An Indiana prosecutor said one of his deputies resigned Thursday after admitting he sent an email to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker suggesting the Republican fake an attack on himself to discredit the public employee unions protesting his plan to strip them of nearly all collective bargaining rights.

Johnson County Prosecutor Brad Cooper said Carlos Lam resigned in a phone call about 5 a.m. Thursday after acknowledging that he sent the Feb. 19 email to Walker suggesting “the situation in WI presents a good opportunity for what’s called a ‘false flag’ operation.”

“If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the public unions,” Lam wrote in the email, which was obtained by The Associated Press.

Cooper said Lam initially denied sending the email and said someone had hacked into his email account. But Lam later acknowledged he had written the message, and resigned hours before the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism reported the contents publicly Thursday…

Lam is the second Indiana prosecutor to lose his job over volatile comments about the Wisconsin protests. Jeffrey Cox, a deputy attorney general, was fired last month after tweeting that police should use live ammunition against labor protesters.

Lam likes to brag about his reliance on the 3 G’s: “guns, gold and gasoline”.

  1. tcc3 says:


    “Viral populations do not grow through cell division, because they are acellular. Instead, they use the machinery and metabolism of a host cell to produce multiple copies of themselves, and they assemble in the cell.”

    Blog virus.

  2. tcc3 says:

    #77 TeaDud:

    I thought it started in 2010? Is 2012 also the “Year of Linux on the Desktop?”

  3. deowll says:

    The guy was a lack witted nincompoop with no ethics. He needed to be replaced.

    With the staggering number of threats and the amount of attempted intimidation actually going down he should have been worried about keeping his boss breathing.

    He has my nomination for having the biggest brain fart of any government employee for 2011 at least for today though I admit he may end up vanishing into a crowd of equally worthy contenders. There are so many bad ideas being pushed by politicians and government employees it is really hard to stand out.

  4. Dallas says:

    Teabagger Dude is quick to change the topic

    “Scumbag public official promotes fascist propaganda via a conspiracy plot”

    “The changing Chinese dress code”

  5. tcc3 says:

    #81 Yawn. Ive heard this record before. Will someone flip it to side B? Or maybe turn it off?

  6. tcc3 says:

    #84 Like everything else you claim to be an expert on, you don’t know shit about me.

    Keep talking, TeaDud. Every keystroke reveals your ignorance.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Or does this “stunt” divert attention away from the “astroturfing” done by big corporations, like the Koch Brothers, to sway public opinion and votes in WI?

  8. tcc3 says:

    #82 Dallas

    Also bear in mind that this scumbag politician is part of Teadud’s new wave that will purge the evil progressives from government. He’s been defending these assholes, their attacks on working Americans, their unscrupulous ties to the Koch brothers, and their underhanded tactics.

    It is very much in TeaDud’s interest to change the subject.

  9. So what says:

    This I cant pass up, did alf in comment #88 insult himself for his own comment in #84?

  10. tcc3 says:

    #88 TeaDud

    2nd Verse, same as the first.

  11. Taxed Enough Already Dude's Donkey says:

    Dude, you know I was bound to show up.

    Shall I tell everyone how you really like me to whip your big fat butt while I ride your arse?

    Shall I tell them how you like to whimper “deeper”, “harder”, “faster” master until I order you not to talk with your mouth full?

    Shall I tell the readers how the Doctor said you could stay out as long as you behaved yourself and took your medication? It doesn’t look as if you’ve taken your medication.

  12. tcc3 says:

    #91: I doubt hes even here any more to insult. He’s run away like a coward to the next thread, where he can start his BS over again from scratch.

  13. Scooter says:


    I had quite a reply however it disappered into cyberspace so I am going to make this much shorter.

    I think you should call a spade a spade!

    People should be aware of the facts. I just see too much stuff on blogs that boil down to something on the order of kids calling each other boogernose at the end. My grandfather who was a die hard republican and someone I admired very much watched Fox News but regarded it and people like Rush more entertainment than actual fact providers. Even as a Republican he could if he wanted debate for the Democrats. He knew the facts and based his ideas on that. However, too many people fall for someone like Beck (my own father for example) and will follow the party mantra without waiver or critical thought. Alas, I feel the majority of people are too lazy to think critically and be able to follow their own path to decide what is best. Politicians and companies know this and are using that right now to the disadvantage of all of us.

    I love civil debating because it opens your mind and helps you on a path of your own. Not one that someone makes for you. And I dont think I am really any more important than anyone else. I just don’t see the need for hurtfull words (idiot, repukes, need to take your medication, ect). Facts should stand on their own. If the only arguement you can make reqires an insult it really is no argument at all. The point of a disscussion is to try to get someone to see your side of the issue. If you resort to insults then you cannot do that.

    Again, I really don’t think I am any better than enyone else, I am just trying to follow advice from my grandfather who said that you should think critically and that if you don’t have something nice to say to someone, don’t say anything. One should try to always think critically and not just be a blind follower.

  14. bobbo, I just unplugged my shades says:

    Well Scooter–life is short and should be lived for pleasure where and how you might find it. There is nothing wrong with polite discourse. Personally, I enjoy giving and receiving a well phrased insult and find nothing wrong with such window dressing. I say window dressing because I do want the insults to hang on a structure. Just another variety in life’s panoply.

    All of any one thing and nothing of the others strikes me as a bit dull no matter who’s grandfather made it his rut. I say, stand on your own merits.

    I think looking past the defects of a position whatever they may be to the merit that is there or only half formed is the very heart and soul of the critical thinking you say you are after.

    You can be a better man.

  15. Scooter says:


    Don’t think I don’t insult people from time to time. I just try to avoid it. By overuse the insult has lost more and more of its effect. When I am trying to persuade someone I only use insults when I get too carried away and forget myself.

    As with anyone, you will have to live your life the best way you know how and I will live mine the best way I know.

    I wish you the best on your trip through life.

  16. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Scooter–well, I agree with you that talking when you have been carried away and have forgotten yourself is never a good thing whether you use insults or not.

    Point being, carried away thoughtless statements are always to be avoided while a well placed insult by definition is just the opposite.

    Categorical statements, without a few weasel words and adjectives, are so often wrong, the occasion on which they are right are not worth searching out.

    Will I finish with an insult? No. It wouldn’t be proper. Maybe thinly veiled sarcasm? No. Too imitative.


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