A bizarre spate of television presenters dissolving into on-air gibberish has sparked claims that the U.S. military could be to blame. In four high-profile cases, the latest involving fast-talking Judge Judy, the presenters have started off speaking properly but have then descended into undecipherable nonsense – looking confused and unstable.
The frequency of the ‘attacks’ – and the fact that recorded examples of the mental meltdowns have been popular on websites – has led to conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at shadowy government experiments. A popular theory being circulated online blames the U.S. Military’s supposed research into using microwaves as a mind control weapon. America has never admitted conducting such research but proponents say the effects – produced by microwave signals stimulating the brain with fake images and voices – exactly mimic those displayed in the recent on-air breakdowns.
As to why the Pentagon might be targeting U.S. television presenters, the microwave theorists are less clear.
The phenomenon, which has provided internet video sites with some of the oddest footage for months, has now claimed one of America’s most highly paid broadcasters. Judith Sheindlin, the fast-talking judge on Judge Judy, was taken to hospital on Wednesday after she began speaking a nonsensical string of words during a live recording of her courtroom TV show. Studio insiders said Sheindlin, who earns £28 million a year for a show that is the most watched programme on American daytime TV, was sitting on camera and ‘started saying things that didn’t make any sense’. Her verbal breakdown is the fourth such recent case and the odd coincidence has prompted feverish speculation over the cause.
No video has been released of the Judge Judy incident but footage of the other three has rapidly gone viral on the internet.
See example here.
In America, yuhg ty edrtwv ghyiud cvghj!
Um… It’s from the CHEMtrails that were talked about just a few posts ago. Did nobody else make that connection ?
I can’t believe none of you have noticed this explains Charlie Sheen!
NOTHING explains Charlie Sheen.
#42 TeaDud
I have no idea what you’re doing either, therefore you must be up to some nefarious liberal plot.
“While an argument from silence, it doesn’t follow the conclusion is therefore wrong…” //// I don’t recall ever reading this formulation before. “Drawing an inference from silence” is about as close as I can get. I assume it comes from Alfie the Brain Dead Fundie Religious Spam-Bots ecclesiastical training?
Ha, ha. What a tool, but Oh so telling.
Keep the good stuff coming Alfie.
I didn’t understand a think you people are writing about. It’s my mensvarke!
“Is Military Mind Scrambling Responsible for Recent Reporter Gibberish?”
This sounds more like the result of listening to too much Sarah Palin speak. Or maybe the result of watching too many Microsoft “Bing” commercials on Tv. It also could be caused by some kind of virus, that they’re keeping from telling us about. So there isn’t a panic, because they haven’t any shots for it. Or perhaps it’s a side effect of getting the H1N1 flu shot. Which they obviously don’t want us to know about. Or perhaps our brains are reaching some limit, and the result is a buffer overflow.
I remember an episode of the New Twilight Zone, on Tv, which starred Bruce Willis (Die Hard) as some medical supply salesman. He was struggling to learn the weird names of the company’s product line. Suddenly familiar words started sounding strange to him. And people couldn’t understand his speech either. So he had to start all over, relearning how to speak english. It was called “Shatterday”.
Jeese man you’re effed up. Did you try the brown acid in ’68?
I lay the blame square at the feet of the astronauts who didn’t land on the moon — ever.
This “trend” is probably like those supposed increase in white shark attacks or road rage incidents which haven’t increased in frequency but, instead, have just come to the attention of the public because of massive magna media coverage a facilisis eleifend sed nec news cycles metus. Curabitur blocgs justo, vitae dictum vitae, luctus sed dolor. Integer et metus urna. Cum sociis.
tortor, in aliquam eros purus non dui. Maecenas elementum interdum ullamcorper. Vivamus congue imperdiet ligula nec;l ka kl d;ek … ””’ *&* dd