Remember the good old days when bin Laden was all we had to worry about? I guess Gadhafi/Kadhafi/[however the hell you spell it] is the new boogie man in town.

  1. hhopper says:

    You forgot Qadaffi.

  2. Nobody says:

    It used to be so much simpler.

    In South America and S.E. Asia the leaders in clean uniforms with lots of medals were anti-communist good guys, the ones in army fatigues were commies.

    In the middle east the leaders in nice uniforms were anti-commies as were the ones in clean dishcloths and sunglasses while the ones in black dishcloths were anti-communist but also anti-american.

  3. overtemp says:

    New? He was Reagan’s favorite boogieman back in the eighties. He’s a convenient target when you can’t get at the ones you really want to bomb.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Isn’t he pointing toward the White House??

  5. Cursor_ says:

    Nah its all Arabs now that the Soviets are gone.

    If the Arabs hadn’t come by then it would be the Chinese or Venezuelans.

    Wish it was the French again. That would be sweet.


  6. Kent says:

    Gadhafi was Arab boogyman of the decade through the 80s. American’s are still made at for shooting Doc Brown.

  7. Dallas says:

    The real boogie man is corporate takeover of government where the people’s role, make that sheeple, is to be dutiful consumer of goods and services. Your children to compete for jobs with Chinese labor.

    G’Daffy serves as a convenient red herring.

  8. Richard says:

    I recommend tasing and then water-boarding. We’ll get the little bastard to talk.

  9. Nobody says:

    #6 – except Arabs in clean dishcloths with sunglasses and Rolexes are still our friends.

    Arab politicians in newly democratized countries who wear suits are our friends – if they know whats good for them

    Arab politicians wearing uniforms in countries next door to the above are our friends – for now – but we know where they live and have the coords dialed in. At least they are better than women politicians in the same country who keep going on about democracy

  10. bobbo, US politics really is circling the drain says:

    I don’t hear much of an “emphasis” on Kdaffy being crazy or evil as was the case with Sadam, still the case with Kim Jong and Bin Laden.

    Sadly, thats not because we have become more mature in our analysis and discussion. No, its because too many people would rather attack Obama for “everything” he does or doesn’t do.

    Stooges. Every single one.

    Including those who do it posting here. All criticism–no ideas, no alternatives. Just mindless BS’ing anti-Obama because he’s a Dumbocrat or isn’t “following the Constitution” which is SO arguable as to be beneath contempt. The honor and expertise of Congress? Don’t make me puke====and thats about as bi-partisan as it gets.

  11. Micromike says:

    Last week I found out a man I’ve known for 2 years knows Colonel Khadafi personally and his father has worked for him for over 40 years. He said “The Colonel is a good man who has been very kind to me and my family for many years and the things your government says about him are not true.” I never expected to meet a person with personal knowledge of this guy I thought was just a raving mad tyrant.

    My opinion is: anybody who turns his army against his people should be assassinated. Any soldier who shoots his own countrymen should burn in hell forever. Problem is I don’t believe in hell.


    I don’t believe we ever tried to find Osama Bin Laden. To pretend the U.S., with all its resources, can’t find the only 6’4″ Arab in the world who gets dialysis 3 times a week is a sick joke. There is a trail of medical supplies that has one end in Bin Laden’s body and I’m sure any competent investigator could figure out where he is in a few minutes.

  12. Nobody says:

    #13 Kent State

    or if you are a Brit, Belfast

  13. msbpodcast says:

    In #6 Cursor_ said: If the Arabs hadn’t come by then it would be the Chinese or Venezuelans.

    Nah. We the Chinese have lent us too much money. It would be like trying to hold up your loan officer while not wearing a mask.

    The Chinese are getting a pass on lots of things, (remember they have nukes, and missiles, and they shot one of their satellites right out of orbit scattering garbage all over space. We’re definitely not going to fuck with them.)

  14. Howard Beale says:

    its about shelf life those cruise missiles were about to expire anyway

    they were built for bin Laden but since we could not get them to him before there Best if used by date had come due well what-ya gonna do?

    Jon Stewart…

    “I don’t want to be a pain in the ass, but don’t we already have two wars?”

    “You know wars aren’t kids, where you don’t have to pay attention to the youngest one because the older two will take care of it.”

  15. msbpodcast says:

    In #13, Micromike said: To pretend the U.S., with all its resources, can’t find the only 6’4″ Arab in the world who gets dialysis 3 times a week is a sick joke..

    The moment Bush sent the US Air Force to shift rubble in Afghanistan way back in October 2001, I knew he was making an ignorant and idiotic mistake.

    The Taliban leadership, viz: Mullah Omar, was screaming at the rest of the world (including the Arab world,) that we all had to feed them.

    The Taliban were starving, broke and absolutely everybody hated them.

    The Taliban’s idea of something progressive was blowing up giant stone statues of the Buddha, shooting people in a former sports stadium for not growing their beards or for having sex.

    It certainly didn’t have a thing to do with sitting behind a Massey-Ferguson or a John Deere and learning how to plow a furrow and plant some seed.

    Mullah Omar, one of the most psycho-sociopathic one-eyed men in history, was universally reviled and the Taliban’s pleas were falling on deaf ears, including Arab ears.

