Their theory prevents a person traveling back in time, but sending messages back might be possible. What message would you send to your younger self if you could?

One of the major goals of the [Large Hadron Collider] is to find the elusive Higgs boson: the particle that physicists invoke to explain why particles like protons, neutrons and electrons have mass. If the collider succeeds in producing the Higgs boson, some scientists predict that it will create a second particle, called the Higgs singlet, at the same time.

According to Weiler and Ho’s theory, these singlets should have the ability to jump into an extra, fifth dimension where they can move either forward or backward in time and reappear in the future or past.

“One of the attractive things about this approach to time travel is that it avoids all the big paradoxes,” Weiler said. “Because time travel is limited to these special particles, it is not possible for a man to travel back in time and murder one of his parents before he himself is born, for example. However, if scientists could control the production of Higgs singlets, they might be able to send messages to the past or future.”

The test of the researchers’ theory will be whether the physicists monitoring the collider begin seeing Higgs singlet particles and their decay products spontaneously appearing. If they do, Weiler and Ho believe that they will have been produced by particles that travel back in time to appear before the collisions that produced them.

  1. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Do not volunteer. When you return from war your country will turn her back on you.

    The same prayer I have my two sons.

  2. bobbo, like most lefties, continuing to think clearly says:

    No. If it were, we would be flooded with messages. So, time travel back to “our” age is completely demonstrated/proved as not possible, or the future is choosing not to do it.

    That raises the interesting epistemological question: what is reality? What it is, or what our choices are?

    My message to myself: “X is just as crazy as you think.”

  3. Jstokey says:

    “Hey kid, buy Apple and Microsoft and lots of it.”

  4. clapper says:

    Could you send a message back to your grandfather that stopped him from having your dad?

  5. Paul Benjamin says:

    Kill Miles Bennett Dyson of Cyberdyne Systems before August 29, 1997 or Skynet will become self-aware and destroy human civilization.

    It still did not stop any politician from raping Pandora. Oops, why is my wallet so light, too much time spent on movies…

  6. Pwuk says:

    Why would I murder mystery parent? I quite like them.

    Perhaps LHC could be self funding?

  7. Pwuk says:

    Doh! Blasted predictive text!

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    #3, bobbo, the existence of flying saucers proves backwards time travel possible. They are humans from the future come back in time to observe us, as they only seem to ever do, since they know that they can’t actually interfere.


  9. bobbo, like most lefties, continuing to think clearly says:

    SL–oh, they do more than just “observe.” If those aliens are our super grandkiddies then Darwin takes a hard left turn in the future and goes all gay on us. Those anal probes aren’t for nothing.

  10. PcMonster says:


  11. 1873 Colt says:

    You would not have to worry about it, because you will have already received the message when you were younger.

  12. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I would tell my younger self, “Make a real effort to befriend Janice, because treating her unkindly will be a regret you won’t easily forget.”

    On the lighter side, I would be sure to include that little stock tip from #4, and I would edit it all down to make sure it is brief, yet clear. I predict that messages to the past will have the same 140-character limit as Tweets, and might even be part of the future Twitter service 😉

  13. Michael_gr says:

    The problem is that it is not “just” physically impossible – it is also logically impossible. Let’s say we have a machine that sends a single particle back in time into a receiver that can detect it. Now hook the receiver to the time machine so that if it receives a particle, it shuts the time-transmitter down *before* it shoots the particle back in time. This results in a paradox, which is impossible.

  14. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    5 – 12 – 22 – 27 – 31 – 37

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    When Apple first went public the stock was, what, $22, $26 per share? How many splits since then?

  16. The_Tick says:

    @ 14. Eventually it will be proven that our current understanding of time is as flawed as our current understanding of graity. The laws of physics as written will fall, causality being first to go. From a physics perspective altering the past is as posible as altering the future and time will show it’s possible,,, lol (I slay myself some days) haha. Oh and my advice would be to follow the old saying, “don’t stick your dick in crazy”.

  17. soundwash says:

    wtf.. do these people exist in a friggen bubble?

    ffs…someone send them the notes on Project Looking Glass.

    first off, they need multiple electromagnetic ring/fields spinning around a central point to create something akin to a magnetic sphere.

    iirc, the more successful designs had a vat of water within the sphere.

