Executive Producers: Chuck Martin, MediaSplash.net
Exutive Producers and 300 Club members: Gary Lader,James Sutton
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Associate Executive Producers: Mateusz Berezecki, Kevin McNolte

Art By: Jesse Anderson

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  1. EnemyOfTheState says:

    No boots on the ground, just US Navy Seals wearing Italian Men’s Bagatto Hightop Shoes.

  2. Sennheiser says:

    If Adam can’t even get the story about Rudolph Hess right how can we really trust everything else he says with such conviction.
    This is the first time he’s been caught red handed trying to pass off BS as fact. His entire thing about the Duke of Kent was ridiculously unfounded as it he died a year AFTER Hess landed in Scotland. It’s also worth noting that the Duke was on his way to Canada and NOT Scotland when his plane crashed as Adam incorrectly stated.
    I also must say that the clips are becoming borderline unlistenable as Adam feels the need to interrupt every single clip with either a sound effect or for him to repeat the last few syllables of what the speaker said. It even seemed to piss John off at times when he’d have to say “Okay okay I think you’ve made your point.”
    Please, lay off the interruptions and let clips just play out and THEN comment.

  3. The_Tick says:

    I tell ya, Adam is like garrison explaining the retarded monkey frog.

  4. B. Dog says:

    I think the real Rudolf Hess was killed by the British and a stunt double was tried at Nuremburg, later doing the life in prison gig. It would be nice if they would declassify and release all that old WWII stuff already.

  5. Publius says:

    In 1987 (1989?) in the spirit of glasnost with the USSR, US and Britain indicated they would be willing to let Rudolf Hess be free on the basis of it being believed that USSR would reject the request. Shortly thereafter it became known that Russia was instead going to call the bluff against the West and vote yes to the freedom of Hess. Shortly before Hess was to be released he was found dead by lamp cord in the gardenhouse of Spandau. There was record of British intelligence officers MI-6 having visited Hess during this time.

    This is my understanding and memory of my reading of Hess’ son’s account on the web, which is heavily censored in Europe for obvious reasons, and I am not responsible for errors or omissions. Go find the material yourself if you are disagreeable with my data.

    The above is fact.

    My personal opinion and speculation based on all the available facts is that Hess must have had something to say which Britain could not permit him to say for his whole life in Spandau. He was heavily guarded even though he was for a long time the only prisoner in the whole Spandau complex. Perhaps when Hess landed his plane in Scotland he had offered a deal of German cooperation to Britain, which Britain took the option of refusing, and many Brits died soon thereafter by German attacks on Britain.

    It was very strange that Hess was disallowed from talking to the public during his entire prison term. It is very strange that Hess was disallowed from talking by means of sudden surprise death near the time of his impending release. It is very strange that Europeans are disallowed even today from talking about Nazi history. Is it all just a coincidence or is there something desperately being prevented from talking about in Europe? Make your own decision.

  6. Publius says:

    Obama is completely within both the letter of the Constitution and the relatively recent War Powers Act, due to the president’s March 01, 2011 decree of US National Emergency. The USA is currently in a state of national emergency today and this is the specific technicality that has brought the president into compliance with the War Powers Act.

    You may or may not debate the constitutionality of the War Powers Act, which seems to violate the Article One war power of congress directly.

    By the way the president needs to supply a reason when he declares national emergency.

    Here is the real kicker, the thing which might get Obama in hot water if people start analyzing it:

    The reason the US is in national emergency beginning on March 01 2011 and continuing automatically for just one year after is this, and I am paraphrasing (go look at the verbatim text yourself, it’s public information):

    The Libyan president Gaddhafi was using weapons of war (guns) against his own citizens during an insurrection, and therefore the there is an extreme threat to the safety of the citizens of the United States.

    Did you catch that? Did you see that jump in logic?

    Compare carefully now to the words which SecDef Gates is on record as saying, in today’s episode of No Agenda, regarding the danger presented to the USA by Gaddhafi having used weapons of war on Libyans during the insurrection:


    — SecDef Gates

  7. Publius says:

    Another Excellent show Adam and John.

    TO the nitpickers: You have no other source for such powerful independent analysis of questionable government affairs.

    Be thankful somebody like Adam is directly reading the text of government documents and not just echoing what he hears like some damn propaganda echo chamber; be thankful that somebody like John and Adam are watching massive amounts of CSPAN directly and analyzing the material for inconsistencies right before your very ears; be thankful that some of the listeners understand how rare it is in USA to hear uncensored discussion beyond the messages being broadcast by the duopoly of political parties who are in control of so much of the media.

  8. The_Tick says:

    Be thankful that they complain about pbs having sponsors , when they do the same thing. Frequent mentions of oil industry sponsors while towing the big oil line of ,”climate change is a scam”, seems just as bad, no? No agenda has done this very thing. Not saying it isn’t occasionally amusing, but isn’t adam the one who tought us to call bullshit in media? Just sayin.

  9. Publius says:

    John and Adam, you guys are wrong IMO to expect an act of terrorism soon.

    As you recall in weeks just after 9/11/2001 there was some white powder ANTHRAX attacks used on the same two members of the federal legislature, Leahy and Daschle, who just also happened to be the same two members who were at the time holding up the ratification of the USA PATRIOT ACT, and thus the impending invasions of Afghanistan and later Iraq. The two senators also just happened to motivated to sign this bill after that attack.

    However Obama needs to clear out no obstacles in Congress: The war on Libya is already in place.

    Bush found creative ways to motivate a reluctant Congress to agree to his war plans; while Obama did not bother to obtain agreement beforehand at all.

    With war in play there is simply no need to motivate the legislature to agree to go to war.

    Now, you might see something interesting if the legislature starts to seriously question Obama about the Libyan war.

    Will the Congress idly accept the March 01 2011 decree of national emergency, as a good enough reason to just skip over Congress in pursuing a war of “opportunity” and “humanitarianism”?

    Already the neocon high priests of PNAC, Rumsfeld and Kristol, have co-issued the next Republican marching orders which demand that not only is a no-fly-zone required — but now, also that the USA must assassinate Gaddafi.

    In what spider hole is Gaddafi hiding out?

    Gaddafi had no friends, he was isolated internationally, and had lost his usefulness but had not lost his oil. Rolling revolutions created an opportunity. (There was no 9/11 this time.) Means, motive, opportunity.

    Holy Shades of Iraq.

    Was this Libyan thing never meant to be just a no-fly-zone?

    Was the anthrax scientist’s timely suicide really all that much different than the Spandau Nazi’s timely suicide?

  10. The_Tick says:

    @ #11, Perhaps, but as usual, you answer a simple question with meaningless rhetoric, Adam said you’d do that too so quit being a douchebag.

  11. The_Tick says:

    Deflect much pedro? At least you are brief when saying nothing so your not all bad….haha

  12. The_Tick says:

    Poor pedro, no ideas only tactics. So did you ever stop beating your girlfriend?

  13. The_Tick says:

    I rest my case.


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