The web has made it easier than ever before to access information on Devil-worshiping and the occult, experts said.
Exorcism is the subject of a six-day conference being held this week at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome, which is under the Vatican’s authority.
“The internet makes it much easier than in the past to find information about Satanism,” said Carlo Climati, a member of the university who specialises in the dangers posed to young people by Satanism.
“In just a few minutes you can contact Satanist groups and research occultism.”
Organisers say the rise of Satanism has been dangerously underestimated in recent years.
“There’s been a revival,” said Gabriele Nanni, a former exorcist and another speaker at the course.
And you thought the Internet was only good for pr0n.
Satanism is a parody religion…
The universe is very old and large on scales we can barely comprehend. The Earth is not the center of the universe, not even the center of our own star system or galaxy. Life evolved slowly over of time. There is no evidence whatsoever for a creator or protector god. I think it’s tragic that even with this knowledge we still cling to the old geocentric idea that humans have some special divine position in the universe and a superman father to protect us.
The blond can make me do any evil thing she wants as long as she dresses like that. By the way the easter bunny is real. I saw him on the internet pooping jelly bellies.
Probably just using the devil to scare up more faithful $oul$ for the pews. It is one of their favorite, tried & true recruiting methods..
I call halo-bait
““The internet makes it much easier than in the past to find information about Satanism,” said Carlo Climati
Instead of finding in the regular hangouts like political caucuses.
Carlo Climati? I used to watch his movies back in the 70’s. When he was called Colour Climax.
Did not read, too busy looking at HAWT girl.
I’ve always found the idea that people thought they could sell their souls to the Devil in return for favors to be amusing. Anyone who is willing to do the deal has already given their soul to the Devil free.
The Devil is not going to pay for what it already owns.
The Devil has a reputation for being evil, not stupid.
#28 Bob – You hit it on the head. Money. And power. How much more gold does the Vatican need? That guy (Jones?) in Florida obviously needs more tithes – his hair salon bills must be enormous!
I read once that tithing “is a joy and a blessing.” Especially for the priests and ministers, I suppose. Now who do you suppose put the instruction to tithe into the bible? God or mammon?
On this we agree: “Stoopid hoomans.” To which I add: Greedy, creepy clergy.
Animby said,
#28 Bob – You hit it on the head.
lol.. Bob? what an insult..
-it’s bobbo silly 🙂
MrMiGu said,
So was she a LaVey Satanist, one who worships themselves, or a literal Satanist, one who worships the Christian god Satan
no clue.. it never came up in the discussion…
#38–soundwash==thank you. I too was taken aback by that game playing with my name. I see now why other people take offense when I have my little thoughtless go at word play.
Wow. Could Alfie the Brain Dead Talking Points Spam Bot have these same feelings? Sure does open your eyes when you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.
What’s next? “Robert?”
Animby–you really are a heathen aren’t you. We’ll both be smoking a turd in hell for our sins. I just hope its not the same one. I like my privacy.
#40 Robbo – proximity would undoubtedly BE hell. I refuse going through eternity with you by my side, breathing turd smoke in my ear, demanding I substantiate an opinion.
Oh, and I am not a heathen. Heathens often have a religion – just not one the powers that be approve of. I have progressed from religious to agnostic to atheist. Maybe I’ll back up and try satanism. I hear they all dance nude and have wild orgies in the temple. On the other hand, I’m getting a bit old. Maybe no one will want to see me dancing nekkid. And I know I’m getting a bit past the wild orgy stage…
Animby–you still got anti-theist to go. Only then can you rest. I don’t know where it happened along the way, but some free form floating spirituality never appealed to me. I’m happy to report that oceanic awe-struck feelings of connection to the universe are still regularly experienced. I get that with every “new” idea, or significant modification of an old idea. In fact, the very last time I had that feeling was looking at the Hot Devil Babe above. Its oceanic I tell ya!!!!! Always be open to the universe.
#42 Roberto – Anti-theist? I doubt I’ll ever go that far. Anti-religion? Yeah, sure. I hate every organized religion I’ve run into. I distrust every member of the clergy. But anti-theist? Nah. Live and let live. The idea of a god brings such comfort to so many brainless fools. Take Alfie, for instance. No, really. Take Alfie…
Animby–anti-theist: even if god did exist, I would not submit to his authority. I would treat him as a superior in all ways except for having dominion over me. I have free will, I will choose my own path. Whatever god does to me because of my choices will be his responsibility: we are both responsible for our choices. Responsible to whom? To our own good moral conscious==precious little of which is on display by the Christian God.
And I give the same “freedom” to Alfie and other fantacists.
I will simply repeat: you still have that last level to recognize.
@^*% The Prince of Darkness Says:
I can’t see a %$# damed thing in here!
Who moved that $&#*ing coffee table?