Buckle up folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

  1. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    Bumpy for sure.

    I’m giving odds the gov will shut down this Friday: the Teabags are on a Jihad: the rich need more tax cuts and the poor need freedom to make their own decisions.

    “Its a revenue problem.”
    “Its a spending problem.”

    Yep, we have a leadership that can only contemplate one subject other than profiting themselves.

    The open question will always be: why do republican base voters vote against their own economic self interests? IE–paying $800 less in taxes in certainly a gain in freedom but is it worth the $25,000 reduction in MediCare and other services? You all appear to make the wrong evaluation every election term.

    Silly hoomans.

  2. jescott418 says:

    You know it really does not matter who is in the White house. The thing I hate the most is the Political campaigns and all the empty promises and mud slinging that goes on. Plus the countless TV ads that always sound like car salesmen. They should limit campaigns to 6 months.

  3. MIkeN says:

    Looks like they pick the same day to announce that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be given a military tribunal. Not sure if they meant this announcement to reinforce the other or be drowned out by it.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    First the Republicans have got to come up with a viable candidate.

    Between the short-bus load of window-licking fucktards in the GOP running for president in 2012, I don’t see a candidate with name recognition in the lot.

    Palin is set for life now. Being president is hard. It always seem to require you to make a decision. You know every kook out there will be gunning for something. Bloviating and punditry is so much easier. Look at Fat Stuff Limbaugh or Crazy Beck… She’ll be content to sit on the sidelines and find fault.

    It Obama by default and as the rich get richer and fewer of us have jobs with health-don’t-care as a benny, even have jobs, his supporters’ll just keep pointing at Obama-care as his major accomplishment.


  5. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    Nobody cares about gitmo, its a beltway issue that the media uses. More diversion, like abortion, god, gays, guns, NPR, prayer in school, and on and on. But it gins up the republican vote for some reason.

  6. LotsaLuck says:

    # 4 msbpodcast said,
    “I don’t see a candidate with name recognition in the lot.”

    Er, kinda like Barrack H. Obama in 2007, perhaps???

    As to the ad – clever. I want me one of them rainbow extruding pegaguses.

  7. MIkeN says:

    >But it gins up the republican vote for some reason.

    Actually the Democrats are the ones who love complaining about it, to the point that Barack Obama promised to close it.

  8. keaneo says:

    Here we are back at Republicans Uncensored.

  9. Thomas says:

    Ron Paul will run, he probably won’t win…but maybe this time he won’t be completely dismissed.

    Any Dem who votes again for Obama, and ridicules those who voted for the Bush “The Fucking Retard” twice, will be seen as a hypocrite who can’t distinguish his ass from a hole.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    The day after the first Tuesday in November in 2012, we’ll realize that the politicians had fun, that we’ve been had once again and that we have been stuck with the tab, the same as the last time, and the time before that and …

    If we’re stupid enough to think that a bunch of lawyers and accountants are going to do more than pass another law and tally up the debt, we deserve to to be represented (viz: fleeced, fluffed and fucked-over) by them.

    Its like declaring C’mon politicians, lawyers and accountants, hit me in the face with a rake and fuck me up the ass with the handle.

  11. Howard Beale says:

    The Obama team doesn’t need an ad to parody the Republican­s, they do such a good job making fools of themselves­.

    After 8 years of the biggest mistake in American history Bush II Obama is still a relief. I take 4 more years of him over any Republican­ candidate to date, even with the opposition working so hard undermining every effort made to improve this country.

    Republican­s think the the office of the president deserves respect only when they hold the office.

    2012 Obama(stuck in the real world) Vs. (proxy) Koch Citizens United
    I’ll go with the guy on the unicorn who I agree with 80% of the time.

  12. TooManyPuppies says:

    Ah, the preemptive “Dear Leader” ad. Can’t wait to see the other cults “Dear Leader” ad.

    Degenerate cultists need to be exiled or jailed.

  13. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    Its all true. With perfect 20/20 hindsight, Obama has been far better than any Republican Candidate in the field. Based on the same objective criteria, I don’t see any better candidate than Obama coming forward this season. Just look at these out of touch cretins: all of them.

    Republicans and Teapartiers are out 100% to support the SUPER RICH in America and impoverish the bottom 99% to do it.

    What about anal rape attracts you so much?

    I’d say “buy a clue” but with the sustained attack on the working class, you may not have enough money. Certainly never had the education or the critical ability to tell shit from shinola.

    I don’t know why Obama has rolled over and played Bush light. I’d buy a clue on his sell out. Still head and shoulders above the Republican Pack though. Why would any of you anti-Obama voters vote for who you will? Yes, they aren’t Obama, got you on that one. Why do you want MediCare terminated? More tax cuts for the SuperRich while services you and your kiddies actually benefit from are taken away?

    Can’t you dummies do the simple math?

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    2012 will be a repeat of 2010.

    Hope and Change I can believe in!

