(Reuters) – A dog that survived in a house swept away to sea three weeks ago by the devastating Japan tsunami was saved on Friday by a coast guard rescue team flying over an island of debris.

Local television showed an aerial view of a brown medium-sized dog trotting around the roof of the house — the only part of it floating above water — before disappearing inside through a broken section of the roof.

The coast guard rescuers, thinking there might also be people alive inside the house, lowered one of their team onto the roof. He tried to coax the dog out, but then went in after tearing a wider opening. He came out with the dog in his arms and they were transported back to safety by boat.

Domestic media said no people were found inside the house.

I remember about a week after the disaster, Japanese officials saying there was little hope of finding any more survivors.

Video Here.

  1. Scooter says:

    With all of the problems in the world, it is nice to hear some good news (however small) for a change. Just waiting for someone to now turn this into a way to complain. After all, someone has to rain on the parade.

    Here’s hoping the pup finds a good home.

  2. MadTruckMan says:

    No people found in the house… Dog still alive… Are you thinking what Im thinking?? Gotta love natural selection…

  3. McCullough says:

    He does look well fed.

    Just sayin’

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    There are times when I wish my dog could tell me what happened while I was away, no doubt this one would have an amazing tale. But if it could talk, it would probably tell others what I do when I’m home, and that might not always be to my benefit.

    So maybe it’s just as well that dogs keep secrets.

  5. What a cute dog
    He looks more than a little shell shocked
    But again “Spiderman bit by a radioactive spider”
    Who knows

  6. dewtheone says:

    Not the distraction of the week, but a nice try.

  7. God, Allah and other deities says:

    God’s best friend.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    Nothing is below the state PR machine. Even planting dogs.

  9. jescott418 says:

    Its good that at least a dog can somehow manage to stay alive. Its some good news istead of all the bad we have seen and heard.

  10. Pwuk says:

    Presumably called lucky?


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