More than 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles struck over 20 targets inside Libya today in the opening phase of an international military operation the Pentagon said was aimed at stopping attacks led by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and enforcing a U.N.-backed no-fly zone. President Obama, speaking from Brazil shortly after he authorized the missile attacks, said they were part of a “limited military action” to protect the Libyan people.
“I want the American people to know that the use of force is not our first choice and it’s not a choice I make lightly,” Obama said. “But we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy.”
The first air strikes, in what is being called Operation Odyssey Dawn, were launched from a mix of U.S. surface ships and one British submarine in the Mediterranean Sea at 2 p.m. ET, Vice Adm. William E. Gortney told reporters at a Pentagon briefing.
They targeted Libyan air defense missile sites, early warning radar and key communications facilities around Tripoli, Misratah, and Surt, but no areas east of that or near Benghazi. Because of darkness over Libya, Gortney said it was too early to determine the strikes’ effectiveness.
#53 – Dallas, the ultimate Obama fanboi says: “A salute to president Obama for doing the right thing , the right way.”
That’s rather lame, Dallas. Your guy is just playing Spectator-in-Chief. He’s a glorified clerk who doesn’t have a clue about Foreign Policy. Sarkozy took the lead on Libya while Obama diddled filling out brackets.
And just to rub it in a bit:
MARCH 19, 2011
OBAMA: ‘Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world’…
MARCH 19, 2003
BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger’…
That Ronald Reagan, what a pussy if he would have just maned-up and turned Libya into a smoldering chunk of glass back in 88 when Gadhafi had flight 103 bombed Obama and the rest of the coalition would not have to be cleaning up this mess now.
Lets see this is being handled in away that will get the job done with out making the rest of the world hate us. Not to hot or to cold this porridge is probably as good as its going to get. I know some of you hate porridge and some of want your porridge flaming. If I have to eat porridge I’ll take it this way.
Fun to read the whole thread. Righties spreading FUD, lies, and spin as usual. Lefties recognizing world realities, the facts, history, without goosestepping obedience.
#8–Bubba Hope Yep==continuing with the exact opposite of truth big lie strategy favored by the Cheney/Rove Whitehouse. “The inability of our President to move….” as evidenced by launching a number of cruise missles all while joining a real coalition while keeping our troops safe. Can’t tell shit from shinola in an extreme that makes Alfie look more sane===and isn’t that a cental challenge for the right brownie wingnut party?
The hypocrisy of the right wing is extreme, but like most extreme political movements, it is so ideological, in short time it makes itself irrelevant………except in America for some confounding reason.
Libya is a big country but everything of note is within 60 miles of the coast: It is a small country. Perfect for Nato live fire exercise.
Does America have a “vital interest” in Libya? No. Not other than to be a respected supportive member of Nato. Let Europe pay the Lion’s share of the cost of Odyssey Dawn. Dawn–beginning. Odyssey–a twenty year journey. Heh, heh.
Hilary is interesting. Not from the “any negative will be adopted” right wing PUKE perspective but rather that SHE LOST the nomination–in part because she was a hawk. Barry won as usual in our leaders because he is a better liar.
How long should this be? So many lies, so much hypocrisy/stupidity with our posters. what did Animby say?………I hear al Megrahi asked if he could go back to prison in Scotland. /// too erudite for me.
Putting the “F” back in freedom? Who knew that “F” would stand for France? /// Yea, I first read that as putting the F back in Team America which made me laugh. I always find humor, even if I have to make it up myself. Just like patriotism except the opposite.
During his Brazilian holiday, The Obama says we will NOT be sending any troops in for ground action. Good for you, Barry. We’ll put that promise on the list of other promises you’ve broken. Keep it up, you may be the first double winner of the Peace Prize. /// Very biting==but like Ann Coulter, and as Greg Allan once again so expertly points out–most of Obama’s critics don’t quote him correctly. Why would such an erudite man do that Animby? The Bubba Hope Yep of lying political assessment?
