An Indiana prosecutor said one of his deputies resigned Thursday after admitting he sent an email to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker suggesting the Republican fake an attack on himself to discredit the public employee unions protesting his plan to strip them of nearly all collective bargaining rights.

Johnson County Prosecutor Brad Cooper said Carlos Lam resigned in a phone call about 5 a.m. Thursday after acknowledging that he sent the Feb. 19 email to Walker suggesting “the situation in WI presents a good opportunity for what’s called a ‘false flag’ operation.”

“If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the public unions,” Lam wrote in the email, which was obtained by The Associated Press.

Cooper said Lam initially denied sending the email and said someone had hacked into his email account. But Lam later acknowledged he had written the message, and resigned hours before the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism reported the contents publicly Thursday…

Lam is the second Indiana prosecutor to lose his job over volatile comments about the Wisconsin protests. Jeffrey Cox, a deputy attorney general, was fired last month after tweeting that police should use live ammunition against labor protesters.

Lam likes to brag about his reliance on the 3 G’s: “guns, gold and gasoline”.

  1. tcc3 says:

    Do you even read the posts anymore or just jump on the opportunity to grandstand?

    You’re like a blog virus.

  2. tcc3 says:

    At least this time (as far as we know) Walker didn’t debate the merits of this plan on the phone. Idiot.

  3. jman says:

    the guy was an idiot if he suggested this and no better than the dems who vandalized their own Dem headquarters and tried to blame it on republicans

  4. ubiquitous talking head says:


    ’nuff said.

  5. tcc3 says:

    Counter argument is not Bring-Your-Own-Debate Topic.

  6. derspankster says:

    The Koch’s could do better than that.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Guy’s an idiot. Don’t suggest such a thing, go and do it.

    Seriously, this is the mentality of many young Republicans…do whatever it takes to win, morality and legality be damned. Hypocrisy is fine so long as it’s used to reach the larger goals.

    I wonder if any Republicans (Mitch Daniels) will publicly condemn this act. Or will they just give it a wink as I did up above.

    Just keep getting crazier every month, GOP. The payoff will come eventually.

  8. B. Dog says:

    Uh, there’s no need for Walker to fake an attack on himself. All he has to do is walk outside. I don’t approve of that, and would like to see this taken care of all legal like. It is unclear what government entities are going to pay for all the police in downtown Madison, but I’m sure the cops have ears — they’re in plain view — and can hear the same comments about Walker that I hear.

  9. smartalix says:

    Exactly. It seems the Right can only win arguments using force, lies, and misdirection. I have yet to meet a right-winger who could intelligently (and calmly) discuss the salient points of any policy, past or present.

  10. bobbo, the truth is debateable but dogma still clear to see says:

    #11–smartalix==to be fair, you have to add a fourth: ignore the facts and counterarguments and stick with the given talking point no matter what. Its a form of misdirection, but less “active.”

    Quite a few bloggers here take this 4th approach: MikeN, Guyver, Ah Yea. Give them a fact, link, or argument that they don’t like and at best you get no reply, at worst a restatement of their flawed position as if you had never responded. JUST LIKE their leaders in mainstream politics do.

    It results in statements like Alfie just produced: criticism of Obama is squelched. Perhaps only a missing word?—add intelligent at the beginning of the phrase to get at what is happening as Palin contradicts her “no criticism of the President when overseas” in the very same breath that she demonstrates the violation. Followed by McCain flip flopping so fast there is no denying he is in great physical shape. “Obama is wrong to do nothing.” to “Obama is wrong to make War on Libya.”

    My bottom line–its one thing for the stooges in washington to lie so obviously and constantly to subvert the values of America in their attack on the middle class/working class to increase the already top-heavy wealth of their corporate masters, but why do so many voting poor support them?

    Brown, Kasich–the other 5-6 govenors and their orchestrated attack on unions had better be recalled all as the first wave in a complete wipeout of the PUKE party this 2012. It used to be unfairly debateable how bad the PUKES were at government, now it is just outright warfare.

    Surely we won’t allow this to continue?

  11. Wrigsted, the Dane says:

    Taxed Enough Already Dude, have they raised the price of your medication again?

  12. Eliot99 says:

    All the while operating under two assumptions. The first being that the douche they convince to do it would never get caught (or take 2 to the head by the police during the attempt.). Or, if the clown is caught, he would stick to his pro-union lie through interrogation, trial and Leavenworth.

    Typical right wing mentality. NEVER think things through.

  13. bobbo, the truth is debateable but dogma still clear to see says:

    Eliot–the mere setup is all the PUKES need to run a campaign. They will Mau-Mau the attack without ever responding to the fact it turned out to be a Red Flag operation. They still deny we were Red Flagged into Iraq even after Rumsfeld wrote a book admitting to as much. No book was needed though as the lying was pretty obvious right from the start. And Bush’s “popularity” is increasing.

    such is the mentality of the mob. “Action” is confused with Leadership when corruption lays its veil over the mob.

  14. bobbo, the truth is debateable but dogma still clear to see says:

    #17–Alfie–please repeat for us your notion that Obama does not face criticism?

    Care to rephrase to come closer to reality at all, or is it dogma all the way?

