Abraham Mashal

Abe Mashal, a 31-year-old dog trainer from St. Charles, says FBI agents told him he ended up on the government’s no-fly list because he exchanged e-mails with a Muslim cleric they were monitoring.

The topic: How to raise his children in an interfaith household.

Mashal said he has never had any links to terror or terrorists and is a “patriotic,” honorably discharged Marine Corps veteran.

He found out he’d been flagged last April, when he tried to board a flight to Spokane, Wash., to train dogs for a client. Since then, his family members and friends have been questioned, and he said he has lost business because he isn’t allowed to fly.

Mashal is one of 17 plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed in June by the American Civil Liberties Union over the list.

FBI agents questioned him at Midway Airport, then at his home. Finally, he was summoned to a hotel in Schaumburg, where more FBI agents told him he’d been placed on the no-fly list because of an e-mail he had sent to an imam — a Muslim cleric — whom they’d been watching.

Mashal said he had sought the imam’s advice about raising children in a mixed-religion household. Mashal is Muslim; his wife is Christian.

He said the agents offered to get him off the list — if he would become an undercover informant at mosques. He refused and said he feels he was being blackmailed.

Same as it ever was.

  1. morramm says:

    Hey if Cheney decided you’re not worthy to fly then buck up mr. marine

  2. bobbo, ACLU all the waaaay! says:

    I think “just about anything” should get you on a “greater scrutiny” list but a “no fly” should have something more than this.

    Fits nicely with the earlier post regarding 20% of citizens having an arrest record.

    I got yelled at by a hall monitor in the 7th grade. Now, I can’t get a job.

  3. Dallas says:

    Note to self:
    1. Renew my ACLU membership
    2. Ask GOP to send me another box of color brochures to hand out.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    There is probably much more to this.

  5. robman says:

    This is blackmail so wouldn’t that make the agents criminals since blackmail is illegal? ops forgot that the law only applies to the slaves and common ppl not the rich and powerful or law enforcement.

  6. Milo says:

    And if he was a terrorist, he would just admit it?

  7. JimD says:

    FBI seem to be THUGS !!! “Who watches the Watchers?” – an old question, still unanswered !!!

  8. ubiquitous talking head says:

    2. Ask GOP to send me another box of color brochures to hand out.

    Pick up a couple of boxes for me too. I’ll pick them up out of your trash.


  9. Nobody says:

    Why not just simplify it and say that Muslims aren’t allowed to fly in the USA?

  10. Grandpa says:

    If this good marine refused to be an undercover informant at mosques, then it would be reasonable to assume his loyalty is to Allah first and country second or third. Not a good thing for a marine.

  11. The Pirate says:

    … or

    He wasn’t up for being an FBI tool. I could see how this would ruin your social life.

  12. Roasted Peanuts says:

    So the point of the story is not some guy getting on the BS No-Fly list but the extensive monitoring being done by the US government.

    Any details on the actual monitoring?

  13. LDA says:

    Going out on a limb here, but maybe people should be considered innocent until proven guilty. Maybe people should also be given a trial by their peers before being legally sanctioned. That might prevent this kind of stuff.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    It is becoming so easy to tell who read the article and who just read the headline.

    He does believe this is blackmail.

    He is suing as a test case by the ACLU.

    He has retired from the Marines.

    And yes, there is much more to this. OUR government is attempting to blackmail people into becoming informants under the assumption there is something nefarious. The right to be “innocent until proven guilty” is enshrined in the Constitution.

    Read the whole thing people !!! And if you still don’t understand, follow up.

  15. The_Tick says:

    @ #10, Easy on the allegations there grandpa,not everyone is so well trained as to hit their knees as quickly as you and he may have other reasons to act like a man. Your spiel sounds exactly like the east german police who had everybody ratting on each other. Bet you still think of them as the bad guys too…. haha

  16. Nobody says:

    Anyone remember Annie Lee Moss ?

  17. 1873 Colt says:

    #9. Perfect solution. How many planes have Muslims sabotaged or attempted to blow up already? How many have been brought down by Non-Muslims?

  18. The_Tick says:

    @ #17 As usual, the real question goes sailing over your head.

  19. Publius says:

    A sure sign of bad government is their willingness to conscript people into involuntary servitude. Take this ex-marine for example. Involuntary servitude in the USA is a violation of federal law.


    Guess which agency does the investigating on cases of involuntary servitude?

  20. Publius says:

    FBI: “They are trapped in lives of misery—often beaten, starved, and forced to work as prostitutes or to take grueling jobs as migrant, domestic, restaurant, or factory workers with little or no pay. We’re working hard to stop human trafficking”


  21. ECA says:

    Lets see…
    How many Iman in the USA are being monitored??

    And do you think they have a copy of that EMAIL??

    You have NO RIGHT to fly, but you CAN take that 10mpg TRUCK and drive all you want.. EVEN park it in front of a federal building. you MIGHT even get to park on a tarmac, with it LOADED with Ammonia nitrate, near the refueling station.. BUT, YOU CAN NOT FLY.

  22. Publius says:


    WTC 1993 and Oklahoma City Federal Building victims families and all Americans thank you for helping FBI to remember truck bombs because FBI cannot remember anything apparently except the last battle.

  23. Nobody says:

    #17 – but you would also have to ban Christians from driving trucks – at least in Oklahoma

    So far sleepy ATC and confused pilots are still winning the USA plane crash olympics.

  24. MrMiGu says:


    How many muslims didn’t bring down the plane they were flying on?

  25. Jason says:


    Good grief

  26. Nobody says:

    #22 – not sure the FBI has caught up with the ‘last’ battle so far.

    >fbi Agent
    ‘Abraham’ – that sounds like a Jewish name.
    Marx was Jewish – you a commie – boy?

    >whisper in ear from from assistant
    What do you mean Muslims, are we fighting muslims now?

    So are muslims the same as commies?

    They’re religous – so the same as Jews? Does that make ’em commies then?

    >whisper …
    What do you mean the only commies left are chinese but we need them to borrow money from! Damn this job it was much easier when you just had to beatup N****ers

    >whisper …
    The presidents a WHAT!!!!!

  27. uzam says:

    Write for SNL yet? You should!

  28. uzam says:

    @ 26 Write for SNL yet? You should!

  29. msbpodcast says:

    In #13, LDA said: Going out on a limb here, but maybe people should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

    Sorry but Bush repealed habeus corpus in 2001.

    Otherwise we couldn’t have a place like Gitmo.

    Sucks to be anybody on any official list.

  30. msbpodcast says:

    In #16, Nobody asked if we remembered Annie Lee Moss.

    Its a little before my time, but Wikipedia does.

    Unfortunately, this is not against a single imbecilic senator (is there any other kind?).

    This is about an entire government departement, the DHS, who sees everybody as the enemy.

    The DHS includes, has close ties to, or works with the FBI, Federal, State and local police, the Reserves, the Coast Guard, INS, the ATF even the IRS … basically every who can make your life miserable.

    You never want to get on their radar screen.

    They shoot first, ask nobody later.


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