Does anybody else think That Qaddafi and Tom Jones may have been separated at birth? /// Well, I for one didn’t think of that right off the bat. Tom Jones was was separated at birth as we all are and is the most well known story of being SWITCHED at birth. After correcting another error on your part, I don’t know WTF you are talking about. Or, in recognition of your finely tuned sensitivities, WTH as in Hey? Just a gentle jibe.
Biggest issue I see: The House of Saud. It is possible to expressly formulate a foreign policy that recognizes an appropriate role for US Military intervention/support while delineating the role of US supportive tyrants. Possible, but not likely with the know nothing celebrity gossip stenography function of our free press. We don’t require/allow our politicians or our citizens to think that hard. The result is threads/analysis like this one.
Stupid Humans.
# 59 jaywontdart said,”What the hell does each of those missiles run at the dealership?”
According to an article in the Australian press today (that is, tomorrow to you in the States) the stripped down model is $600 K. Twice that, fully tricked out. So, that means – just in Tomahawks – we’ve spent >$60,000,000 the first day. Oh, and don’t forget, the Brits fired a couple, too.Add in the costs of a few ships and submarines just off the coast, some thousands of sailors and airmen and The Obama’s press conference from Brazil and we’ve probably hit half a billion bucks the first day. No problem, drag out the MasterCard from China Central Bank.
Answer me this: Do we have any plans to bill the new government in Iraq when they become “stable”? Hey, they’ve got oil, we’ve spent billions letting them have access to pump their oil. Seems like there ought to be a quid pro quo in there somewhere. Same for Libya. Poop! We should be setting up such agreements with the Saudis right now!
%64 Robbo “most of Obama’s critics don’t quote him correctly” – I don’t wish to engage in a defense of my every comment. More often than not they are simply editorializations. But I will be respond to this comment. I didn’t quote Obama. But I could have. Here for your elucidation is exactly what he said: “I also want to be clear about what we will not be doing. The United States is not going to deploy ground troops into Libya.” No equivocation there.
Wanna bet another cup of coffee he wobbles, waivers and eventually sends in troops?
I would consider myself a hardcore rightie. Very few things I’ve disagreed with from conservative standpoint (I am pro union, have ALWAYS been anti patriot act and just a couple of other things) I read the the title and first said “Sht” Then I went to and for more info. Then I said “Finally, one thing I can get behind the president on” Showing some balls. If any rightie attacks BHO for this they are hypocrites. If any leftie defends him on this they are hypocrites. But then that makes me ask myself “Why would Obama do this?” The left will support him because he is left but they are against it and the right will attack him on it though they are for it. I am so confused. So other then Rights saying “Hypocrite” and mocking – “blood for oil” and Lefts saying… whatever. Seriously, down to the root of it… Why would Obama do this? Only 3% oil imports from Libya, there are plenty of other horrible dictators, no direct threat to US…. Why did he do this?
Ha, ha. first clue to a failed critique: the irrelevant quibble.
but animby==I’ll take that bet. In the main: no reason to. As stated, Libya is a small country. KayDaffy’s troops are paid mercenaries–not really up to a prolongued fight against cruise missiles and air cover. I assume the country will be crawling with Israeli Mossad or French Free Algeria hit squads. KayDaffy’s revenue stream terminated, assets seized.
If we had any brains, we will now and would have from the start, offered KayDaffy and friends a rear door exit from power. I really, really like those offshore islands in Dubai. The UN should buy these sinking islands, each one for a targeted world Tyrant==invite them to fix them up as they please and to pay for them not to sink into oblivion. First offer–the King of Dubai or whatever BS he calls himself.
Obama the liar. What better lie than the truth told that misleads? Ha, ha. Yes indeed. why would Obama send troops when he has showed his reticence for any response at all? No, animby, your bias is showing. I don’t know why you have chosen to be Anti-Obama and for such made up reasons.
