![]() Courtesy Jasmic
Study by the DLR German Aerospace Center
Aircraft condensation trails criss-crossing the sky may be warming the planet on a normal day more than the carbon dioxide emitted by all planes since the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903, a study said on Tuesday.
The findings may help governments fix penalties on planes’ greenhouse gas emissions in a U.N.-led assault on climate change. Or new engines might be designed to limit Vapor and instead spit out water drops or ice that fall from the sky.
The main climate effect of white lines and related cirrus clouds is to trap heat radiating back from the Earth’s surface. They also have a smaller, counter-effect by slightly dimming sunlight and so slowing warming. Contrails are especially dense over parts of Europe and eastern United States.
The findings might bring changes in air traffic control, for instance diverting planes from regions or altitudes where air moisture was high and favored cirrus formation.
The U.N. panel of climate scientists has estimated that fuel burned at altitude is roughly twice as damaging for the climate as when used at ground level.
Are airline lobbyists more powerful than a U.N.-led assault on climate change?
Well, duh. My father, a scientist, mentioned this interesting fact to me over 30 years ago. Of course, whether the contrails lead to warming or cooling is still a matter of conjecture.
Trains good….Planes bad
Wooo Wooo
BDog–so what did your daddy say 30 years ago? “Them contrails may do something?” X is causing Y according to measurements. Doesn’t really sound like conjecture to me.
On a related note, I have always wondered about wind farms–I thought wind was generated by the pressure gradient between a high and low pressure area thus putting fan blades up 300 feet in a 10,000 foot air mass would have negligible affect on the movement of the air mass. Seems I was wrong unless its all conjecture. ((If you have to register–its free with no associated spam.))
Wow, let’s just stay in our homes or walk. Forget, Trains,Planes,and Automobiles! That’s way we can be sure we are not killing our planet. Oh wait, we still have Nuclear power, so let’s get rid of electricity too. Better yet let’s just do a Government study and we will all be dead before they finish it!
#3 Bobbo – Thanks for the link. I haven’t read it, yet (their server seems to be slow in sending out confirmation emails) but it sounds like it is addressing something I’ve been wondering about. Stick these big fans up in the air and you are harvesting energy that would have had an effect somewhere else. Will that effect be deleterious? I dunno. Neither does anyone else. Yet, they push them at us as the saviors of humanity. Until they cause a drought that kills off the Brazilian rain forest or floods London or …
I’m not saying get rid of the things or those nasty coal-fired plants and nukes; if we want a modern civilization, we need to generate power. There is NO way (presently) to create that power without some sort of secondary effects.
Butterfly effect….nobody move. Shhhh!
When all the planes were grounded after 9/11, scientists told us that a study regarding the effects (measured ground temperatures) of the lack of contrails showed that the contrails reduced the extremes of temperature ranges on the ground, but did NOT change the over all Average of the temperatures of a given area.
So no net change in total thermal energy during a 24 hour period due to contrails. Just a reduction in the extremes of hot and cold.
I can recall articles that are by no means recent that suggested that under ideal conditions plane exhaust could trigger cloud formation and even snow/hail. Given what we know about condensation and cloud formation that would certainly seem to work.
In order to know how this compares to the impact of man made CO2 from planes we’d need to actually know what adding a given amount of CO2 does to the climate and if we knew that the long range weather predictions climatologists have been making for the last 10 years would bear at least some sort of approximation to reality rather than no resemblance to reality.
That isn’t condensation…
Just ask George Noory.
I am going to state the truth here: We’re all gonna die.
The question is wether we take our kids and spouses with us, kicking and screaming and coughing, when we go.
This pollution problem would not be a problem if we regulated the height of chimneys at three feet above the roof line.
You can bet your ass that the environment would get plenty of attention PDQ by people who would then have to pay attention.
Their idea is mix of two wrongs:
1) That the problem is CO2 (again…). In Scientific publications examining this issue the question is “do contrails shade outgoing radiation from ground more than incoming from Sun”? No CO2 involved.
2) That even the proper (1) theory works. Not. Team at Leeds University, working with the Met Office Hadley Centre, ran contrails through its climate models and found that you’d need about 200 times of flights over America than now to produce a significant effect on climate.
There sure a lot of stupid people. Carbon dioxide is not a poison, carbon monoxide is. If all of you global warming freaks want to slow the production of CO2, then commit suicide. CO2 levels only increase after the earth heats up, it’s not the other way around. Most likely it’s because the earth, that is green [plants], loves the heat and they produce CO2. Some of you people should go to Alex Jones’ website, never mind, your too looney for them.
I read an article a few years ago (don’t remember the source, sorry) about how the grounding of all aircraft following 9/11 caused significantly warmer temperatures. They had satellite photos showing contrails spreading out to cause cloudy (or at least hazy) days over several states, along with photos of perfectly clear days over the entire Southwest during the flight ban.
So they’ll raise the prices high to serve as a disincentive to air travel. Not equal to the actual cost, but high enough so that people travel less. Or maybe they will cap the total amount of air travel, and have the airlines figure out how they will do it.
Just like with fuel mileage requirements. Car prices will go higher, or cars will get smaller.
As with the ISP post.
The government could hire an army of thugs to harass travelers at airports before boarding any aircraft. Maybe that would disincentivize air travel.
Carbon based units infest this planet!
Oh, wait!
That’s us!
Looks like we’re gonna need big government to start regulating just how much water vapor gets released into the atmosphere.
We’re DOOMED!!!
#12 mharry860 said “Most likely it’s because the earth, that is green [plants], loves the heat and they produce CO2.”
And here I thought green plants take in CO2 and produce Oxygen by photosynthesis. My bad.
These chemtrails are not generally caused by regular airlines. I watch them going through their movements on bright sunny days, and they’re obviously very high flying jets rather than commercial planes. It’s also obvious that the criss crossing pattern is intentional – it’s not merely part of any kind of meaningful flight path. One has to wonder what they are doing up there. Before you condemn me out of hand as a “conspiracy theorist”, just start watching these jets weaving criss cross patterns and the cloud effects that remain. It may make you wonder too.