A study using census data from nine countries shows that religion there is set for extinction, say researchers.

The study found a steady rise in those claiming no religious affiliation.

The team’s mathematical model attempts to account for the interplay between the number of religious respondents and the social motives behind being one. The result, reported at the American Physical Society meeting in Dallas, US, indicates that religion will all but die out altogether in those countries.

The team took census data stretching back as far as a century from countries in which the census queried religious affiliation: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland…

They found…that those parameters were similar across all the countries studied, suggesting that similar behaviour drives the mathematics in all of them. And in all the countries, the indications were that religion was headed toward extinction.

Since the study only examined well-educated secular democracies, the United States obviously has little need to fear a change.

  1. foobar says:

    Humans are herd/social animals. Religious behavior is bred into us as a survival mechanism.

  2. Very… Nicee… Blog.. I really appreciate it… Thanks..:-)

  3. Personality says:

    It’s about Science damn time!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:


    We showed that if General Relativity was correct, any reasonable model of the universe must start with a singularity. This would mean that science could predict that the universe must have had a beginning, but that it could not predict how the universe should begin

    That is where Hawkins should have stopped. Cosmologists don’t know what came before the Plank Epoch. We don’t know if there was a singularity or not; there is no evidence one way or another. Suggesting there HAD to be a singularity (or really, suggesting anything) is pure conjecture.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    As our general education and search for scientific answers goes on, religion will become less and less important. Currently we are seeing an explosion of that as the internet has allowed so many people instant access to knowledge.

    Thank you Jimmy Wales.

  6. EdgyLlama says:

    Happiness is being a non-practicing atheist.

  7. lynn says:

    I for one am going to stop worrying since, without religion, there is no chance I will get cancer, be hit by a semi on I-295, lose my job or have my house broken into.

  8. Buzz Mega says:

    The probability is overwhelmingly high that some other process is at work in the creation of all existence than traditional religious doctrines address.

    And that, on a scale of one to infinity is an understatement.

    What is needed is a contemporary religious replacement. A way of seeing the whole of existence in terms of reality, or the deeper set of meta realities that it suggests.

    Like the guys at JPL so often say, “It is what it is.”

  9. MikeN says:

    #27 gets it.

    6 kids per woman in Islamic families, 1 child per woman in atheistic families, or even less. Run for two generations, and see how your growing percentage works out.

  10. Cap'n Funky says:

    MikeN, you realize that there’s almost 7 billion people on this planet. It’s overpopulated. By reproducing less, we don’t have to worry about shortages.

    Malthus had it right. THOMAS MALTHUS FTW


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