President Obama finally and quietly accepted his “transparency” award from the open government community this week — in a closed, undisclosed meeting at the White House on Monday.

The secret presentation happened almost two weeks after the White House inexplicably postponed the ceremony, which was expected to be open to the press pool.

This time, Obama met quietly in the Oval Office with Gary Bass of OMB Watch, Tom Blanton of the National Security Archive, Danielle Brian of the Project on Government Oversight, Lucy Dalglish of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and Patrice McDermott of, without disclosing the meeting on his public schedule or letting photographers or print reporters into the room.

“Our understanding going into the meeting was that it would have a pool photographer and a print reporter, and it turned out to be a private meeting,” Bass told POLITICO. “He was so on point, so on target in the conversation with us, it is baffling why he would not want that message to be more broadly heard by reporters and the public interest community and the public generally.” This president has demonstrated a commitment to transparency and openness that is greater than any administration has shown in the past, and he’s been committed to that since he ran for President and he’s taken a significant number of measures to demonstrate that,” Carney said in a testy exchange with Fox News reporter Wendell Goler on March 16.

“I don’t feel moved today to say ‘thank you, Mr. President,’” said Steve Aftergood, the director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists. But he said he understands the award to be “aspirational,” in recognition of Obama’s potential to do more on the transparency front.

“And in that sense, one could say it resembles the award at the Nobel Peace Prize,” Aftergood said. “It’s not because Obama brought peace to anyone but because people hoped he would be a force for good in the world, and maybe that’s the way to understand this award.”

And a well-deserved award it is.

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  1. Floyd says:

    Think about this:

    Somebody (from the open government community, no less) gives Obama a transparency award. Obama doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it, so he doesn’t have a ceremony.

    This means of course that the Tea Baggers make a big deal about the lack of transparency.

    Obama can’t win. Neither can the open government community.

    Think about it; your heads will spin.

  2. ± says:

    #33 —- yes my head is spinning. 1984 double speak is all around us. Obama stuff is less transparent than previous administrations because he hasn’t delivered on promises to address the transparency issue and indeed has created edifices (czarships) thru which he can hide his influence. Obama gets a transparency award for being less transparent than ever.

    Is your head spinning?

  3. tcc3 says:

    #34 You mean those same czars that every president appoints?

    He is not living up to his transparency promises, for sure, but can we let go of the “Czars are a communist plot” FUD?

  4. Animby says:

    # 14 McCullough – I was sure it was an April Fool pranks, Now I’m really confused.

  5. GregAllen says:

    Oh, cut the fake outrage, you conservatives.

    You didn’t care when Dick Cheney huddled with Enron, B.P. and only god knows who else to secretly WRITE GOVERNMENT ENERGY POLICY.

    That’s an insult to democracy and you guys cheered it.

    Nobody cares (not even you) that Obama accepted some unknown award in a private ceremony. He probably get about three of those a week.

  6. two to the head says:

    All these reporters are MK-ULTRA’d.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Good to see that GregAllen agrees that Obama is no better than Dick Cheney.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Maybe this guy would be better.

    “Because they know that Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin is going to draw a lot of the women vote away from the Democrat Party. They are scared to death of that, if they were to run and get the nomination. They are doubly scared that a real black man might run against Barack Obama.”

    This next presidential election should be REAL entertaining!!

  9. jman says:

    don’t forget the EVIL Haliburton. We heard nothing but Haliburton this, Haliburton that, Cheney, blah, blah for 8 years.
    Cheney made absolutely no money from anything haliburton did with the govt and Obama re-upped their contract, why no outrage? why no outrage that he’s not closing Guantanamo and that he admitted bush was right for keeping the prisoners there?

  10. Dallas says:

    Congratulations again, President Obama for restoring a sense of discipline and transparency to the executive branch. Unlike president Cheney and his secret bunker where coordinating “preferred intelligence” took place.

    This is a good time to congratulate President Obama for the unemployment rate at less than 9% (I was expecting after this summer). Also on keeping us safe from terrorist attack half way into your first term. Much better than the president Cheney and his monkey vacationing in Wacko, Tx.

  11. Dallas says:

    #45 everything I said is factual, which I’m consistent on. Your panties get in a wad not because what I state is disputable, it’s because it’s NOT!!

    You pathetic sheeple.

  12. MikeN says:

    #44, have you checked to see if Obama Admin has made their off-White-House meeting logs public?

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    It just keeps coming!

    “Through the course of an eight-month investigation, the committee has learned that political staff under the DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano have corrupted the agency’s FOIA compliance procedures, exerted unlawful political pressure, on FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) compliance officers, and undermined the federal government’s accountability to the American people,”

    The most corrupt administration in our lifetimes.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    Holy Moly! I do believe Dallas just made the jump from Kool-Aid to Jungle Juice.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Dallas is obviously insane. Not worth our time.

    Funny to read in a sad way, like the Darwin Awards.


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