Please make up better reasons? Bubba Hope Yep will jump to help you, doing it on his own already. Our political leaders are so weak and corrupt at the best of times, no need to make anything up. worse than quibbling.
Just KEEP Looking: to be a supportive part of Nato. I know that is foreign to the cowboy ((lack of)) diplomacy favored by the Cheney/Rove Whitehouse, but it is Obama’s favored mode. Too bad he didn’t do that in Afghanistan and withdraw when such support wasn’t there?
Poor righty. Having to think off the talking points. Ha, ha.
PS–I don’t think oil is the root of this==other factors named and hinted at are.
“but” consistent with not acting alone pursuant to the idiotic theme of american Exceptionalism: there is a world market for oil. Disrupt 3% here and it ripples the entire market including our own even if it is nominally not importing oil directly from Libya. I heard whether we do or not but it is so irrelevant, it didn’t register with me.
think of it: the world. the WORLD. Relevant on so many issues we ignore.
The World.
Holy Crap. I’m serially posting just like Alfie, and I’m not even drinking. Gee, that made me thirsty. Thank god for this blog. Keeps what’s important straight in my mind.
French are good soldiers. All I want to say.
All people are the same everywhere. The differences are something else.
Most of your posts above are just bloviating with no real purpose or reason. But, you shouldn’t be up that late, anyway. A man your age needs his sleep!
But, I do like your idea of sending them out to the Dubai islands. Especially since they now seem to be eroding away … slowly, slowly. Sort of like torture, isn’t it?
From quibbling to ineffective bitch slapping? Ha, ha. No Animby–just the exact opposite, some of the most insightful pragmatic stuff I have ever thunk up which is why you have no response. Your own actual humanity does shine through though agreeing with me on the planned torture of Dubai. Well done. I could go on and on complimenting you, but I’m busy drinking. Iced cappuccino right now, but… know.
The supposed “50 deaths” are ONLY reported by the Libyan state TV, no independent confirmations by any independent source, because they are not allowed to go around unattended by a crowd of Qaddafi thugs as “protection”. If by now you still believe what Qaddafi and his TV says then you are simply stupid… you remember this is the guy who attacked his own people during their peaceful protests with jet fighters? they guy who has hired mercenaries from central Africa who shot at any moving thing in the streets of tripoli not as far back as 2 weeks ago? The same who arranged the terrorist attacks in Vienna and Rome airports not to mention Lockerbie?
This is one example of the few proper international actions and one to be proud of, it was started by the Libyan people, it was given enough time to be resolved internally and international action started only with UN and Arab backing when there was a clear and imminent danger of Rwanda style genocide after the fall of Benghazi.
It is simply idiotic to compare it with the second Iraq war or to blame Obama, but i guess he will be blamed no matter what he does.
Bahram: you Iranians need to stay away from our oil. We don’t need you meddling in our backyard. BTW–like the King of France, your support for revolutionary people’s movements will become highly ironic.
Hee, hee.
Bobo: Sure, you stop your nuclear program and we want nothing from you.
Unfortunately i don’t get the second part of your comment.
If Khadaffi was such a bad person, then why are there so many pictures on the internet of him shaking hands with Obama, Sarkozy, Tony Blair, and numerous other world leaders?
Aren’t we supposed to isolate and cut financial ties with despots?
Bahram–nice symmetry, I don’t understand what you post either. USA stop its nuclear program?==that doesn’t make any sense at all. Now, YOU stop your nuke warhead program and we’ll let the mullahs continue to run roughshod over the younger generation. USA and its relationship to “friendly” tyrants–its complicated but always in our perceived own private self interest. Often wrong, but thats the goal.
As to my second statement: all governments oppress the people subject to them–it just gets worse and worse as you move from democracy to dictatorships to theocracies.
