretations from so called “mythos” on the matter, apparently lucifer / satan was actually the name of a water planet that existed where that fat asteroid belt between mars and jupiter now lies. (and from which, where our salt water / oceans come from)

    Hows that for a twist?

    Now, if I **had to believe..**

    -i find that FAR more plausible than the current BS that the loyal mass minions have bought into. -esp when you
    take planetary harmonics into account.. (a conversation for another day. perhaps..)

    parting muse:

    I had a chance to talk to a girl on the subway not long who had satanic tatoos on her neck and other places.

    When i asked her why the attraction to/for the whole satan thing, the most profound thing she said in the 20 or so
    minutes we talked was (for me) that there was only *one* devil. I thought that was rather interesting, having never pondered (or looked into) that deeply before..

    paraphrasing her after that statement: “You will always know where a satanist is coming from, but pretty clueless as to where a god fearing man stands..”

    weird, huh?

    anyway..just a thought.


  21. MrMiGu says:


    So was she a LaVey Satanist, one who worships themselves, or a literal Satanist, one who worships the Christian god Satan

  22. Floyd says:

    The only thing I know about religions is that all of them are out to collect our money.

    “Rolls in Rolls in, My God how the money rolls in!”

  23. LibertyLover says:

    I’m not quite certain what this post is about. I keep getting lost staring at the hot blond . . .

  24. EnemyOfTheState says:

    GW Bush: Just Send Your Cash

  25. nobody says:

    “Call it what you want to, Satanism, Voo Doo, Clanism, Atheism, Wicca, Dianetology.”

    So is Atheism the control group?

  26. Animby says:

    I don’t believe in satan.
    Does that make me an atheist?

    Seriously, who can comprehend an all powerful god who can’t control a few nasty angels?

    Religion. Poop.

  27. Special Ed says:

    #1 – You missed the Easter bunny.

  28. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    Animby. Perfect “rhetorical tautology” has been worked out by the Catholics: That’s right, YOU can’t comprehend the nature of God. Just believe he loves you and keep on tithing. -or- God loves you and gave you free will, so keep on tithing.
    -0r- God “knows” what you are going to do but “averts” his attention so you can have free will and are therefore responsible to keep on tithing.
    -OR- Shut Up Slave or you will roast in HELL if you don’t give us your tithe.

    Then it really goes downhill.

    I love the various protestant groups that try to conform religion and science. So cute in their ignorance of the scatology of their own faith, but they got the tithe thing down: give us ALL your money, and it will be returned 10 fold.

    Ha, ha. Stoopid Hoomans.

  29. JimD says:

    The “Church” can’t tolerate any competition for their own HooDoo BS !!!

    For your own, and your children’s sanity STAY AWAY FROM ***ALL*** THE CRACKPOTS – THE HOLY ROLLERS AND THE SATANISTS !!!

  30. Nobody says:

    @29 – on the contrary, without Satan they have no reason for existing. Satan isn’t their real enemy – rational thought is.

    It’s like the Navy, their nominal adversary is the Russian/Chinese navy – the real enemy is the Army and Air Force


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