  15. chuck says:

    Arnold will know what to do:

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    These songs are for you, Bobbo, Beale, and Dallas.

    JibJab (just watch the first 2 minutes)

    This describes the above mentioned acolytes perfectly.

  17. Animby says:

    First campaign ad? And only twenty months until the voting? I guess he’ll need that much time to convince us whatever new batch of lies he will campaign on. I heard he’ll probably run the first billion dollar campaign. Billion here, billion there and eventually you’re talking real pocket change.

    I support term limits. I think I would also support campaigning time limits.

    I am tired of 2012 already.
    Hurry up December 21st…

  18. Dallas says:

    The GOP slime machine better get new material to overcome what will be <8% unemployment, 14,000 DOW and a Walmart in Afghanistan.

  19. McCullough says:

    #17. Everyone should watch CLOSELY where these fuckers get their campaign money from. All of them.

    And I use the term FUCKERS with the utmost respect.

  20. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    #16–Ah Yea–funny stuff. Thanks. OF COURSE OBAMA IS A LYING SCUM BAG. But he still stands head and shoulders above the entire Republican Pack.

    Silly you allow your attention to be drawn to the deficiencies of Obama while the even larger perfidies and evil plans of your puke leaders are even worse.

    Develop your attention span. Dare to look behind the curtain. More tax cuts for the rich? Really?

    I’ve never understood the day dream of living in a gated community and unable to travel without body guards==or do you think the rable will forever stay chained while heating oil, food, housing, healthcare services and Cowboy Poetry is removed from their lives?

    Oh that we could all live in the worlds we would vote “for everyone else.”

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Nothing is worse than our Liar in Chief.
    2012 Campaign Slogan;

    ABB! (Anybody But Barack!)

  22. JohnnyBGoode says:

    Republican/Democrat. No f***ing difference. Ron Paul needs to get off the pot and create his own party or join the Libertarians. He’ll never change the GOP from within.

  23. Micromike says:

    Obama won’t get my vote again unless he stops all 3 wars. I voted for him because he said he would stop the war in Iraq and he didn’t. Instead he started 2 new wars that he should have stayed out of. I don’t like the war monger Obama. If he can’t lead us to peace to hell with him.

  24. denacron says:

    I weary of our kinetic mongering leader. Give some other liar a go for the next four.

  25. Howard Beale the realest no wounder i’m as mad as hell says:

    JibJab-creative guys always entertaining
    Lets take the points in the song and put a bit of real light on them
    Stimulus< as distasteful as it was it was necessary to save the world with the US economy leading from a second Great Depression. McCain' would have to have done something very similar.

    Half the Deficit (not a campaign promise)<but a goal expressed in early 2009 that might have been reachable in an ideal world by spending less on the war in Iraq, raising taxes on those who make more than $250,000 a year,GOP killed that one.. and streamlining government plus savings from the healthcare plan the,GOP killed that one too. It had nothing to do with the one we got.)(if you don't have a dream how U gonna make a dream come true?
    unemployment rates still improving thank you, Healthcare I was hoping for a single payer system and we got a crappy compromise oh well its better than what we had. thank you.
    Get your representatives to stop thwarting his every effort to fulfill the campaign promises we the majority voted for or get use to the compromised governing from the center almost every US President winds up doing.

    the Domestic Tranquility one was just stupid I gave up after about half of it.

  26. Lou Minatti says:

    “Nobody cares about gitmo”

    I seem to recall that this was close to being the #1 issue for liberal democrats for many years. Now that their candidate is in office and Gitmo remains open and is being used for military trials of foreigners, they don’t care.

    Hey, I guess you are right. Liberal democrats don’t care anymore. Funny how that works.

  27. Thomas says:

    #12.Paul is the only politician with the BALLS to stand up to Federal Reserve, wake up idiots.

  28. Dallas says:

    I’m ready for another GOP smackdown. The Teabaggers don’t have a chance with Christine O’Donnel as president even if she mobilizes her flying monkeys. Alphie, send your money again and a kitten will be saved.

    The worry is how much “unlimited contributions” will be funneled by corporations to effectively brainwash and buy public opinion. This buying of government to the highest bidder is of course a gift from the GOP for all future generations.

  29. deowll says:

    I’ve tried to do the math and the money is going to run out soon unless we just print it. We have hit that stage. Shortly after that the value of the item is going to tank at which point all the vacuous promises are going poof just like they are going poof in England.

    Even the Repubs aren’t going to make enough cuts to delay the inevitable for more than a few years given free play and the Dems are absolutely determined to drive the US into total economic melt down as soon as humanly possible. Why escapes me because they are going to be ruined along with everybody else.

    The only thing I have come up with is they do not believe that the government and the economy can completely fail no matter how insanely they govern.

    By the time they figure out that they’ve sunk the nation its going to be to late to bail or even abandon ship.

  30. deowll says:

    Don’t worry, Be happy. Eat drink, make merry. The nation is already ruined and I see no chance that the steps required to prevent what is coming is going to occur.


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