1. Creepy Joe says:

    Boy, get your dick skinner off my leg.

  2. Ayemcshane says:

    State trooper Bob offered first seat on joe’s choo choo.

  3. John Adams says:

    Hey there Big Fella

  4. arobe1002 says:

    What the **** ???????

  5. Darren says:

    Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

  6. Joe Pierce says:

    “I love a man In uniform.”

  7. WmDE says:

    Boy, you about to be in a heap of trouble.

  8. Dallas says:

    “I’m gonna BBQ this USDA Grade A porker right here to celebrate Libya’s freedom”

  9. foobar says:

    I’m going to make you squeal like a fax machine.

  10. denacron says:

    Joe finds he is aroused by the phallic symbol officer Ben Dover has rolled.

  11. admfubar says:

    pity it is a photoshop, but it is funny as hell..
    now does the trooper over the front’s left look kinda like ben stiller?

  12. rd8t says:

    I only like you as a friend….

  13. Somecalmetim says:

    Thanks for covering for me Sherrif…I’ll make it up to you on the back end…nice and gentle just like last time…

  14. McCullough says:

    Officer Cletus feels confused and slightly terrified as these new, unknown feelings well up inside him.

  15. 9yo says:

    Whatcha talkin ’bout – our pensions are worthless.

  16. sargasso_c says:

    A man in uniform. Who knew?

  17. Orion314 says:

    ah yesssss, that ones my easter thigh, and the other is my christmas thigh, why not come up some time and visit between the holidays?, my little chickadee!!!

  18. padillald says:

    it’s ok son, the man behind us is just going to watch…

  19. MattG says:

    “I’ve been a naughty boy officer.” “A VERY naughty boy>”

  20. LotsaLuck says:

    Well he *is* the president of vice. Or, er, vice president, or something….

  21. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    I don’t understand why they photoshoped over pedro’s face.

  22. Rob Leather says:

    Can’t believe nobody has made the obvious joke. Shame on you all!

    It’s Vice President Joe Bi-den.

  23. Porky says:

    So, you’re Dallas? You’re way more man than I imagined.

  24. dumberthan says:


  25. bschuler says:

    1) Officer Jones, as Vice President, I feel a need to take a hands on approach to Police enforcement.

    2) You know what? My wifes breasts feel just like your knee. Boy do I miss her and need to get back to Washington.

    3) Wanna see how I got Obama to name me Vice-President?

  26. ran6110 says:

    I’ve been bad, very bad…

  27. GW says:

    Fool me once shame on me.Fool me twice..uh shame on..We don’t get fooled again..

  28. msbpodcast says:

    Officer Cleetus: Lets go a mah thigh or you’re gonna need yourself a new wrist, boah.

    The prez-of-vice Biden: Ooooo., I love a big strong man in uniform.

    Secret Serviceman: Don’t tell me the cock-sucker’s at again?What waste of taxpayer money…

  29. Lou Minatti says:

    From a distance, Joe’s hair plugs are pretty convincing. He was doing the Trump comb-over thing during the 1980s, but Joe’s hair now is fairly realistic.

  30. akela says:

    I am not a cub scout, or Smokey the bear.
    Get your g*dd@mn hands off me – now!


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