An Indiana prosecutor said one of his deputies resigned Thursday after admitting he sent an email to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker suggesting the Republican fake an attack on himself to discredit the public employee unions protesting his plan to strip them of nearly all collective bargaining rights.

Johnson County Prosecutor Brad Cooper said Carlos Lam resigned in a phone call about 5 a.m. Thursday after acknowledging that he sent the Feb. 19 email to Walker suggesting “the situation in WI presents a good opportunity for what’s called a ‘false flag’ operation.”

“If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the public unions,” Lam wrote in the email, which was obtained by The Associated Press.

Cooper said Lam initially denied sending the email and said someone had hacked into his email account. But Lam later acknowledged he had written the message, and resigned hours before the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism reported the contents publicly Thursday…

Lam is the second Indiana prosecutor to lose his job over volatile comments about the Wisconsin protests. Jeffrey Cox, a deputy attorney general, was fired last month after tweeting that police should use live ammunition against labor protesters.

Lam likes to brag about his reliance on the 3 G’s: “guns, gold and gasoline”.

  1. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Hopin Scooter is not also a Spam-Bot or still bad but not quite as bad a spineless liberal/libertarian:

    Isn’t calling a significant political movement “irresponsible” all too hateful and partisan, or how do you draw the difference?

  2. tcc3 says:

    #38 TeaDud

    You (plural) were called “extremist” due to extremist positions like “All taxes are slavery” and “Remove all regulation” and incitements to violence.

    You (plural) were called racists/bigots due to your racist rhetoric against latinos, arabs, and other “brown” people both immigrants and citizens. The constant implication that Obama isn’t a “real” American with no supporting evidence and against all logic is also a factor there.

    These labels were earned, not slanders to cover opposition to Obama.

    There is plenty of criticism of Obama from the left, and there has been from the beginning. The difference is they tend to be criticisms of substance, not hate-filled screeds of “everything Obama does is wrong, even if we agreed with it yesterday.”

  3. McCullough says:

    Whatever happened to prison time for conspiracy. Why is it white collars are rarely charged with a crime, in this case probably a Federal crime?

    No they get to resign.

  4. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Why is a conspiracy not charged? Well, you have to take “an overt step” in furtherance of the illegal act otherwise mostly “FREEEEE Speech” acts as a defense to the charge, just as it should.

    but I agree, too much crime is dismissed as part of the game of politics.

    I may have to leave the country if the PUKES aren’t roundly rebuked in 2012. I hope George Clooney will rent out his gardener’s shed. Have you seen his house? Just a bit of heaven.

  5. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Tcc3–I’m tired, and will leave Spam-Bot patrol to your good offices. Backloader was a funny line, but really, Spam-Bot brings the same talking point all the time. Not clever like Rove ((give the A-hole his due)) or Frum. Poor Spam-Bot can only recite the talking points issued by the former.

    Its an interesting issue to me: Rove and Frum. Is the money really that controlling when they see who they have influence over?

    Money really, I mean really, really does corrupt.

    Ha, ha. Silly Hoomans. Money and Spam-Bots. As science and culture diverge in the cyber world, choices will have to be made.

  6. JimD says:

    Nah, Repukes wouldn’t do that !!! Just like they wouldn’t LIE ABOUT WMD’S IN IRAQ, WOULD THEY ??? THUGS !!! EVERY ONE OF THEM !!!

  7. Scooter says:


    You ask a valid question. My statement applies to all 3 of the political parties out there. The fact that they are not trying to strike a balance between what is good for masses and what is good for the individual makes them irresponsible. The attitude that “we are right and you are wrong” with widening extreme points of view makes them irresponsible. No party wants to work together. they only want what they belive is right without making consessions. I am non-partisain in that view.

    I would agreee that anyone targeting an individual party would be partisain.

    This country needs to be fed more facts about things and less opinion. Something sadly “news” no longer trys to do. Too many people belive what they are told without verifying for themselves what is fact and what is opinion being made as fact.

