Buckle up folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

  1. Animby says:

    # 112 MIkeN said, “It means there is a gap in his history that is unexplained”

    Doesn’t mean that at all. It just means that he applied in that region. Perhaps he was visiting friends and realized he would need a number for an upcoming job search.

    If you want gaps that can’t be explained, how come Michelle seems to be his very first (and only) girlfriend? Anybody gets famous, the 5th estate starts looking into their background, interviewing prom dates, etc. I find that very disturbing.

  2. MIkeN says:

    #114, the media was not very thorough. Attempts by some like the New York Times and others to talk to friends in Hawaii and elsewhere were discouraged by Obama, and they let it go.

    >“It means there is a gap in his history that is unexplained”

    Doesn’t mean that at all. It just means that he applied in that region. Perhaps he was visiting friends and realized he would need a number for an upcoming job search.

    Exactly, an unexplained gap. The best that some people came up with is that he got it when he went to college. Except he went to Harvard, which is a few hours away from Connecticut.

  3. MIkeN says:

    Also, Obama worked at Baskin Robbins in 1975, and the Social Security number he is using now was issued between 1977 and 1979. He graduated high school in 1979. So what Social Security number was he using in 1975? And when and why did he apply for one from Connecticut?

  4. MIkeN says:


    Here is a liberal defense of the Connecticut Social Security number. I agree it’s probable he was paid cash by Baskin Robbins who employed him illegally. Every other defense is bogus. His father didn’t live in Connecticut, he was at Harvard. And he wasn’t in Indonesia after he was 10, so the SSN application couldn’t have been made there.

  5. foobar says:

    The eternal election cycle in the US. Which is expensive. Which is why there are lobbyists. Which is why there is attack media on both sides.

    Americans really need to get a hobby or something. Fishing’s always good, try that.

  6. Dallas says:

    #119 Granted suckers like will follow the Trump red herring.
    He’ll be running for president and needs to herd the sheeple away from his pathetic qualifications. We don’t need a president with a comb over.

  7. MIkeN says:

    TEA Dude, that for some reason reminds me of THe Da Vinci Code.

  8. So what says:

    Alf, using as a source and quoting a scum sucker like trump! that’s low even for you.

  9. MIkeN says:

    Obama told someone upset about high gas prices, that if you’re getting 8 miles a gallon you should consider a trade in.

    Laughing at a person facing the high gas prices he created with his drilling permitorium.

    It should be if you think Obama doesn’t care about your budget, consider a trade-in.

    If you think Obama is such an idiot he has no idea what gas mileage people get, consider a trade-in.

  10. Somebody says:


    “According to Obama’s Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, …, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, …. ”

    Holy Crap! He killed the wrong grandmother!

  11. MIkeN says:

    #125 that probably wasn’t even his grandmother. Why did his wedding happen on a different island, with no pictures available? Was it a marriage of convenience, and he was not the real father? Perhaps the real father was locked up in prison for life for a crime he did not do, and the mother did not want to be a single mom in public.

  12. MIkeN says:

    This site loves Photoshop. What do you think, has an Obama family picture been faked?


  13. Somebody says:


    That’s typical CIA PsyOp crap.

    You tell the truth using easily spotted fakery.

    That seems to prove the lie.

    Worked for Bush’s AWOL.


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