Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we look closely at Japan aftermath and the new war.

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  1. denacron says:

    Cruise missiles that could have been used to fix the potholed roads! The imagery that evokes. 🙂

  2. KMFIX says:

    John’s volume is way louder than Andrew’s… really annoying..

  3. Dallas says:

    umm, still waiting for the economic collapse in Fall, 2009

  4. Publius says:

    Dear John and Andrew, you cited some cost for the hundred or so Tomahawk missiles that were fired, and some cost for the lost jet.

    Let me tell you something. I was a professional cost estimator in the Engineering Cost Estimation and Analysis branch for the US Navy some years ago, working as a civilian Navy engineer. We produced cost estimates for programs that had not yet begun. In the absence of actual receipts — things were not yet actually purchased — we used historical data to calibrate parametric cost models.

    Labor cost is even greater than total unit cost for most programs.

    I do not have specific cost information on the Tomahawk nor the F-16.

    There are a lot of personnel involved in a complex system like launching a single Tomahawk or F-16. There is a whole ground platform interface for example.

    It seems your cost of a missile or a jet is not amortizing the support infrastructure or the lifecycle costs.

    It is likely you guys have underestimated the cost of Tomahawks and F-16s by half, at least.

  5. Publius says:

    Dear John and Andrews, France might have been attracted to the idea of opportunity in Libya just like many of the USA politicians.

    I heard the word opportunity used three times by one of the President’s Democratic colleagues in Congress when he was answering the Why Libya question on CSPAN.

    I heard the word opportunity used by President Obama and others in the Executive Branch.

    France might well also see the same opportunity in Libya that they saw in Algeria for over 100 years.

    As you know, Libya’s north african neighbor Algeria is or was a French imperial colony.

  6. ECA says:

    Military personel, are already being PAID FOR..
    The SHIPS have been paid for..

    another stepping stone to take over the Central middle east.

  7. deowll says:

    #6 Did we take over any of these new revolutions or do the locals running things now like us less than the ones running things in the past?

    Give the locals on the ground weapons like we gave the Taliban weapons to fight the Russians. That worked well in the short term.

  8. gildersleeve says:

    KMFIX is right – this podcast is almost un-listenable because of the sound problems. Andrew comes in way too soft and John sounds over-modulated. Really like this podcast otherwise!


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