    (water is some amazing stuff. one of its nifty properties is that it has memory and responds in interesting ways to sound, vibration and magnetic fields..)

    anyway, not too sure they can pull off generating a sphere with a single magnetic ring/field. In fact, i *think* the huge spinning apparatus in the movie Contact was pretty much lifted directly from the Looking Glass Project.

    Maybe they should take a simple course in Torsion Physics. (physics of spin/fields) for starters? -and a primer in Vortex Physics..?

    Or just use their Mind..

    Ever wonder why you can spend what seems like a day, or even a week in a dreamscape, only to wake and notice maybe 5-20 minutes have gone by? Time is merely a perception, or even a “trick” to a human mind that has been limited. That it appears linear to us is only a minor convenience to experience Life here on the 3D plain of existence.

    This stuff is easy to grasp once you tear out the societal walls that have been imposed on your mind.

    -turn off your tv and DO the research.


  18. sargasso_c says:

    The Higgs singlet. Soon to be followed by the Higgs socks and underpants?

  19. soundwash says:

    On a second speculative thought..

    i think they *could* produce a magnetic vortex (like a tornado) with the focal point being above the facility (or below, if they had some fore-thought when designing the facility, using only one magnetic ring..

    The shifty “time-event horizon” to experiment with would be at the focal point.

    um.. search on “Implosion Physics” for clues on this thought..

    seems to me they are wanting to inject the idea that time-travel is really possible into the mass consciousness, which of course, is old news..


    (those insisting that it defies logic and the laws of physics, do note that if you start inspecting said laws, you find that we have to make “special case” laws or ignore some inconvenient facts in order for these “laws” to be the end-all perfect man-made laws we are led to believe they are. Kind like how Einstein had to delete the concept of the aether in order for his General Relativity to work..

    Our modern science does nothing more than move the goal posts whenever some new data completely collapses current theories or models, so that the new data then “conforms” to the old, grossly flawed theory or modelspace.

    How anyone can still call this science is beyond me


  20. HUGSaLOT says:

    I don’t see the point of sending messages into the future. Since we have been doing this since wirtten language was invented. the whole point of the written word is to save message for someone in the future to read.

    So unless we can get replies back from the future, like some kina time-warp SMS, I see no need for it.

    Also this doesn’t avoid a paradox at all. If you can send a message back in time, it can STILL effect (indirectly) what the future will become.

    I could send a message in the past to someone before 1971 and instruct someone to kill my parents before I was conceived, or before my parents got married.

    Plus there is the butterfly effect too, where even the smallest event in the past can largely change the future. I could send a message back to when my parents were little kids, and tell my father that the girl who will be my mother has the “cooties” and he wouldn’t wanna spend time with him and I’d never would have been conceived.

  21. Dallas says:

    I’d like Sarah Palin and Miss South Carolina share there thoughts on this.

  22. foobar says:

    To my past self, you will be faced with a life altering decision of enormous magnitude. You will not know which path to take.

    My advice is: go with VHS and skip the Betamax.

  23. fargojack says:

    Dear Self,

    Do not be fooled by any messages, or even particles, purporting to be from the future. Time travel is logically impossible and cannot exist. If you are reading this, you are mentally ill. Quickly – seek the help of a licensed quantum physicist.

    -Future Self (if you are lucky & do as I say)

  24. Robart says:

    This is old news. Time travel was invented way back in 2053.

  25. Benjamin says:

    I would tell myself to buy gold at $300 an ounce.

  26. Benjamin says:

    We just learned that this is possible. They won’t start listening for messages until they figure out how it works. Therefore, messages can only be understood after that.

  27. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    tell my father that the girl who will be my mother has the “cooties” and he wouldn’t wanna spend time with him and I’d never would have been conceived.

    If she “put out” Dad might not have cared if she had cooties.

  28. G2 says:

    Stay away from Scary Mary!

  29. Gary says:

    Every event is unique and cannot be repeated or subsequently altered. Traveling back in time is impossible.

  30. the gods must be crazy says:

    Why if people could send messages back in time the stock market would be just crazy, going up and down for no apparent reasons… oh, wait


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