1. fr0mundach33se says:

    This confirms the rumor that JCD is going to replace Jeremy Clarkson. I watched all 54 minutes and was clamoring for more!

  2. The best tortilla you don’t find in Spain but in Argentina!

  3. bobbo, had enough dogma today? says:

    Travel shows including a segment on food. Easy filler. Good thing this was more about tech including a segment on test driving a car. Easy filler, or was it the other way around?

    I’ve always wanted to put on a travel show with a longish segment in each country about using their bathrooms. What kind of flush mechanism, what kind of toilet paper. You know, filler.

    I’m just jealous.

  4. PeterR says:

    Next time you’re here, John, let me know and my wife will make you a REAL Spanish omlette. And Pedro’s right – the choice of background music was most unfortunate.

  5. nicktherat says:

    BACK TO YOU LEO! fun video

  6. Alvaro says:

    ITM! I miss the roll B of John with Madrid No Agenda producers, the tapas fest!

  7. Bob73 says:

    Really enjoyed this. Thanks John

  8. Javier says:

    Interesting… I live in madrid just next to that hotel… (Hotel Puerta de AmĂ©rica)

  9. sargasso_c says:

    Good stability control in the Focus, John. For an American.

  10. deowll says:

    I’m not sure John selected the music. He may not be to blame.

    I enjoyed it a lot.

    I shall see my great nephew for the first time tomorrow. Mama is from south of the border down Nicaragua way.

  11. Nalgadas says:


    I’m glad to see you had a good time in Madrid and Toledo. I was in both of those places last fall and I had a great time.

    A couple of comments:

    In Toledo there is a church which has towers where you can climb to the to of to get a panoramic view of the town. It seems like you missed out on that.

    Also there is a local dish called Cocido upon which it appears you missed out.

    Also re the Tortilla Espanola… Judging from the one you were eating, I could do better right here in NYC. But I’m sure that one was good. A good tortilla is fabulous no matter where it is made.


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