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And so it begins…..
By McCullough Tuesday April 5, 2011
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#17 – the funny thing about the JibJab video, and this parody video is that some Obama disciples will watch both and will not believe they are parodies.
Actually, after watching the JibJab video, I think I’ll vote for Obama. (Although I am neither a citizen or a resident, but that shouldn’t be a problem.)
This a Great Song! It’s right on the money!
MikeN and Taxed Enough,
This is a great video. It’s so good that although I don’t count myself a “Birther” this video does make some very good arguments.
Very good arguments…
I personally thought that Obama won’t produce his birth certificate so he could rally his idiot base. Somewhat like pulling the race card without having to use race.
Now I honestly don’t know. The video does raise some good points.
I don’t know anyone born in the US who CAN’T produce a birth certificate or at least point to a place where they were born. Anyone who Isn’t Obama.
What happened to “Yes We Can!”
Don’t forget that it’s very likely Obama didn’t write “Dreams of my father”.
Bill Ayers did.
At first I dismissed this, but now knowing that Obama is a pathological liar, and given he played down his relationship with Ayers, I now think Ayers probably did write the book.
Then how do you idiots account for the archived newspaper birth announcements? Time travel? An international conspiracy involving the State of Hawaii and multiple independent organizations almost 50 years ago?
Occam’s Razor – Obama is an American and the Birthers are asshat racists.
its all good but after 5:20 its even better
I believe Obama is a natural-born US citizen. I don’t have any problem with where is was born, or any issues with his birth certificate.
But I would like to see his university transcript. Everyone keeps telling us he’s the smartest man in the world – so why is his transcript a state secret?
When I get resumes from job applicants, many will say “transcript available upon request”. So I always ask them applicant to bring a copy of their transcript to the interview. It’s surprising how many forget. So I say, no problem – just e-mail/fax it later, which they never do.
TEA, he doesn’t need to reveal anything before the election. Just let the opposition focus on what doesn’t matter, and he wins by default. Perhaps a better analogy is Bush and cocaine. Get the media looking over there, and there’s less chance they see what is being hidden over here.
#82–idiotahyea==please state a good argument that is made in the video. I only watched the first 15 seconds and won’t watch the rest. Mere assertion is not an argument. I assume “No Hospital has shown a birth certificate…” obfuscates the truth that no hospital does anywhere for anybody given they all use “Certificates of Live Birth” or some other word game you lap up for some reason.
Why not argue BO does not exist? Its just as easy. “No member of his immediate family can give an accurate description of him.”
Ah Yea, you aren’t the man you were a year ago. Was traveling that important to keep you sane?
#61–Howard==I hadn’t heard that so I googled. As close as I need to get is this report in the Wash Post that the SC declined to hear 3 cases alleging Obama was not qualified to serve as President.
I can’t access it as my browswer keeps throwing up a link to comcasst to register for new services. A glitch that is ocurring with more and more regularity. Irritating.
This info isn’t for you guys, Beale and Smartalix.
You’re not smart enough to understand.
It is for MikeN and company.
This article is how to fill out a birth certificate for a home birth.
Filling out a home birth usually won’t produce a long form because no hospital was involved.
Notice Obama’s birth certificate doesn’t have the hospital he was born in, nor the delivery doctor – because the information didn’t come from a hospital.
This is why the idiot governor couldn’t find his birth certificate. It doesn’t exist. He wasn’t born in a hospital, therefore no long form. His birth was announced in a newspaper (which is no evidence – I and anyone else can place an ad!), and only a short form because the state only recorded an affidavit from his mother.
So show me, idiots beale, smartalix, or dallas, a picture of Obama’s birth home.
And while you’re at it, watch the video in #82
Ha. ha. I can’t get to the Wash Post in my own browser address window or by double clicking on the original link, but I can cut and paste the above link into a google search and that link will work.
I hate Comcasst.
#90 – so, are you saying that all I have to do, to get a birth certificate (for myself) and immediately become a US citizen, is simply fill out a form (lying about when and where I was born), send it in, and I’m a citizen?
Wow, that’s easy. So why do all those idiots from Mexico do it the hard way?
chuck proves my argument about liberals being mentally “slow”.
Let’s use his example and say a Mexican woman has a friend in San Diego. Now this Mexican woman gives birth in Tijuana and then sneaks across the border with the newborn to her friends house in San Diego.
Then her friend places the ads in the newspaper, testifies that the baby was born at her place, and her and the Mexican mother fills out the paperwork.
Voila! Birth Certificate.
Let’s see. Was there a relative of Obama’s mother living in the US? Yes, in Hawaii.
