As a proud Irishman, I am INCENSED. Now, where did I stash me whiskey?

  1. 1873 Colt says:

    Micky Dee’s should have a shake for it’s main customer base…..

    Mmmmm. Dat watamelon sho is good, boss.

  2. bobbo, knowledge is power, but you still have to use it says:

    I missed it. What is the stereotype here?

  3. anonoblog says:

    Sensationalist headline is sensationalist

  4. skunkman62 says:

    i think the stereotype was at the very end when the guy bit into the french fry (potato)

  5. DavidtheDuke says:

    To say this is racist is akin to people on BET “exaggerating racial stereotypes”

  6. M0les says:

    What the HELL is it supposed taste like? Clover? Grass? Penecillium?

  7. dm says:

    First this and then Bloomberg with the Irish jokes. An Irishman can’t catch a break.

  8. GaryInGilroy says:

    Really? That offends you? Get over it.

  9. UncDon says:

    I’m part Irish too, but I’m not a “self-esteemy”, so I couldn’t be upset over this if I wanted to.

    (I love Shamrock Shakes, BTW.)

  10. dm says:

    Not really. I was joking. It doesn’t offend me.

  11. hale-bopp says:

    I think this was posted a wee bit tongue in cheek…note that one of the tags is “humor”.

    Think some people are missing the joke here.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    Wow, you had to go back to the 70’s to dig up some crap to post.

  13. BigBoyBC says:

    correction 80’s

  14. McCullough says:

    #11. Uh yeah, thanks….sometimes I wonder about you guys.

  15. jeffreyhighly says:

    I just bought the shake yesterday. The green foam tasted like a cross between LYSOL, Pine Sol, and Listerine (mint). Almost undrinkable. Completely man-made concoction. No known flavor profile basis. NASTY!!

  16. noticethis says:

    Um, that wouldn’t be a “racial” stereotype anyway. Perhaps a nationality stereotype, but not racial… c’mon folks, Irish isn’t a race…

  17. bozo says:

    Personally I take offence at McDonald’s stereotyping of clowns.

  18. Buzz Mega says:

    If this equates to “racial stereotyping” in your mind, then your PC meter is stuck on Idiotic.

  19. Benjamin says:

    One year I drank 5 supersized Shamrock shakes within a year and developed lactose intolerance. Stay away.

    Ironically, the undercover reporter who shut down ACORN and got the NPR guy fired did an Irish stunt like this first. He got Lucky Charms, the cereal, banned at his university’s cafeteria by saying it was racist. He filmed it too and the university staff bought it.

  20. Cursor_ says:

    McCullough I would be more incensed that your name means son of a boar if I were you.


  21. McCullough says:

    #20. Huh, you’re right. Oh well, if you only knew my Dad. He is a little pig-headed.

  22. Paddy says:

    This illustrates a BIG problem…

    People are so obsessed with being busy-bodies into other people’s actions – they’ve forgotten to take care of their own responsibilities.

    Green = trees = mint = Ireland = grass – get over it.

  23. Pwuk says:

    Jaysus Mary and fekkin Joseph

  24. gildersleeve says:

    If you wanted to make it a real Irish combo mean, include the shamrock shake and leave out the fries.

  25. admfubar says:

    if you want racial stereotypes take a look at the kia soul commercial, the one with the hamsters, are they saying that inner city people are rodents?

    and for that matter is a kia soul slightly better than a toaster or cardboard box to drive around in? idle prying minds wanna know who put that commercial together and who approved it?

  26. Just Looking says:

    The title is a joke to say:
    If it was an Afrimocha shake and drinking it turned you into a black man with a leaf loin cloth and war-painted face holding a spear… It would be racist and protested
    If it was Cinco De Mayo Brown shake and drinking it turned you into a short brown man who couldn’t speak English and worked in a field picking tomatoes… It would be racist and protested
    If it was a Rainbow shake and drinking it turned you into a skinny guy with nice hair getting F’d in the A… It would be protested
    Anything that promotes any stereotype (other then white people stereotypes) is racist and should be protested

  27. bobbo, like most lefties, continuing to think clearly says:

    Just Keep Looking==second post of yours I have noticed and as equally nonsensical as the last. Leprechauns are white people Willis. You almost did have it right, just got lost in an overly long idea.

    Ha, ha. Stupid racist Puke.

  28. Harry says:

    I once worked at McDonalds for $1.00 an hour, now that is abuse.

  29. Rick says:

    What’s more troubling is McDonald’s can create an entire ad campaign based on adding 3 drops of food coloring to a shake.

  30. Donal says:

    I agree with #28!

    If they ran it now, “Erin go bragh” would be considered as supporting terrorist activities.

    Eire go bragh! (the slightly more proper way to say it.)


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