    The entire situation could/should/would have been settled without firing a shot. No wars on foreign soil at all.

    BUT NO…

    Shrub decided he wanted that this was too good to pass up. So he sent in a bunch of bombers to shift the rubble, troops to seize territory as a warm up to setting Sadam Hussein straight, straight to hell.

    Bush had shown some sense and some sensitivity.

    Shrub his son, had no such idea (or much of anything else, on his mind. He was going to use the boogey-man bin Laden to get his way.

    Bin Laden went from the most wanted man in history to the best hidden man in history.

    He’s so well hidden that he could go anywhere in the world with out any worries.

    Nobody’s Looking for him.

  16. Nobody says:

    #17 – and exactly how would that have helped a defense sector suffering from the end of the cold war? And how do you justify the TSA, warrantless phone taps, universal surveillance if you are just giving people food.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    Where’s Bin Laden??

    This is absolutely fascinating, and may be absolutely correct.

    “Alan Parrot, the film’s subject and one of the world’s foremost falconers, makes the case that bin Laden, an avid falcon hunter is pursuing the sport relatively freely in Tehran.

    Parrot, who was once the chief falconer for the Shah of Iran and who has worked for the royal families of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, used his contacts in Iran to talk about bin Laden’s life there. One of those contacts, described as a warlord from the north of Iran and disguised in a balaclava, reveals in the film that he has met bin Laden six times on hunting trips inside Iran since March 2003.

    He says the world’s most wanted terrorist is relaxed and healthy and so comfortable that “he travels with only four bodyguards.

    Parrot’s story is supported in the documentary by former CIA agent Robert Baer, an outspoken critic of US policy in the Middle East on whom the film Syriana is based.”

  18. nobody says:

    That’s terrible – after everything we’ve done for Iran to betray us like that

    But since we went to war on the basis of a cab driver’s story ( why not?

  19. Publius says:

    Favorite tunes:

    Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran

    Bomb the one you’re with

  20. BubbaRay says:

    Well, Bobbo, “No, its because too many people would rather attack Obama for “everything” he does or doesn’t do.”

    That must be why his approval rating is about 50%. Or is it those greedy congressmen? Hard to tell. Usually it’s just “Blame ’em all!” for everyone’s troubles.

    Most interesting today is that giant $130 billion bailout of the auto companies. Detroit’s population according to the latest census hasn’t been this low since 1910 when Henry Ford was handing out jobs. Guess that money didn’t trickle down much.

    Motor City population declines 25%

  21. bobbo, not a tech guy, and reading doesn't help much says:

    Bubba–I’m not “getting” your point. I have to guess the 50% is lower than you think it should be because of the criticism or is it evaluation?

    Who is doing the “blame em all” critique you offer? In my statement, its our Congressional Leaders kneejerking Obama rather than KDaffy so your statement is not consistent.

    As to Detroit, isn’t it “obvious” that without the bailout, the number of autoworkers/citizens would be far less than it is? And I thought that bailout money has already been paid back and GM is the biggest seller in china?===or Whatever.

    Just saw the report on Gov Kasich’s privatization of liquor stors. A 6 Billion revenue stream sold for .5 or 1 Billion payment with Kasich as the “Chairman” of the Holding Company. This stinks of criminal activity. Can’t be “true?”

    Time to google.

  22. Cursor_ says:


    Not like the US government hasn’t turned against people before right?

    Nah they would have returned to a cold war stance with the chinese. But the Arabs were a better fit. They could engage in hot wars again and have an excuse for a bloated military and DOD budget.


  23. Bilderrahmen says:

    Hilarious 😀 Thanks for sharing, had a good laugh!

  24. GregA says:

    The boogieman that Quadaffy is all about is oil 100.01 dollars a barrel bad, oil 99.99 dollars a barrel good.

  25. MikeN says:

    “The mission must determine the coalition; the coalition ought not determine the mission.”

  26. MikeN says:

    >The real boogie man is corporate takeover of government where the people’s role, make that sheeple, is to be dutiful consumer of goods and services.

    Like Health Insurance.

  27. MikeN says:

    How is launching cruise missiles not an act of war? And why is it OK to engage in acts of war against Libya without Congressional approval?

  28. Howard Beale says:

    The War Powers Act of 1973 requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war

    So he has at least 90 days but no “Forces” are there to be withdrawn yup Congressional approval not needed sucks but the founding fathers let the Commander and Chef have even more power this was put in place because of the abuses of power during the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

    given all the unknowns this has been handled about the best it could be so far. with the UN, NATO and the Arab League on board and us handing over control soon after the heavy lifting is over chances are high that we will not get as much blowback from this one (wish Bush had as much sense)

    As with most things out of the Obama Administration it has not been sold/explained very well

  29. Ah_Yea says:

    NATO on board?? HA!!!

    George W. did coalitions a whole lot better.

    “Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart”

  30. Howard Beale says:

    the Daily Mail ha! man they have had a far far Right-Wing narrative since before Murdoch was born. I’ll wait and see before I believe anything they post/print you would be wise to look for unbiased confirmation on your news


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