A bizarre spate of television presenters dissolving into on-air gibberish has sparked claims that the U.S. military could be to blame. In four high-profile cases, the latest involving fast-talking Judge Judy, the presenters have started off speaking properly but have then descended into undecipherable nonsense – looking confused and unstable.

The frequency of the ‘attacks’ – and the fact that recorded examples of the mental meltdowns have been popular on websites – has led to conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at shadowy government experiments. A popular theory being circulated online blames the U.S. Military’s supposed research into using microwaves as a mind control weapon. America has never admitted conducting such research but proponents say the effects – produced by microwave signals stimulating the brain with fake images and voices – exactly mimic those displayed in the recent on-air breakdowns.

As to why the Pentagon might be targeting U.S. television presenters, the microwave theorists are less clear.

The phenomenon, which has provided internet video sites with some of the oddest footage for months, has now claimed one of America’s most highly paid broadcasters. Judith Sheindlin, the fast-talking judge on Judge Judy, was taken to hospital on Wednesday after she began speaking a nonsensical string of words during a live recording of her courtroom TV show. Studio insiders said Sheindlin, who earns £28 million a year for a show that is the most watched programme on American daytime TV, was sitting on camera and ‘started saying things that didn’t make any sense’. Her verbal breakdown is the fourth such recent case and the odd coincidence has prompted feverish speculation over the cause.

No video has been released of the Judge Judy incident but footage of the other three has rapidly gone viral on the internet.

See example here.

  1. michael says:

    told ya not to take that swine flu shot,

    Then again…

    Could just be the global warning too.

  2. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    Why do it to celebrities while “on air?”

  3. McCullough says:

    #2. Better question….Why is a fake TV judge paid so much money????

  4. 1873 Colt says:

    Most television news viewers would not even notice……..

  5. Skeptic says:

    Different strokes for different folks.

  6. msbpodcast says:

    This smells of somebody making his own “ray gun” with a Klystron tube and having irresponsible fun at other’s expense.

    Yeah, it works dude.

    Put the damn thing away or they’ll find you and toss your ass into a re-education camp.

  7. So what says:

    Reporters have been spewing gibberish for years, as have the politicians. Whats new.

  8. Richard says:

    That’s OK, I’ve got my tin-foil hat ready. *nods*

  9. McCullough says:

    #8. Har! That just works as an antenna fool!

  10. McCullough says:

    #10. Of course Bush is responsible…his CIA Poppa especially.

    So yeah…I blame BUSH! Feel better now?

  11. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This brain-scrambling technique was first used on Snooki, but nobody seemed to notice the change, so they tried it on Judge Judy.

    Seriously though, some people may recall that Senate hearings in the 1970’s uncovered secret CIA mind control research (“Project MKULTRA”) that had taken place during the 50’s and 60’s (and allegedly well beyond), and among the many goals of their project was finding “substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.” One of the more well-known substances they experimented with, for various effects, was LSD.


    Discrediting your enemies is always a powerful tool, and when you can induce them to discredit themselves, it’s very close to perfect.

  12. Dallas says:

    The military in unlikely to have been involved in Bush’s gibberish so that mystery is still unresolved.

  13. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:


    A better question is “Why is a fake Judge paid in real money?”

  14. tcc3 says:

    #15 TeaDud

    Clearly a victim of the ray. Its the most sense he’s ever made.

  15. The_Tick says:

    Given the average talent of television journalists these days, I think the most likely scenario is that these are basically a bunch of “Ron Burgandys” and someone is messing with the telepromter. “Go fuck yourself San Diego.”

  16. deowll says:

    A friend of mine’s adult daughter was rushed to the hospital and it was aspartame. She was a diabetic and avoiding sugar but this product is in everything sold sugar free and it is not good for you.

  17. EricD says:

    I doubt it’s the same thing affecting all of them. The one linked here can clearly maintain his train of thought. He is messing up structure, grammar and some words, but he proceeds through the bit in a manner that suggests it is coherent in his head and could probably be deciphered.

    The lady reporting from outdoors seemed to not even know what she wanted to say, like she was hovering on the threshold of passing out.

  18. McCullough says:

    #18. It’s in many non sugar free products as well. Thanks to Donald (Doug) Rumsfeld.

  19. Norman Speight says:

    Bloody hell!
    I spend good money in my local bar to get like that.
    Can I get one of those things on ebay?
    Must be the best invention of the 21st Century – well, so far.
    Isn’t science wonderful.

  20. sargasso_c says:

    Waiting for FakeJudgeJudy.com

  21. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #12 Gary, the dangerous infidel said

    “Discrediting your enemies is always a powerful tool, and when you can induce them to discredit themselves, it’s very close to perfect.”

    This explains Glenn Beck.

  22. TooManyPuppies says:

    Snow Crash

  23. I heard about this on Coast to Coast at night
    Yet this is no joke – when it gets to the Judge Judy level it must be more than apparent
    Maybe President Obama will help out

  24. derf says:

    Or maybe it’s just a particular brand & model of teleprompter malfunctioning in similar ways, garbling up the text just enough that they can’t wing through it.

  25. BigBoyBC says:

    I think it was Bruce Noland, hell he did it to Evan Baxter…

  26. So what says:

    #12 Gary, and thus was born the internet.

  27. scadragon says:

    It’s…. Dr. Horrible’s next horrible scheme!

  28. Publius says:

    Can this also happen to people while they are typing comments?

    Just look at #30….

  29. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #28 Tax Dude said “See your leader, follow him now”

    FYI I voted for McCain in 2008, in spite of S. Palin. But don’t worry, I will avoid voting for her in the future. I don’t want her to lead this country into a “squirmish”.

  30. Animby says:

    # 11 McCullough said, “Of course Bush is responsible”

    The only thing I hold bush responsible for is a case of the clap I contracted my senior year in high school.

    What? Oh, THAT Bush.
    Never mind.


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