Are there any witnesses of Obama’s birth? Yes also!
Read this.
This link may work better.
Are we still on this? jeebus!
Like all “True-believers” you suffer from confirmation bias lucky for you that your own Supreme Court has looked into this thought it was so silly as to not even be heard.
Why do you hate our US Constitution? that’s so un-American!
Look I hate Citizens United ruling but except it as the law of the land, I think Bush lost in 2000 but I excepted him as our worst president ever, get over it. And feel lucky he is governing from the center, the Left and the Right both feel he is to far to the other side.
people like Alphie who believe one crazy thing are very likely to believe many crazy things
FYI Alphie thats not a real unicorn/pegasus/flying horse just a picture like the birthers narrative its a work of fiction.
Wow, the loons are on a frenzy here sucking each others dick on the birther topic.
I hope the ‘issue’ carries through to election day to yield the same results.
You all don’t want real change.
Go back to sleep monkeys. You couldn’t imagine having to work that hard for a better life.
Pop takes another shot, neat,
Points out the same amber
Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
Makes me smell his smell, coming
From me; he switches channels, recites an old poem
The writings of Pres Obama clearly deserve another Nobel Prize.
#99. We agree, this is a red herring that is irrelevant. The real issue is that Obama is an empty suit, a bought, paid for and ineffectual poser whose days are numbered.
I don’t care if he was born on Mars….he doesn’t have the balls, heart or the experience to deal with this Presidency. In a way I feel sorry for him…for taking this job..or even wanting this job. Like Bush, he’s probably a good choice to have a beer with.
But then, I must be a racist.
“The real issue is that Obama is an empty suit, a bought, paid for and ineffectual poser” So what your saying is HE”S A POLITICIAN. Wow who would of fucking thought.
Well, a hundred three comments into this nonsense. Probably too late to start a slightly new thought line. But, here I go anyway: What would happen to our country if the Obama dude were suddenly proved to be a Kenyan Muslim and ejected from office? Would OBiden, as the new prez, simply countersign everything Bamaboy has done? Would there be a Constitutional crisis? Assuming Barry believes he is a natural born US citizen, would he be guilty of any crime? If he were removed from office as not having been eligible, could we bill him and Michelle for rent, travel, etc?
# 95 bobbo, “you can get cooties from dirty toilet seats so wash your hands thoroughly.”
Uhhh, and your ass.
(Always thought it was funny that people claim the toilet seat is cleaner than, say, the kitchen sink. You know what? I don’t lick the kitchen sink, either! Although, I have placed my tongue near the waste disposal units of several ladies… but I’ll save that for my next letter to Penthouse.)
Has anyone explained why Obama has a Social Security number issued in Connecticut?
#106 – Miken – why would it matter? Last I checked, Connecticut was not a foreign country. Strange, maybe. Not foreign.
#103 Glad you agree you’re wasting your time with the birther recreational masturbation.
The real issue is unfolding now with the balancing the budget – which is a far cry than the “threat level orange” shit pumped in during the Cheney administration.
This is what I want to see:
* Cut defense
* Cut entitlements
* Raise taxes on the filthy rich.
Finally, banish the Teabaggers, their witches and sheep for wasting time in COngress debating what amounts to $30B in chump change cuts to appease their sheep.
I do not know what planet bobbo lives on, but apparently not Earth.
In business or my household, when income drops, revenue in govt speak, we cut something out. Luxury items first, less essesential next, and then onward down the list.
The United States is $14 TRILLION dollars in dept NOW! From some of the comments I can only assume that it does take a rocket scienctist to figure this one out.
We are going broke and heading in the same direction as Greece and Portugal.
The big three entitlement programs have to be vastly overhauled or they will drive debt to unsustainable levels in not to many years.
#109 What sheeple like you seem to always forget is that unlike a typical household, the government also controls the revenue part of the two variable equation.
Today, the revenue part has been cut deliberately to (1) line the pockets of the filthy rich, (2) enable tax free corporations and (3) borrow from china to make up the difference.
Your credibility suffers when you ignore this important piece of fact staring you in the face.
#107 Animby, none of his family is associated with Connecticut, and Obama never went to school there. It means there is a gap in his history that is unexplained, or perhaps his Social Security number was fraudulently obtained.
So how did the ads get placed into the papers in the past? Are you saying the Obama conspiracy planned to “place” him in the Presidency from birth?
Wouldn’t it be easier to just have the kid born in Hawaii and then move him? You say that 50-year conspiracies are more logical? What morans.
You birther idiots are more than racists, you’re stupid as well.