The photograph is real and was taken by Associated Press photographer Jessica Hill. Connecticut State Representatives Barbara Lambert and Jack F. Hennessy were playing solitaire on their laptop computers during a Monday night session of the state assembly. Hill took the photograph on August 31, 2009 from the back of the historic Hall of the House in Hartford, CT as lawmakers convened to vote on a new budget for the fiscal year.

According to a September 8, 2009 article in the Hartford Courant, the embarrassed Hennessy apologized in a letter to Bridgeport residents admitting to bad judgment and calling his actions inexcusable.

Some versions of this eRumor might indicate that the incident occurred in the US Congress during a session of the House of Representatives, which would be incorrect.

An example of the tale as it has appeared on the Internet:

Nothing else need to be said. This is one of their THREE DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for.

The dude in front of the solitaire tourney is on Facebook. Another is checking baseball scores. Is your state legislature any different?

Thanks, Ursarodinia

  1. fromundach33se says:

    The “Machine” cannot be changed, no amount of bitching will help. Cut off its funding and just get out of the way as it collapses.

  2. What? says:

    For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required…

  3. King says:

    LOL, the guy checking out got off scott free.

  4. EnemyOfTheState says:

    This is why God invented anti-personnel weapon that explodes a short time after release.

  5. Animby says:

    What’s all this nonsense?

    You never checked out the sports scores when you were supposed to be working? You never downloaded some YouTube videos when you were supposed to be working on a spreadsheet?

    Jeeez. Have you ever attended one of these sessions? They are about as boring as a C-SPAN original documentary on the color white! They were doing whatever was necessary to stay awake. They should be commended. Come on, Eideard: how many times have you played Solitaire (or World of Warcraft) while you were on the phone pretending to work?

    And, as has been pointed out, others were on ESPN or Facebook – why single out these two reps?

    God – I can’t believe I’m defending politicians!

  6. David says:

    I can’t imagine that I would be any different in their situation. But then again, when you are a public representative of some number of people, you should be held to a higher standard than some jackass college student ignoring the lecturer.

  7. deowll says:

    It is possible that they didn’t give a rat’s bleep about what the speaker was saying and were just killing time till he finally ran out of hot air and the smell of brain fart left the room so they could do what they had come to do, vote.

    These guys all think they have to bloviate so they can point out what they said in the record if something is said about it later. I’ve seen video of people talking to empty rooms.

    Get over it.

  8. BigBoyBC says:

    For those who don’t read links. The guy in the upper right (House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk), speaking, is a Republican.
    The two playing games on the public’s dime during a vote on the budget ( Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport) are Democrats.

    and #7 I agree with you. I’ve seen this picture allot, rarely does anyone report who these people are. Some even claim they’re Republicans.

  9. Publius says:

    “3 day work weeks” is garbage propaganda.

    Explain your hate of representation.

  10. GlowingApple says:

    Could be worse, they could be hanging out in another state instead.

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Another “Guess the Party Affiliation” game.

    Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford
    Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport

    both play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget

  12. msbpodcast says:

    Their minds were already made up. They were just waiting for the vote to start.

  13. The_Tick says:

    In the line of MSB’s comment, I think it’s hilarious that anyone thinks what goes on in that house, has any effect on the scripts that were written the day the contribution cheques were cashed.

  14. Higghawker says:

    2009……………this is just a little late?????

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Well it’s better than having them nodding off, isn’t it? And perhaps that’s what why they wrre playing solitaire. Better than them playing online Poker! Or lookin at Porn. If they had knitting in front of them, giving them something to do why various speakers droned on. You’d just call them old fashioned, and perhaps spinsters. But that’s probably how it was 50 or more years ago. Before everyone had portable computers. What about those representative that use to doodle on the yellow legal pads? Emailing someone? At least they’re not bidding on Ebay.

    This item is an over reaction. The reps are only there to vote, and/or make speeches. They only discuss issues in committee. All of this togetherness stuff is for public show. The only thing seeing a few screen of solitaire tells us. Is that these people are too cheap to spring for Angry Birds. Or don’t know how to get their PCs to do anything else, not pre-installed. So let’s hope they’re not passing judgment on computer users’ rights or something. Cause I have the feeling that most of them are clueless about what PCs can do.

  16. Common_Sense says:

    How many of you read this article while at work?


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