1. Animby says:

    It’s a genetic abnormality called Ehlers-Danos Syndrome. Loose joints, stretchy connective tissue, poor healing. One form of it also affects tissue that form blood vessels and some organs. Those people usually die around 45 or so.

    It’s all fun and games right now but he’ll have soon have a painful life.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    His Ben-Gay bills must be e-fuckin-normous!

    I’m not sure he has Ehlers-Danos because I am not seeing the kind of uncontrolled dislocations that Ehlers-Danos results in.

    This man is in superb physical condition and keeps extremely limber but I suspect that he can get seized up just like the rest of us.

    His son and daughter (that’s them in the video) don’t seem to have the knack of being double jointed anymore that I did. I never had legs that skinny either.

  3. Dallas says:

    Wish I had those 2 minutes back

  4. Rob Leather says:

    Wish I’d studied Russian more. Then I could understand what they say when for no apparent reason they zoom in on breasts.


    Gotta love that Russian over modulation… It’s like they put the piano INSIDE the microphone.

  5. ThatRayGuy says:

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