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Not sure if Alfred lives here or if it’s just his getting around-town vehicle.

  16. bobbo, the truth is debateable but dogma still clear to see says:

    Alfie–if you say there are progressive charges of racism against those who criticize Obama==HOW CAN THERE BE SQUELCHING OF CRITICISM?

    So I say again: care to modify your statement to bring it closer to reality,

    – or – as all good Pukes do, ignore the counterargument and facts and continue to repeat the talking point?

    Just a slight modification Alfie. You can still hate progressives, and you will even sound less incompetent. Whats to lose except your credibility with your pack?

  17. 1873 Colt says:

    Seems like this blog in a pretty good replacement for the Fourth Estate.

    And it seems to be populated by the Fifth Column.

  18. bobbo, the truth is debateable but dogma still clear to see says:

    And so……Alfie takes the “ignore the truth and logic of the reasonable counterproposal as if it had never been said.”

  19. MikeN says:

    Considering the Democrats are still AWOL in Indiana, I’m wondering if he suggested this to Mitch Daniels as well.

    I’m also wondering where he went to school, and what his politics were at the time. He may have learned this tactic from the Left professors who engage in fake hate crimes, like putting a noose at their door.

  20. shooff says:

    Kasich is in a Union
    Limbaugh is in a Union
    Hannity is in a Union
    Beck is in a Union
    All anchor/actors at all channels are in a Union.

    It’s called AFTRA (look it up).

    Kasich, Cooper, Walker and Lam all get huge paychecks from taxpayers. They aren’t small businessmen, but leechs.

    If Lam wants a false f*ag operation, I’m sure he will have his way in prison.

    Some one is Indiana make sure this guy gets jailed for treason. He can have all the false f*ags he wants in prison.

  21. bobbo, the truth is debateable but dogma still clear to see says:

    Mickey==well done. sure you aren’t a lefty stooges making the rightwingnuts look as impossibly foolish as they do? Alfie really doesn’t need any more help than his talking points of the day provide.

    Yes, a noose planted by the lefties certainly cures the Republican Party from any taint of bias.

    Ha, ha.

    Full and open discussion. Best medicine there is.

  22. Harry says:

    There is clearly a war on people that are not rich, but work very hard everyday to keep things moving along.

  23. bobbo, the truth is debateable but dogma still clear to see says:

    #27–Alfie–please repeat for us your notion that Obama does not face criticism?

    Care to rephrase to come closer to reality at all, or is it dogma all the way?

  24. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    YOU KNOW, about once a month it is fun to directly confront Alfie and watch his non-response. but I wonder if he is not just a “social bot” that has escaped the laboratory.

    The Brave New World of social engineering spotted for the first time by me: all social networks corrupted by AI.

    The new Forth Estate? Sadly no. Not until social bots interact with voting machines and flood the ballot box. How fast will Alfie be given artificial DNA so he can reproduce into Mickey 2.0, McGruder 1.5, and Bubba Hope Yep 3.2?

    The law of unintended consequences swamping the accumulated good of mankind.

  25. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Alfie, from your most revealing post #7 …”All anti progressive speech was tarnished as racist, and associated with right wing extremism…and it effectively squelched all criticism of Obama and his super majority…”

    please repeat for us your notion quoted above.

    Care to rephrase to come closer to reality at all, or is it dogma all the way?

    The most recent criticism I know of came yesterday by Newt Gingrich that Obama acted too slow to wage war on Kdaffy. Many other Pukes voicing the same concern. Lots of criticism. Haven’t heard a charge of racism against the pukes in a few weeks now.

    Dogma all the way huh?

    Ha, ha. Most hoomans aren’t THIS stupid. gotta chalk this up to a special breed of social bot.

  26. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Ok, the Alfie Spam-Bot .3 has demonstrated an ability to modify its spew routine. We now have modification from criticism of Obama was squelched to there was criticism but it was tarnished.

    Not so hard was it Spam-Bot? Does rather violate your prime directive though: anything Obama does is wrong.

    Ha, ha. Foolish Spam-Bot.

  27. Yo mammy says:

    See how easy it is to get comments. Throw out an example of either party being corrupt, and the idiots on the other side will challenge.

    And it works every single time.


  28. Harry says:

    Another Koch brother slave.

  29. Scooter says:


    “The Tea Party rules.”

    Ah, no. They don’t. They are very much in the minority right now. History will show that only the Democrats and the Republicans have the ability to maintain government control. The system is set up to preserve that. A responsible third party would be a nice change however, the tea party is not really any different from the two existing parties. In many ways it is worse. The problem with all the parties is extremism. We will be better once we can get a goverment that can talk and act reasonably and for the good of the majority.

    That also appies to the blog statements. Name calling and stereotyping only creates more hatred and partisism.

  30. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Alfie the Spam-Bot==what you said was that “it effectively squelched all criticism of Obama and his super majority…” and yet Obama lost the House of Representatives while everyone was beat into silenced submission?

    Alfie Spam-Bot your algorithm is defective. Seems you can recognize your mistake for only one clock cycle, then you are back to .0001.

    silly Spam-Bot, when will you pass the Turing Test?


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