  8. Scooter says:


    P.S. I’m not a bot.

  9. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Scooter–notice that Alfie the Spam-Bot will not deny that status. Your human based humor, lack of humor, and foibles are clear. As long as you adapt, incorporate, reject, and change you will pass the Turing Test. Alfie the Spam-Bot needs additional code.

    Well, ok, you avoid the charge of partisanship unless you later post as a libertarian.

    that leaves the fine line between calling everyone irresponsible and extreme while berating name calling and stereotyping.

    I’ll make the Siren’s call: come on in, the water’s fine and you are already up to your nipples.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #45, Bobbo,

    Why is a conspiracy not charged? Well, you have to take “an overt step” in furtherance of the illegal act otherwise mostly “FREEEEE Speech” acts as a defense to the charge, just as it should.

    Not quite. There is no “free speech” in advocating, encouraging, or enticing someone to commit a crime. Generally, this is a Felony, even if encouraging someone commit a misdemeanor.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:


    Have you been playing with pedro’s donkey again? You sound like you’ve been kicked in the head.

  12. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Hey Mr Fusion–glad to see you posting again. Free Speech is the defense to the charge. When the jury believes you were just giving your opinion, its free speech and wins. When you cross the free speech line, and take overt action, which right at “the line” can be mere advocacy ((when you have the ability to to take overt action)) then the free speech defense doesn’t work.

    All these laws, crimes, defenses are not self actuating. They have to be undertaken and skillfully implemented and others have to agree. All a big mix. Not as black and white as you argue.

    “Hey–you ought to run a False Flag operation on your opponents.”—a crime, a joke, sarcasm, logical or factual impossibility, a gun sent via Fed Ex to the congresscreep? Every factoid and argument makes a difference.

  13. Howard Beale says:

    Alfie dosen’t want to pay his fair share of taxes but would happily teabag the Koch brothers dude.

    #1,4,12,20,24,27,33,35,38,46… what are you Mr OffTopic

    This is a story about another Republican prosecutor from Indiana with an un-American idea who was to stupid to even send it form a open computer with a bogus email account.
    Not Obama
    do you ever even read these or do you just wakeup foaming at the mouth and spewing your hatred?
    gesh get a life!

    This is a small story about a guy who proved he was to stupid to have that job(Prosecutor) if your job is to uphold the law and you go around suggesting people people break it well what else can I say. he is gone and his story will only serve to remind people to lookout for “false flag’ operations” and call them out in future peaceful protests.

    Sorry for you Alfie these Governors have exposed the Koch brothers/GOP pro Corporation agenda and managed to wake up so many who were disappointed the lefts slow progressive progress. It has only helped the Left’s chances of taking back some Governorships and Obama’s chances of reelection.
    As for Carlos Lam nothing else to see here move along.

  14. foobar says:

    Someone could make a fortune selling “The Internet Tubes for Dummies” to Republicans.

  15. sargasso_c says:

    The guy is a class act. A future oval office inhabitant. Loose the glasses, 20lb, haircut. Unscrupulous, deceptive, articulate.

  16. So what says:

    I think I may have discovered a large hole in Alfs argument. I am conservative, I didn’t vote for Obama. non union, state/public employee for six years. I have not received a raise in two years including COLA, not expecting one this year. Retirement costs higher, the state no longer matches my deferred comp $30 a month. Even with 80 and out I will have to work until I am 74. My health insurance costs more than when I was working in the private sector, its gone up every year since I was hired by the state. I make less than what I made in the private sector, I happen to really like my job. The best part, at the end of the day I am still better off now than I was under Bush.

    ps still waiting on that sunshine request.

  17. foobar says:

    So What, you call that an argument? You’re using facts and clear reasoning to draw a logical conclusion.

  18. So what says:

    My mistake.

  19. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    So what–you lost me. You detail how you are paid less and will have to work more with less benefits yet you are better off than under Bush.