#61 …”And just to rub it in a bit:
MARCH 19, 2003
BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger’……
Not impressed with your example. Bush is disarming what again? Why? Which grave danger?
Really, what you’re attempting to do is associate Baby Bush’s revenge for Daddy Bush with what is going on Libya. How lame. Even most if not all of the GOP have already swept Bush under the rug for being a turd.
I credit you for being still praising his actions of plundering our treasury and sending 100’s of thousands to their death.
#29 “Congress has their thumbs up their asses while the president steals their war power.”
That’s been going on since James Polk sent troops to the Rio Grande precipitating the Mexican War. Numerous examples since but by now a time honored American tradition, see also Bay of Pigs, Tonkien Gulf. Being commander of troops trumps being part of a debating society.
#71 Bobbo “Gee, that made me thirsty. Thank god for this blog. Keeps what’s important straight in my mind.”
Bobbo I have always admired your well developed sense of priority.
#67 “Only 3% oil imports from Libya, there are plenty of other horrible dictators, no direct threat to US…. Why did he do this?”
Libya’s exports are piped directly into southern Europe. France, Italy and Spain are very dependent upon Libya’s petroleum. And because it is so close to the markets it comes with certain economic advantages over other sources.
What will be our response when the shit hits the fan in Saudi Arabia?
If Libya’s main export was potatoes, would we give a shit about what went on there?
I think not. Once again, America’s lack of any kind of energy policy forces our hand and limits our choice of options.
Since it continues to be mentioned: See the War Powers Act allowing the Pres to attack whomever he wishes for 60-90 days and more depending on how adroit he chooses to be. Been the case since 1973. Jaywalking anyone?
Boy, that made me thirsty too! Think I’ll go invade a six pack.
#83 TeaDud
That’s odd, it was just the other day you were condemning Obama for ignoring the plight of the Libyan people.
Its almost as if you condemn him no matter what he actually does. Hmm.
Alfie–I’m not falling for the false fiscal responsibility drivel you are shoveling. Its obvious you just hate non-christians like all good christians do.
Ha, ha.
War of the fundies.
#85 Uh oh, Alfred/TeaDud is threatening violence again. Jesus would be so proud.
tccs–you crack me up. Happy to disengage until Alfie posts. Its a good thing.
#81 Dallas said: “Bush is disarming what again? Why? Which grave danger?”
Heh, heh – you fell right into it.
The Messiah is not doing very well communicating his Foreign Policy mission to the American public. What are the interests of the United States that the “bracket guru” sees being threatened by Gadhafi? Maybe Libya export basketballs?
Just found this from a CNN article
Gadhafi said the strikes were a confrontation between the Libyan people and “the new Nazis,” and promised “a long-drawn war.”
So don’t worry we will be OK… It’s just a “drawn war”… A couple of Generals and some Libyans coloring pictures of what they would do had this been an actual conflict that might become drawn-out.
>==) Patriot Missile Attack
¥¥¥¥ Ha, blew up your power lines
♂♂♂♂ Here come my tanks
JB–what part of putting the F back into Freedom do you NeoPukes not understand in your desire to destroy America if thats what it takes to regain the Whitehouse.
I was starting to criticize Obamagod for not instituting the transparency an open government and free people need, but maybe with the transparency of you goons, its not really that important.
Obama withstood the mindless BS sniping of the Pukes to go in early and unilaterally. Now we have a REAL ((something the PUKES know nothing about)) coalition including the Arab States. Given the first attack came the same day as the announcement, how long do you think the USA was signaling its agreement and participation in all this?
Make me think the hype about Hilary is more BS Puke LYING!!!!! But I really don’t care what she “thinks” anyway, so I don’t want to raise false concerns. Afterall, I’m not a USA destroying PUKE operative.
#89 Bobbo
I usually try give Alfred/TeaDud’s posts the attention they deserve – none.
But just when I think he cant lower himself any further into stupidity, he goes and rents a backhoe. And I am compelled to call him on it.