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Executive Producer: Jan van der Reis Sign up for No Agenda Show Talking Points signup here. No Agenda Survey Results Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Talking Points Newsletter signup here. |
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As a hard core Conservative, I must say, I have NO idea why we are bombing Libya. None whatsoever. Did we bomb Egypt?, Tunisia?
Libya is having enough difficulties. When the US Civil War started, would it have been reasonable for Libya to bomb Washington, DC???
The only good thing is that this shows US politicians as completely inept and immoral. All of them. Time for revolution HERE.
I get the feeling that Obama doesn’t want to be president anymore, and has handed the reigns over to Hillary and Joe. Barry just wants to party his remaining 2 years in office.
If I wrote what #1 wrote but started the sentence with:
As a hard core Leftist bla bla bla….
My post would be banned again, as you have been doing with my last 3 comments on other topics on this web site.
So…. Goodbye to bad rubbish.
# 1 1873 Colt : would it have been reasonable for Libya to bomb Washington, DC???
Absolutely not. Especially since the territory was a colony of Italy and Britain and France until about the middle of the 20th century…
Oooops! My apologies. Just looked it up and found that during the time Colt said, they were under Ottoman control.
In attempt to discredit Obama, you’re willing to show what pussies you all are. Here we have something so basic in preventing the slaughter of civilians demanding a democracy.
A coalition of nations doing just what the UN chartered to do. No American ground forces, neutralizing air defenses from Bumfuck, Missouri and you pussies are bitching? Sheesh
Helen Thomas is right…about everything.
Libya is the most oil rich nation in all of Africa. DUH!!!
BP moved from the Gulf of Mexico to deep water drilling off the coast of Libya after the Gulf Spill. Are we paying attention yet?
BP also contracted with Libya for oil rights on the basis of releasing the Lockerbie Bomber, although the Government & BP flat out deny it.
Whoa, three torpedoes of truth, from this Warlock the Dvorak hating Trolls out there who have been sleeping for the last few years.
This Libya thing will result in one thing, retaliatory blowback. Everyone supporting this invasion knows it, salivates and welcomes it.
If this country were to have another civil war in the future and some other country decided to interfere militarily, the civil war would be over in a heartbeat and that country would become the number one enemy. I know that if some other military operated on US soil I would do everything and anything to kill as many of them as possible.
Egypt we did a deal with the army – throw out Mubarak, arrange elections that put in a replacement puppet, don;t threaten Isreal or the Canal.
Tunisia doesn’t have enough oil to care about and has the strategic importance of a Banana.
Libya is always a reliable target – you can rely on the colonel to behave like a proper evil villain and say the right things.
We can now see which of the democracy protesters is most pro-western and support them, if they turn out to be unreliable – well there are plenty more cruise missiles.
Bahrain and Saudi – we don’t want too much of this democracy catching on, look what happened in Venezuela, but we can use it to lean on OPEC for a while.
Great show John and Adam.
Thank you for actually reading the documents #1973 and 1970. Our Congress is remiss in their duty to read the nonsense the Executive Branch is declaring.
I am not putting it off any longer. I am signing up today for a paid subscription.
We don’t need to be in Libya bombing another country. We still have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq despite the fact that Obama said he would bring those guys home.
Do you know how much a cruise missile costs? They are expensive and we shouldn’t waste them on a little country like Libya. Especially with the deficit we have now.
Seems Dallas is being a hypocrite. Last week he wanted to slash the defense budget to near nothing and this week he wants to bomb some country to the stone age. Airplanes and cruise missiles cost a lot more than landing troops. Yet Dallas wanted to cut defense spending enough that the US would have trouble maintaining their airplanes and cruise missiles.
#17 Yes, Benji. We need to slash the defense budget by 10% per year for 5 years. We will still have enough left in the piggy bank to make more munitions. These two things are not mutually exclusive.
#18 As usual, nothing to add to the business at hand. You’re like an ass’s tail.
This is funny, and all too real.
Nobel Committee asked to strip Obama of Peace Prize
You may remember an earlier rant of mine. Predicting how the rich and connected would all fly off to the far south, to escape the nuclear clouds coming over from Japan.
Well is it just an amazing coincidence that Obama chose to visit Brazil and Chile, now? I mean it’s their “Fall” down there. And will start getting colder, soon. Why visit South America now, instead of back its warmer season? And much colder up north? Nope, waited until the reactors started melting in Japan, to take the trip. Just like Bush waited until September 11th, 2001 to visit some grade school way down in South Florida. About as far south from whatever threat was coming, and still be in the USA. Coincidentally.