    I think you left out a few dots. Care to provide?

  20. Dallas says:

    …Lam initially denied sending the email and said someone had hacked into his email account.

    This one must be in the manual or something as first choice.

  21. So what says:

    Sorry, the company I used to work for, a non union auto parts manufacturer, is now in china and mexico. It left during Georgie junior’s first term. While I miss the folks I can’t say I really miss the job. It tended to be rather mundane and boring. While I make less I have quite a bit more fun at work, and find it much more fulfilling and stimulating. While money is nice it really is not a stimulus for long term job enjoyment.

  22. Dallas says:

    This creep should find a good spot in Karl Rove’s slime shop.

    Creative ideas from to pollute our democracy need to be harnessed.

  23. So what says: They had them in 2002. Surface to air are commonly available if you have the cash. Cheaper to buy at the weapons markets in Pakistan than ship from Libya. Always buy local and support your community.

  24. So what says:

    On a more philosophical note, if you buy black market is there a sales tax?

    Does Raytheon still get their cut?

  25. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    So What: so you are merely reporting that a job you enjoy more is preferred over a job you like less even if you get paid less?

    Most people would agree with you. Says nothing about our economy though except higher paying jobs are being shipped overseas while those employed in the ashes are happy to have a job?

    Its always a mix of things. Imagine getting paid more for a job you liked more? That was possible for many years.

  26. Scooter says:


    Yup, I’m in the water. Not a strong swimmer (don’t have all the answers) and surrounded by sharks,alligators and parana (rabid party supporters). The water is nice and warm however I think that is more from peeing myself in fear as I view what is happening in politics.

    If I have to choose, yes I can and I have to be honest and say that I lean a bit more to the side of the parana (liberal) however it really makes no difference as in the end it is more about how you wish to die than if. And that is what bothers me the most. People seem to think that the party they support won’t kill them in the end. Right now we are all loosers and the only winners are the ones making the rules. We don’t stand a chance anymore unless we can get rid of the rule makers and try to start over. I don’t have the answer but the other options so far proposed are not it either.

  27. So what says:

    Its all rather metaphysical. I actually have more in the bank now than I did then. Perhaps its that I spend less on things that mean little. No I pad, no smart phone, etc. I do on the other hand have a new truck and boat. Go figure.

  28. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Scooter==most of what you say is true but I was/am focusing on your derision of fellow travellers, such as myself, who choose to call a spade a space, a spam bot a spambot, and Alfie an idiot for all of the above.

    Why do you do this? I’m just curious as it seems like hubris/hypocrisy to me==but always open to a different perspective on it.

    So What: so you are lucky, and/or made some good choices, combo of the two. always best to recognize the best we can out of our predictaments but “living standard” is going down for most people. That admits right up front that that is not true for everyone. Enjoy it while you can and hope you don’t get sick, get in a car accident, have your identity stolen, have your retirement vaporize, and on and on. Life is fragile.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.- C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock

    Alphie can’t recognize himself in his own quote. It must be the end of the month and Alphie is running out of drugs. His Paraphrenia is showing again.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, Bobbo,

    Hey Mr Fusion–glad to see you posting again. Free Speech is the defense to the charge. When the jury believes you were just giving your opinion, its free speech and wins.

    Free speech is the ability to express your opinions freely, without censorship or obstruction by the government. That clearly did not happen here. Lam was counseling someone to commit a felony.

    Saying “everyone should grow their own pot until the government legalizes it” is free speech. The speech is general and the aim is political.

    Saying “Bobbo, you should start an illegal marijuana grow in that old pole barn on your property. I could help you and we would make a ton of money” is advocating a felony. The claim is specific and the aim is criminal

    “the situation in WI presents a good opportunity for what’s called a ‘false flag’ operation.”

    “If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the public unions,” Lam wrote in the email,…

    The claim is specific and the aim is criminal libel.


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