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She’s lucky she put the bottle in the correct container. I think there’s another video where someone puts it into the paper recycling bin by mistake. The flash mob seized the person and ripped them limb from limb.
I think picking up the bottle had NOTHING to do with the environment and EVERYTHING to do with safety.
My own priorities perhaps?
I was pissed at the guy who left the bottle before I found out it was a setup… the way he pretended to tie his shoe.
#2: agreed. If I see a bottle or newspaper lying on the sidewalk (and near a trash bin) I will usually pick it up and put it in the trash. But that’s my OCD kicking in. I want a nice clean neighborhood. I don’t want to save the planet. I hate the environment. I drive a car with a V-8 engine. If they made gasoline out of baby seals and polar bears, I’d buy it.
We have the ‘dreaded’ bottle deposit here, and you generally don’t see empty containers left *anywhere*. That 5 cents adds up pretty quickly.
Meh. Have we sunk so low that a common sense gesture needs to be rewarded?
A true hero.
#2 Bobby – I’ve been fussing with you so much lately, it’s a pleasure to agree on it as a safety issue more than an environmental one.
The other thing that occurred to me is, wouldn’t these people have accomplished a lot more by forming a road crew and picking up some bottles? Instead hundreds(? dozens) of people wasted a lot of time and energy (and probably petrol) to encourage one person.
I know, I know. It was just a stunt whose sole purpose was to get on YouTube (or similar), so it was a success by those terms. Just sayin’…
It would have been interesting, however if some texting moran would have stepped on the bottle and hurt themselves. Would all those people have gotten up to help, or make for the exit like rats abandoning ship?
Just a thought.
I like it. Nice marketing stunt to raise awareness of the need for common sense and common courtesy.
Re-turning the screw. Now that would be a Flash-Mob. This is a tubbersquare party.
She will never pick up a bottle again
[Thank goodness someone finally said that… I was beginning to worry. – ed.]
Animby–would you be happier if I said I thought the Flash Mob was a bunch of Pukes? I didn’t because its not a relevant issue. I’m always only relevant. Not my fault there are so many posting here about what the Pukes are up to.
Ha, ha. Yes, safety and then cleanliness and then a working wage for custodial staff. In fact, I can’t even think of how “the environment” even comes into consideration? That would be after the trash is picked up and hauled off.
Its our sloppy way of thinking: “you know what I mean?” “Not until you clearly express yourself.” THAT almost got me punched out last week.
Ha, ha.
i hate this video.
the guy didnt have to “pretend” to forget the bottle on the floor.
they are in a mall, people get paid to pick up the garbage off the floor.
she picked up a bottle and got a standing ovation? do all these people clap when someone takes a crap and gets it in the toilet?
what if she was older, this could have givin her a heart attack.
people think that even the smallest things can change the world, when of course, thats utter bullshit they tell slaves to keep them happy and occupied.
What? They don’t have old Chinese ladies in Quebec? Hell, they roam all over San Francisco taking care of the recycling issues by removing the bottles from garbage cans everywhere, not to mention the gutters.
Like John and Adam had mentioned a week ago, we don’t need any more incentive to return bottles.
When I was a kid, I made money by returning coke bottles for the 3 cent deposits. What the heck is the big deal here. As I speak, I have a huge garbage bag full of aluminum cans, ready to get my $15 when I turn them in. I’ll be damned if I give them away to the Chinese ladies.
Okay, great. But what will she do for an encore?
I liked it. It made me feel good. Too bad about the rest of you.
Too bad she wasn’t really stacked and fell out of her tube top. THAT would be worth a standing O…
I don’t want to be a downer here, but maybe one reason more people didn’t pick up the bottle was fear of pathogens (i.e. ‘germs’). After all, who knows WHO had been touching the bottle and what unusual ailment they may have had.
Not to mention that the bottle could have been a two-year old’s toy – with their mouth all over the bottle.
I love UQAM* students.
Who else would come up with this kind of a stunt?
I’m still chortling.
*Université du Québec à Montréal.
The French. Probably not one of them had a bath today.
The very First thing I would have done, once the applause started, is grab the bottle out of the container and put it back on the floor. The resulting reaction would have been priceless.
Dumbest video EVER!!!
Special ed, your ignorance is showing.
+1 for Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber!